Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Discuss the badass quality of the following track. Falconer's debut album.

Never got into Falconer from the few songs I heard. I might go check out that album.

I have just got the Thaurorod`s debut album, and I think it is good, works for me.

I like it. Thanks for posting that. Pathfinder were a bit too Dragonforcey though. Even their logo looks very similar.

I'll just leave this here.

"Resurrection by erection
Raise you phallus to the sky and you never die"

"God gave you carnal lust
So pray to get a hard on
Before we turn to dust"

"Resurrection by erection
When you wake up from the dead and the angels give a head


They are coming here in Decemeber, already bought my ticket. That shit will be insanely epic. Anyone had the privilage of seeeing BG live before?

They only did 2 shows in Melbourne when they came to Aus last time, so I missed them. Hopefully they'll come to Brisbane and Sydney on this tour.

Did anyone else think Hansi's performance on the ITtLG DVD was a bit weak? He didn't do his harsh vocals enough (especially in 'Imaginations...'), and his stage presence was fairly lacking. He also looked a bit lost and didn't really know how to move around the stage a lot of the time. He seemed a lot more comfortable in older gigs when he was just playing bass and standing behind the mic. Still a good DVD though. Perhaps he's just more suited to a smaller stage.
"We Are Pirates" is good (albeit a blatant Running Wild homage), but it isn't consistent with the rest of Easton Hope, which I find disappointing. It would have been great as a bonus track, but instead they stick it right in the middle of an awesome concept album, and it really ruins the flow.
I thought the harsh side of his vocals was also somewhat lacking in the most recent album...

I don't really mind the lack of harsh vocals on their later studio albums. I was more annoyed by the fact he didn't always reproduce the harsh vocals live as they are on the albums. The studio versions of Imaginations from the Other Side and Another Holy War, for example are considerably better than the live versions because of the more extensive use of those distinctive screams.

My copy of Manticora - Safe arrived yesterday. First listen I was pretty disappointed, it seems as though they've traded intricacy and interesting concepts/lyrics for extra heaviness and generic whiny lyrics. Lars sounds better than ever and there's some quite good lead guitar work on there though. The next few listens were a bit better; it's not a bad album, just not up to the high standard of their past albums. I'll see if it grows on me.

Also quite liking Requiem's second album. I got the first album years ago but it didn't really grab me, second album is a bit better though.

Also, I don't mind this Zonata album, but the intro keyboard bit sounds A LOT like something else from some other song but I can't for the life of me think of what it is. Anyone else know? It's driving me mad!

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I don't really mind the lack of harsh vocals on their later studio albums.

I mind a lot though, I always felt those harsh vocals added so much extra passion and emotion to the songs, one of the aspects that truly separated Blind Guardian from the hordes of other power metal bands out there. Without this vocal distinction the newer songs are definitely much more lacking in feeling than the heart-felt older ones. Choirs are great fun, but even more fun when off-set by a singer who actually sounds like he cares what he's singing about...
Also, I don't mind this Zonata album, but the intro keyboard bit sounds A LOT like something else from some other song but I can't for the life of me think of what it is. Anyone else know? It's driving me mad!

Figured it out. Last bit of (about 8:03 mark) of Lost Horizon's Lost in the Depths of Me. I thought it was Heavenly for some reason. It's really quite similar. AFttGB came out in 2003. That Zonata album, 2001. Both Swedish bands. Stolen riff or just a coincidence?

Also, first 10 seconds of this had me thinking, 'Uh-Oh, where is this going?' Then it gets pretty good. Almost blast beats too! Looking forward to the album.
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God, Reign of Terror is so fucking badass. LIBER SCRIPTUS, LIBER PROFERETUR

Totally Amen to that, I was pretty shocked that after such a long career they could still come back and blow me away with the greatest song they have ever made on their most recent album. :kickass::kickass::kickass:
I have really been digging Blind Guardian lately. Nightfall, Edge of Time, Twist in the Myth...I love it all. So fucking epic.

Ordered a couple Kiuas CD's based on this thread...hope it doesn't disappoint! I also have a couple Keldian CD's idea if they're any good, any opinions here?
Kiuas is one of the best current power metal bands.

Keldian is great, albeit insanely cheesy. Great vocals.

EDIT: curiosity, which Kiuas cds did you buy? Their first two are by far their best.