Resurrected Power Metal Thread

What kind of metal you making? Influences?

Also, I'm going to borrow the Uneasy Conscious method of reviewing new albums:

good News: Kiske/Somerville album is out.
bad news: It SUCKS.

The rest of the album is about this bland. Kiske's voice has held up really well over the years though. I dunno who directed that clip but having him sit down on that case the whole time makes it look like he doesn't want to stand up because she's given him a boner.
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The first thirty seconds sucked ass... it did get better. Standard power metal I guess? I didnt hate it, but it didnt really grab me in any way.

So been going through my iced earth collection as of late... these two songs, I'll play just to hear the intros. granted damien is my favorite iced song anyway, songwise and lyrically

Nazarene, what can you offer?
Since the hour you vomited forth from the gaping womb of a woman
You have done nothing but drown men's soaring desires
In a delusion of sick sanctimonious morality
I was conceived of a jackal
Your pain on the cross was but a splinter compared to the agony of my father
I will drive deeper the thorns into your rancid carcass
You profaner of Isis
Cursed Nazarene
I will avenge thy torment

Now Disciples of the Watch
See your Prince of Darkness rise
Through famine and destruction
The Four Horsemen at my side
I demand a victory, I demand a sacrifice
Or spend all eternity
In the flaccid gut of Christ!

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What kind of metal you making? Influences?
It's a mixture of aggressive powermetal, and the fantasy euro style.
all speeds. a couple clean guitar parts.
Really long and epic stuff.
I really like the way shit is working out.
We are looking for a keyboard player. It's almost a must with the stuff we're playing.
No drummer yet. Just myself (singer) and two guitarists. I'll still write a guitar part here and there.
The first thirty seconds sucked ass... it did get better. Standard power metal I guess? I didnt hate it, but it didnt really grab me in any way.

I like the entire song, although the chorus is really what grabs me and shakes me around the most, I've listened to sooooo many power metal songs with lackluster choruses in my time that when one like this comes along, you sit up and take notice. The chorus is so powerful, epic and generally uplifting it can be stuck in my head for days afterwards, this song is anything but standard.
So been going through my iced earth collection as of late... these two songs, I'll play just to hear the intros. granted damien is my favorite iced song anyway, songwise and lyrically

This is why Americans shouldn't make power metal - they suck ass at doing it, I've never heard an American Power Metal band that came anywhere near to as good as European Power Metal. And what kind of shitty lyrics are those for a power metal song anyway? Leave the gore and anti-religious whining bullshit to black/death metal bands where it belongs.
Iced Earth are great,as are Jag Panzer,Metal Church ect.American Power Metal is totally different from most Euro stuff,it has balls,not as flowery as is the case with alot of the euro bands,it's pretty common knowledge amongst power metal afficionados.To say that American power metal is shit is fundamentally wrong.
Iced Earth are great,as are Jag Panzer,Metal Church ect.American Power Metal is totally different from most Euro stuff,it has balls,not as flowery as is the case with alot of the euro bands

Translation: American Power Metal is often simple, lacks fantasy elements and is generally boring.

Here is just one example of many as to why European Metal will always be better. American Power Metal can't touch this in terms of complexity, classical instrumentation, orchestral arrangements, guitar and keyboard solos, etc., not even close.

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Americans put the power into power metal,I don't believe anything you just said.I cannot stand most keyboard laden euro power metal,there's but a handful of flower metal bands I like whereas like I just said the American scene actually has balls,i'll take Iced Earth over that crap anyday.Anyway I don't really care you have your opinions.Give me the American scene over that cheesy shit any day.It seems you just said that because Krow did'nt have a high opinion of Freedom Call,I don't like them either.The only modern flower metal album I like is Fairylands-Of Wars In Osyrhia.:)
edit: haha I just clicked on your link and it's fucking Fairyland,what a coincidence.My pc's too slow atm to even see what song it is,which Fairyland song is it,I don't like their new album the production is way too overblown for my likings.Ah it's Ride With The Sun,good choice,that is a great album Rebirth is a nice ballad also,but one album for me does not redeem flower metal.Can anyone recommend one or two albums on par with the Lost Horizon albums?
Yeah I agree with you sfk. I generally just can't stand the over the top cheesy keyboard laced flowery nonsense Europe puts out. I'd much rather listen to Jag Panzer, Griffin, Manilla Road, Metal Church, Vicious Rumors, etc.

Power metal doesn't need to be as fruity as possible to be good, it just makes it worse.
Yeah mate even that one Fairyland album I actually like is way too much for regular spins,it's just too fruity,hell yeah mate Jag Panzer,Metal Church,Overlorde,Manilla Road,it's all so much better than that stuff.Funny how alot of people actually have different opinions on what PM actually is.There's not alot of power in that flowery euro stuff.
Yea, saying US power metal is bad is really... head scrath worthy.

Not that Europe doesnt have good bands, but most bands I like from there are German and dont really do that overly fruity, theatrical crap:

Running Wild
Iron Savior
Heaven's Gate

Edit: wait... he has a problem with american power metal because it isnt always about dragons and wizards. :lol:
What you call "flowery" or "fruity" I call powerful choruses sung by large choirs, huge incredibly beautiful and technically-complex guitar and keyboard solos, exquisitely-arranged orchestral components etc, all of which give the metal an epic otherworldly fantastical feel, which really what Power Metal is all about - if you want to listen to the relatively ordinary (and mostly boring) riffing and guitar-work on American power metal, you might as well just listen to ordinary metal anyway and not power metal.

You say American power metal puts the power into power metal, but there's not much that's as powerful as a full choir belting out an epic chorus or a lightning-fast and complicated keyboard or guitar solo scorching up a song, and American power metal doesn't have many of these.

At least great minds think alike on the first Fairyland album, Of Wars In Ossyrhia ;) It's certainly one of the best symphonic power metal albums I have ever heard, I like every single song on that album and picking favorites would be very difficult.

I thought the second album wasn't as good as the first, it has some good songs (such as Walls of Lamnil), but the tunes weren't as epic and the choirs sounded a bit washed-out, while the keyboards weren't emphasized enough (they reigned supreme on the first album) and the drums were emphasized too much and were rather annoying and clanky.

I think the third album, A Score to a New Beginning, is brilliant and definitely a return to form in the same vein as the first album, however I do have a big problem with it as well. The way the chick with a bad accent abruptly cuts in on most of the songs (and sometimes more than once) to say "You're listening to Fairyland's new album "A Score to a New Beginning"' annoys the hell out of me so much, the way it breaks the harmony of the song and leaves you anticipating in terror of when it's going to happen again enrages me so much that the album is almost unlistenable to me now :Shedevil: I mean WTF were they thinking when they did that? I can understand doing it on one song, but on several songs and often more than once is just lunacy, they completely butchered a perfectly good album grrrrrr :yuk:
Wow, that was cheesy as hell, and is no way more complex then

two popular US power metal albums.

This is EXACTLY what I was talking about when I said American Power Metal sucks a lot! No choirs, no keyboards, no classical instrumentation, simplistic guitar riffs and drums, repetitive and almost annoying vocals, some good guitar solos but nothing better than what you would find on European power metal songs. It's almost like power metal that doesn't want to be power metal, but rather a bit like a toned-down version of traditional metal. In short: it's junk. ;)