Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Can anyone recommend one or two albums on par with the Lost Horizon albums?
Nothing comes close.
Fairyland blows. It's such pussy shit.

Hey krig, give us an update on your band you power metal playing coprophiliac.
not much to update. We are working on 3 songs right now. Stuff isnt simple, so it's taking a while. Which is perfectly fine with us.
We've only been doing this for less than 2 months.
That's exactly the problem that a lot of metalheads have, the inabillity to extend their creative conscience beyond certain "predefined metal boundaries". It's time to break out the narrow little music box your mind has been enslaved in for so long, lad.

Try not to write off a whole subgenre of metal and then proceed to tell everyone else how small minded they are. It just makes you look silly. Especially when you say things like:

And what kind of shitty lyrics are those for a power metal song anyway? Leave the gore and anti-religious whining bullshit to black/death metal bands where it belongs.

If that's not putting something into "predefined metal boundaries" then I don't know what is.
Power metal, whether European or American, Stratovarius to Jag Panzer, is the epic music of the motherfucking gods.

And all these songs posted are awesome.

That's right.


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It's a mixture of aggressive powermetal, and the fantasy euro style.
all speeds. a couple clean guitar parts.
Really long and epic stuff.
I really like the way shit is working out.
We are looking for a keyboard player. It's almost a must with the stuff we're playing.
No drummer yet. Just myself (singer) and two guitarists. I'll still write a guitar part here and there.

So... Pyramaze Lance King-era worship? ;)


God, Powerwolf is fucking awesome. Haven't listened to them in a while now.

Fairyland fucking rules, their newest album was amazing.

Yeah, it's better than their previous efforts, in my opinion.

And as far as this debate about which is better power metal (U.S. or Euro), it's stupid because they both have gold to offer and they both have utter shite.

But European power metal does have its dark side (yeah, you all guessed it, I'm posting Kiuas; thought this Nocturnal person might like them):

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Try not to write off a whole subgenre of metal and then proceed to tell everyone else how small minded they are. It just makes you look silly. Especially when you say things like:

If that's not putting something into "predefined metal boundaries" then I don't know what is.

Do you really want to debate the fact that a lot of metalheads will automatically label a song as "gay" or "flowery" or whatever idiotic term they come up with in an attempt to bolster their miniscule self-esteem/masculinity (for example, just look at the mindless blathering of Krigloch the furious earlier) when they are told that a metal song contains keyboards, choirs, or orchestras - it's a bit like the narrow-mindedness of pop metal fans who automatically label any song with shouting/screaming in it "crap", but in reverse. I'm not necessarily proposing that metal fans listen to symphonic power metal as a music staple but it is true that at times you can get get tired of the constant "aggro metal" (and visa versa if you like melodic metal), and at times like this stuff like Fairyland etc. can really be a good "chill-out" listening experience.

Let me clarify what I said about the lyrics. I'm definitely not saying that power metal that doesn't have fantasy lyrics can't be good, but a song about mutilating corpses and bodily functions is definitely out of place, in my opinion. If I want to listen to darker and/or more grotesque songs then I'll listen to some of the heavier bands that I like, but as I already said, when I listen to power metal I want to chill out and create an epic, fantasy-like atmosphere, and songs that make me almost feel like throwing up certainly don't get the job done. Here's an example of a song that doesn't have fantasy lyrics but still still sounds epic:

Stop assuming that people have to be expected to not trash a band if they don't like it. Seriously, why do you care so much?
hahahahaha Sonata and Fairyland are so damn pussy. Fairyland actually plays "good" songs though. Just cant stand the style.
Sonata is just terrible.
Maybe the worst powermetal band behind Dragonforce.
Their singer might be the pussiest singer in PM
At least Rhapsody, old Heavenly, Gamma Ray, and many others are actually good.
So... Pyramaze Lance King-era worship? ;)
I have no idea what I sound like yet. My guitar player said I sounded like Ben Sotto from Heavenly. But I also throw in a tad of Dave Mustaine.
(this is just from two guitarists and myself sitting in my living room with practice amps writing stuff)

Heavenly's vocalist atleast onthe full length Iheard was awful.
really what album? On Sign of the Winner and Dust to Dust he is top notch.
Like Kai Hansen, but more.
Dude don't talk shit about Tony Kakko, he can sing, he just chooses to cover "My Heart Will Go On" instead of anything awesome.

Daniel Heiman is the best power metal singer period

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Daniel Heiman is the best power metal singer period

While we're talking Sonata and Lost Horizon, I'm going to post a controversial Power Metal opinion here and say that overall:

Tony Kakko > Daniel Heiman

Sure Daniel Heiman technically far superior, his screams are obviously way better than anyone else's and has way better range and all that. I'm just not quite as big of a fan of his tone in his normal singing voice. It's certainly not bad by any means, I just prefer Kakko's. I think Kakko manages to emote a bit better than Heiman, that's probably why he gets my vote.

And how the hell can Lisicki have not found a singer for LH by now? Surely there's someone, somewhere in the world that's up to the task. Krigloch, you're a power metal singer, you do it. Go and join Lost Horizon and get the new album out for us.
Do you really want to debate the fact that a lot of metalheads will automatically label a song as "gay" or "flowery" or whatever idiotic term they come up... etc

Of course that happens but does it really matter? I've been into power metal for something like 8 years and if I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say it was lame or faggy or fruity I'd be a zillionaire by now. But who cares? Not me. It's not going to change my listening habits.

If someone doesn't like a band or style of music you like, by all means reply as to why you like it, and maybe it might make them at least understand what you see in it. But if they still think it sucks then there's no need to keep going on about it, or worse still, going off on a big butthurt tirade about why some other genre or band sucks as if that somehow justifies your music tastes.

Just accept that different people like different shit, and move on.
when I listen to power metal I want to chill out and create an epic, fantasy-like atmosphere, and songs that make me almost feel like throwing up certainly don't get the job done.

Here's where I lose something in translation with you. When I want to listen to something to "chill out," I dont look to metal at all. I go for shoegaze, post rock/punk/hardcore, stoner rock... something along those lines.

Metal isnt really something I find soothing or something I want to listen to as I'm "chilling out."

"Chilling out" still means getting high right? :lol:
While we're talking Sonata and Lost Horizon, I'm going to post a controversial Power Metal opinion here and say that overall:

Tony Kakko > Daniel Heiman

Sure Daniel Heiman technically far superior, his screams are obviously way better than anyone else's and has way better range and all that. I'm just not quite as big of a fan of his tone in his normal singing voice. It's certainly not bad by any means, I just prefer Kakko's. I think Kakko manages to emote a bit better than Heiman, that's probably why he gets my vote.

I'll give you the emotion, but it doesn't quite beat Heiman's range for me. (And these days, Kakko has sunk into a low-tenor comfort zone that feels dull in comparison to Ecliptica days.)

Still, guess who has both emotion and range (and color and warmth, something really missing from a lot of modern power-metal vocalists)? Kiske. I dunno if he counts anymore, but sometimes you can't beat the original.

Waiting on the Lost Horizon singer, waiting on the DragonForce singer... there's so many good PM vocalists out there, you'd think it'd be a cinch. (Of course, somehow the best Helloween could do was Andi Deris...)

Oh, and for pure originality, I have to drop a mention for Stu Block. He's not a power-metal vocalist, but his clean vocals would rank with any established one, and he can rip out killer snarls, growls and screams, too.
While we're talking Sonata and Lost Horizon, I'm going to post a controversial Power Metal opinion here and say that overall:

Tony Kakko > Daniel Heiman

Sure Daniel Heiman technically far superior, his screams are obviously way better than anyone else's and has way better range and all that. I'm just not quite as big of a fan of his tone in his normal singing voice. It's certainly not bad by any means, I just prefer Kakko's. I think Kakko manages to emote a bit better than Heiman, that's probably why he gets my vote.

And how the hell can Lisicki have not found a singer for LH by now? Surely there's someone, somewhere in the world that's up to the task. Krigloch, you're a power metal singer, you do it. Go and join Lost Horizon and get the new album out for us.

Krig, those are big shoes to fill!

I have a hard time taking Tony Kakko seriously because he is so silly. I know image is supposed to be secondary to musical output and hard work, but the man wears fishnet tights on his arms and wears his own band's wolf shirts onstage. Silliness aside I still prefer Heiman, but IMO LH and SA are apples and oranges and SA is a "silly" band.