Discuss the badass quality of the following track. Falconer's debut album.
Never got into Falconer from the few songs I heard. I might go check out that album.
I have just got the Thaurorod`s debut album, and I think it is good, works for me.
I like it. Thanks for posting that. Pathfinder were a bit too Dragonforcey though. Even their logo looks very similar.
I'll just leave this here.
"Resurrection by erection
Raise you phallus to the sky and you never die"
"God gave you carnal lust
So pray to get a hard on
Before we turn to dust"
"Resurrection by erection
When you wake up from the dead and the angels give a head

They are coming here in Decemeber, already bought my ticket. That shit will be insanely epic. Anyone had the privilage of seeeing BG live before?
They only did 2 shows in Melbourne when they came to Aus last time, so I missed them. Hopefully they'll come to Brisbane and Sydney on this tour.
Did anyone else think Hansi's performance on the ITtLG DVD was a bit weak? He didn't do his harsh vocals enough (especially in 'Imaginations...'), and his stage presence was fairly lacking. He also looked a bit lost and didn't really know how to move around the stage a lot of the time. He seemed a lot more comfortable in older gigs when he was just playing bass and standing behind the mic. Still a good DVD though. Perhaps he's just more suited to a smaller stage.