Resurrected Power Metal Thread

I like the "goofy" Helloween songs. Well, most of them.

Some pretty thrashy power metal going on there, which is actually good, 'cause it fits Deris' voice better. He actually has a bit of a Mustaine-esque sneer going on at times, never noticed that before.

Pure power metal of the most melodic type takes a cleaner voice than Deris has, so making it a bit crunchier is Helloween embracing what they've got.
I find them really hit or miss and I have no idea what exactly makes me feel that way. I really like Mrs God and Rise and Fall but strongly dislike Can Do It and Secret Alibi, for example. I definitely agree that Deris' voice is better suited to heavier material though.

New Blind Guardian has also grown on me. At first I was a bit underwhelmed, but the first and last songs kick arse, the massive choruses in both are great. The other songs are mostly quite good too. Probably the same level as the ANATO stuff (excluding And Then There Was Silence, because that song's better than almost everything). But overall way better than ATITM. I really like the first ballad Curse My Name, but not such a fan of the second, War of Thrones.
Yeah it's a good listen, not quite as good as the "Opera" or "Middle-Earth" albums but close. "A Voice in the Dark" is a pretty fun song as well. Long live Blind Guardian! :kickass:
Everything until Nightfall is fucking awesome.

although somewhere far beyond is probably my favorite album.

god damn time what is time's chorus is awesome.
1. And Then There Was Silence
2. Another Holy War
3. Mirror Mirror

Although #2 and 3 could be swapped by Battalions, Valhalla, Majesty, Imaginations... etc depending on mood.
It's pretty good. The music is better though. I don't especially care for their later work however.