Resurrected Power Metal Thread

going off on a big butthurt tirade about why some other genre or band sucks as if that somehow justifies your music tastes.

I never went off on any big raging tirade or anything like that, everything I said was in a balanced, logical tone without anger. I'm sure we would all mostly agree that more open-mindedness and less elitism in metal (and music in general) would be a positive thing, and attempting to encourage this shouldn't be dissuaded.
Here's where I lose something in translation with you. When I want to listen to something to "chill out," I dont look to metal at all. I go for shoegaze, post rock/punk/hardcore, stoner rock... something along those lines.

Metal isnt really something I find soothing or something I want to listen to as I'm "chilling out."

"Chilling out" still means getting high right? :lol:

I generally find a lot of non-metal stuff too simple and boring even to "chill out" to, even in an altered state of mind (I once went to a hip hop club all night and got smashed drunk and still couldn't enjoy the music), although sometimes if I wanna be really chilled I'll listen to classical music like Vivaldi, Verdi, Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss, etc. but I mostly stick to Symphonic Power Metal in "chill-out mood", the more epic the better.
Krig, those are big shoes to fill!

I have a hard time taking Tony Kakko seriously because he is so silly. I know image is supposed to be secondary to musical output and hard work, but the man wears fishnet tights on his arms and wears his own band's wolf shirts onstage. Silliness aside I still prefer Heiman, but IMO LH and SA are apples and oranges and SA is a "silly" band.

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica!
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself! I'm a replica of me.

I love how his grammar is always just slightly awkward.
Here's where I lose something in translation with you. When I want to listen to something to "chill out," I dont look to metal at all. I go for shoegaze, post rock/punk/hardcore, stoner rock... something along those lines.

Metal isnt really something I find soothing or something I want to listen to as I'm "chilling out."

"Chilling out" still means getting high right? :lol:

I wouldn't exactly consider hardcore "chill out" music.
Or punk for that matter.

I love how his grammar is always just slightly awkward.

He's a great storyteller though. He's definitely one of my favorite lyricists who isn't a native English speaker. I think Eric Ravn form Wuthering Heights might be a bit better though. Salt had fantastic lyrics. Shadow Cabinet wasn't bad too, a little bit too doom-and-gloom and woe-is-me at times, but still fairly clever overall. Lots of Walkyieresque plays on words.

Kiske. I dunno if he counts anymore, but sometimes you can't beat the original.

He still sounds pretty good these days, it's a pity he's doing such bland material. That Somerville collaboration was pretty dull. Past in Different Ways sounded decent, but I knew it would be something I'd listen to once out of curiosity and then never listen to again.

I have a hard time taking Tony Kakko seriously because he is so silly. I know image is supposed to be secondary to musical output and hard work, but the man wears fishnet tights on his arms and wears his own band's wolf shirts onstage.

Yeah he does tend to take to stage in what appears to be half kids pajamas and half bondage gear at times. But is that really any sillier than painting blue stripes on your bald head and going on stage in a cape? Sure that's in the 'That's so stupidly Metal it's awesome,' subcategory of silliness, (pioneered by Manowar of course), but still silly nonetheless.
Do you think newer Therion fits into the Power Metal category? It certainly is epic as hell:

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This sounds promising. Deris' vocals still sound horribly processed at times, but I guess that's to be expected. It doesn't sound like there's the usual goofy song so that's good. Long live the King sounds awesome, nice thrashy riff work. It's been a reasonably good year for power metal, especially since the last few years kind of sucked.
Do you think newer Therion fits into the Power Metal category? It certainly is epic as hell:

I absolutely love the latest offering from Therion,I know alot of older Therion fans don't appreciate it but I do consider it awesome PM,probably my favourite PM since the Lost Horizon albums,Gothic Kabbalah has some amazingly bombastic moments and it makes me froth at the mouth in anticipation for their new one to come out.
I absolutely love the latest offering from Therion,I know alot of older Therion fans don't appreciate it but I do consider it awesome PM,probably my favourite PM since the Lost Horizon albums,Gothic Kabbalah has some amazingly bombastic moments and it makes me froth at the mouth in anticipation for their new one to come out.

What's your favorite song on Gothic Kabbbalah? I like all the songs but Son Of The Staves Of Time is a personal favorite as well as the 12 minute song whose name I can't spell, hehe :p
I really love the whole album but a few that stand out for me are Trul,Tuna 1613,Gothic Kabbalah and Son Of The Staves of time...i'm really hoping the next one is going to be along similar lines.:cool: