Resurrected Power Metal Thread

It's not that bad man lol

Anyways found this band today, fucking really good shit.

Here is a teaser.

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1928 gave me this album, but it's one of the first power-metal albums ever that's just... not grabbing me at all. I don't really like the vocals; there's no warmth at all. And you can barely hear the guitars... I love my double-bass drums, epic keyboards, and high-pitched vocals, but, um, you need at least a LITTLE guitar crunch?

Other people's thoughts?
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I like some of the 80s stuff (Omen, Stormwitch, Vicious Rumors, Crimson Glory, etc.) but never got into anything more recent.

I'm the pretty much the opposite, gonna check out a few of those bands though.

good news: new Angra album is out
bad news: it sucks

the production is atrocious. how can bands accept this kind of thing. its 2010 for fucks sake.

I've had a few listens so far, I don't mind it. Decent but not amazing. Perhaps leaning towards buying it rather than deleting it. What is making me consider deleting it out of spite is the stupid radio remix of Lease of Life. Like the song wasn't poppy enough already, so they had to cut it down from 4:33 to 3:47. Yuck. Don't really see too much wrong with the production though. Vocals do sound a bit weak. Dunno whether it's due to production or Edu getting old.

Here is a teaser.

Teaser sounds promising, might check this out too.

1928 gave me this album, but it's one of the first power-metal albums ever that's just... not grabbing me at all. I don't really like the vocals; there's no warmth at all. And you can barely hear the guitars... I love my double-bass drums, epic keyboards, and high-pitched vocals, but, um, you need at least a LITTLE guitar crunch?

Other people's thoughts?

Yeah, totally agree. Italian power metal bands seem to be the main offenders. So many times I've been checking out a new power metal band and sat there and sighed, thinking this could have been a really good album if they hadn't drowned the whole thing in fruity keyboard melodies and neutered the guitars. Keyboards in power metal can provide some fantastic 'uplifting' atmosphere or provide some great leads/melodies (eg Wolf and Raven, The Cage, Black Diamond), but can often easily ruin a good song.
Fucking love that album. Sucks that they disbanded after it. I thought Kelly Carpenter's vocal performance on that album was damn impressive and far better than his work with Beyond Twilight and Darkology. His replacement, Carlos Zema was pretty good, fairly Halfordish. Not as unique sounding as Carpenter though.

You don't happen to know if there's a copy of the Outworld 2008 demo floating around the net somewhere? I ripped the 4 songs off Myspace a couple of years back when they announced they were splitting, but they're fairly shite quality.
I thought the version of The Grey Tide/Concentration Camp on the 2006 demo was a bit better than the one on the album. The Hitler speech and the marching on the demo version gave it that little bit of extra oomph, but I can see why they took it out not wanting to be seen as a Nazi band or anything.

Managed to find one of the songs off the 2008 Demo on Youtube. Great song but fairly crap quality:

Might go Google what Cooley's up to these days.
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That is a pretty cool song. I dig the huge chorus. Thanks for posting that.

New Kamelot has leaked, first listen now. Nothing's jumping out immediately as being super fantastic. Sounds a bit overproduced too. Seems to suffer a bit of the same problem as the last few Kamelot albums, with decent songs and nice melodies but they just can't seem to kick it up a gear and really rock the shit outta stuff enough. The 4 part song Poetry for the Poisoned is somewhat good, wish they didn't split into four parts though. Sim Sim makes the usual guest vocal appearance of course. Bonus instrumental Thespian Drama is pretty good too.

New video:

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Definitely, after that era many bands became overly cheesy which gets a bit much.
That is a pretty cool song. I dig the huge chorus. Thanks for posting that.

New Kamelot has leaked, first listen now. Nothing's jumping out immediately as being super fantastic. Sounds a bit overproduced too. Seems to suffer a bit of the same problem as the last few Kamelot albums, with decent songs and nice melodies but they just can't seem to kick it up a gear and really rock the shit outta stuff enough. The 4 part song Poetry for the Poisoned is somewhat good, wish they didn't split into four parts though. Sim Sim makes the usual guest vocal appearance of course. Bonus instrumental Thespian Drama is pretty good too.

New video:

I'll have to say Hunter's Season is the only track that stands out to me. With Gus G's solo in the song, it just makes it so epic.

I still think Ghost Opera is far superior to the new album though.