Resurrected Power Metal Thread

1928 lent me the two new Avantasia albums, and with The Wicked Symphony, I have to ask... did Tobi just decide to write two kickass songs, then call it a day and go home? The first two tracks are completely awesome, then it turns into a snoozefest.

... okay Dying for an Angel is alright, but the first two tracks are SO GOOD.
axenstar is a terribly generic band that does not deserve any credit imo

couldn't disagree more.
Axenstar are my fav power metal band. these swedes burn shit up.

other favs currently:
airged l'amh
orden orgen

don't like:
blind guardian
iron maiden
Been listening to Heavens Gate quite a lot lately. Really love these guys... Livin' In Hysteria and Hell For Sale! are two of my favorite power metal albums. (okay, its that old school heavy metal that borders on power metal, you know)
here is a catchy, poppy, cheesy as fuck modern metal song that reminds me of that avantasia single that came out a year or two ago. very effective in its simplicity but gets old fast.

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their first record sucks but easton hope is good. they need to ditch the singer though, he voice cracks a lot which is awfully annoying and a signal that he cant hack it. he cant handle the job.

I don't think his voice cracks. It sounds to me like he strains intentionally, which is equally annoying, but not a sign of incompetence. In "All These Dark Years" he sounds fucking incredible, and that's possibly the most important vocal performance on the record (in my opinion).

Im not sure about that band.
I hear good parts, but it doesnt cross the line of badassery for me.

Krig, if you can track it down, listen to the song "The Black Heart" from Easton Hope. I've tried multiple times to upload it to youtube so I could post it here, but I'm a Luddite when it comes to altering file formats n' shit.
I don't think his voice cracks. It sounds to me like he strains intentionally, which is equally annoying, but not a sign of incompetence. In "All These Dark Years" he sounds fucking incredible, and that's possibly the most important vocal performance on the record (in my opinion).

I think, vocally, the most 'important' is the title track, which is almost ruined completely by his voice strain at 3:24 and at 3:28. Whether or not he does it intentionally is up to debate. I SINCERELY hope he doesn't deploy it as a sort of enhancement device. It sounds fucking awful.

That being said, the melodies he actually sings, often times, sound great. 5:15 onwards is particularly nice, but again his voice just sounds so scratchy there too.

Ditch the guy.
That Little Drops Of Heaven song is totally stuck in my head right now. Very formulaic but damn catchy. I honestly don't mind the style, which could be dubbed "Bon Jovi Metal."
Thought I'd post something in the power metal thread before it drops off the edge of the GMD planet...

Quite enjoying Opera Magna's Poe at the moment. Pretty much ticks most of the boxes for my power metal criteria: Lots of overly fast songs with plenty of double bass abuse, moderate levels of cheese, lots of widdly widdly bits, finishes with a 10+ minute epic, contains no generic crap fantasy lyrics. So yeah, I like it.

Also quite like the new Crosswind album. Solid Power/Speed metal...

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