Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Can anyone recommend one or two albums on par with the Lost Horizon albums?

Stratovarius - Visions and Sonata Arctica - Reckoning Night are both examples of good keyboardy Euro Power Metal. Both benefit from not being quite as cheesy as some other bands in the genre and being free from annoying swords and dragons crap lyrics.

If you're after less flowery Euro Power:

I reckon Manticora are a great blend of the speedy, melodic Euro Power Metal and the more riff based, ballsier US style. No bad albums but Hyperion and The Black Circus pt 1 & 2 are probably their best:

Guardians of Time - Machines of Mental Design is also good.

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Well I downloaded it on-line from someone who presumably already had bought the album, so I don't see your point really?



But, just in case you are, when an album has a "watermark" like that, the album was was a stolen promotional copy for the album. Not the actual album itself.


But, just in case you are, when an album has a "watermark" like that, the album was was a stolen promotional copy for the album. Not the actual album itself.

Ok thanks I'll try download the real thing again then...
Where I live there's no metal scene, let alone promotional albums with annoying "watermarks" and such...
This is EXACTLY what I was talking about when I said American Power Metal sucks a lot! No choirs, no keyboards, no classical instrumentation, simplistic guitar riffs and drums, repetitive and almost annoying vocals, some good guitar solos but nothing better than what you would find on European power metal songs. It's almost like power metal that doesn't want to be power metal, but rather a bit like a toned-down version of traditional metal. In short: it's junk. ;)

Yeah, it doesn't have the things that made most Euro power metal shitty.

Also, sorry bro but most USPM took place in the 80s, so it's the real deal. While most Euro power metal bands were still playing with their toy dragons.
Except I don't listen to much extreme metal.

On a completely different topic, how good is Adramelch's 2005 album?
LOL this is going nowhere, I've already stated why I think European Power Metal rules and American Power Metal sucks, and if you disagree, then that's the beauty of individual minds. So let's just kick back and listen to some:

..all the while acknowledging the infinity superiority of European Power Metal ;)
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There is good european power metal (walls of jericho etc) but there isn't a huge amount of it.

Power metal that shows traditional metal influence is basically the best power metal.

Haha there's no way you coulda listened to it in the 1-minute time span between those two posts. It's actually got much harsher vocals than any of your precious American power metal that's been posted here, in case you hadn't noticed (of course you didn't, because you didn't listen to the song) :lol: Small-minded?
Haha there's no way you coulda listened to it in the 1-minute time span between those two posts. It's actually got much harsher vocals than any of your precious American power metal that's been posted here, in case you hadn't noticed (of course you didn't, because you didn't listen to the song) :lol: Small-minded?

I didn't listen to it because I've heard Rhapsody before, and it all sounds the same. Cheesy keyboards, lame choirs, etc.

Also, harsh vocals don't make bands good, so quit acting like a 13 year old.
Power metal that shows traditional metal influence is basically the best power metal.

That's exactly the problem that a lot of metalheads have, the inabillity to extend their creative conscience beyond certain "predefined metal boundaries". It's time to break out the narrow little music box your mind has been enslaved in for so long, lad.