Resurrected Power Metal Thread

In all Honesty, there sound sounds alot clearer on Ultra Beatdown then "Sonic Firestorm", & "Inhuman Rampage".

But that's just me, I just prefer the solos on Ultra Beatdown, they just sound more complex, but whatever. I'm not a fanboy or anything. I just like the speed and the solos. I could give 2 shits about the vocals, cause I think the lyrics suck hard...

Soldiers Of The Wasteland is ftw...everything else...blargh.

That is my fav song, it rapes.
If anything, Inhuman Rampage is more inaccessible (with the harder drum sound and backing screams) than Sonic Firestorm (with the ludicrously melodic sound).

not saying this was done for this purpose, but just wanted to point out, America loves things in heavy metal that are br00tal and teh agggrsssivve and TEH HAEVY and GROWWWLLLLLZZZZZ about 323646246234 times more than extremely melodic in that, I think those parts make it more accessible in some ways.
this is currently kicking my ass


For fans of classy power metal like queensryche, lethal, jag panzer, etc.

The review at the metal-archives is spot on
Is the Ultra-Beatdown better than Inhuman Rampage or even worth getting?

Yes It's better. If you get the bonus edition, there's 3 songs bonus. One of them is called Strike Of The Ninja. It's a way different song from what they usually play and it's actually decent.
Yes It's better. If you get the bonus edition, there's 3 songs bonus. One of them is called Strike Of The Ninja. It's a way different song from what they usually play and it's actually decent.

I'll have to check it out, I've only heard Sonic Firestorm and Inhuman Rampage from them.

EDIT: I lied I heard Valley of the Damned not Firestorm.
talking about Dragnforce is a complete waste of time, while there are bands like Wuthering Heights, Falcner or Pharaoh out there, which produce highest quality releases
I will say this: Power Metal shows are always really good, at least the ones I have been to. This music puts out really good energy. I don't even think there are any power metal shows on the books for coming around here.