Resurrected Power Metal Thread

I don't actually hate rhapsody and euro power metal btw, I listen to it occasionally, but I think it's hardly a good example of a metal sub genre that's full of originality and unique bands anyway. A lot of the bands seem to be clones.
I didn't listen to it because I've heard Rhapsody before, and it all sounds the same. Cheesy keyboards, lame choirs, etc.

Also, harsh vocals don't make bands good, so quit acting like a 13 year old.

Haha that's childish thinking right there, even bands you consider "bad" can still have "good" songs as well as evolve positively over time (Rhapsody have have been around forever and that's their newest album), are you really so naive as to not know this, at least I took the time to listen to those songs posted earlier before offering my opinion, you've got your musical mind so boxed in and wrapped up just like I described earlier.

Also, earlier the argument was revolving around some silly concepts of American Power metal being more "ballsy" therefore "better", so don't harsher vocals also make music more "ballsy"? Just using your own twisted logic here really.:lol:
I knew the song would be filled with characteristics I don't like, so that's why I didn't listen to it. Just to prove you wrong though, I did listen to it after, and I was right, I didn't enjoy it.

Harsh vocals don't make bands ballsy, but you wouldn't understand.
I don't actually hate rhapsody and euro power metal btw, I listen to it occasionally, but I think it's hardly a good example of a metal sub genre that's full of originality and unique bands anyway. A lot of the bands seem to be clones.

In American Power Metal the clone issue is far more apparent in my opinion. It really does all mostly sound the same, but there's a world of difference - for example - between bands like Rhapsody Of Fire, Fairyland, and Blind Guardian, they're all great in their own unique way. :cool:
Harsh vocals don't make bands ballsy, but you wouldn't understand.

That was the ridiculous implication made earlier though, that bands that sound more manly and masculine (more ballsy) are somehow better, therefore American power metal is better. What a joke... :lol:
You just cant get the fuck over it when someone doesnt like something you do. That's not "talking passionately."
You just cant get the fuck over it when someone doesnt like something you do. That's not "talking passionately."

yeah pretty much this. you don't need to type up a bunch of paragraphs about how the music you like is beautiful and complex every time someone disagrees.
you don't need to type up a bunch of paragraphs about how the music you like is beautiful and complex every time someone disagrees.

That's strange, I thought these were forums to discuss the music we like, was I mistaken? I could always just fire off cheap one-line insults instead, would that be preferable? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
It's fine if you want to discuss the music, but you always seem to get upset when people don't like the same music you do.

Oh and Rainbow does keyboard solos a million times better then any Euro band.
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It's fine if you want to discuss the music, but you always seem to get upset when people don't like the same music you do.

I haven't got upset once in this entire thread, show me one place where I insulted someone or made an angry comment. All my discussion here has been in a calm and measured tone and in a reasonable and logical manner.
Stratovarus - Visions and Sonata Arctica - Reckoning Night are both examples of good keyboardy Euro Power Metal. Both benefit from not being quite as cheesy as some other bands in the genre and being free from annoying swords and dragons crap lyrics.

If you're after less flowery Euro Power:

I reckon Manticora are a great blend of the speedy, melodic Euro Power Metal and the more riff based, ballsier US style. No bad albums but Hyperion and The Black Circus pt 1 & 2 are probably their best:

Guardians of Time - Machines of Mental Design is also good.

Ok thanx mate.i'll check those out.