Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Here goes my mandatory *BUMP* for Angra. If you haven't heard of them, here they are. Amazing Power Metal from Brazil.

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Does anyone else feel that Angra are irredeemably mediocre and representative of everything bad about European power metal? Not to be a hater or anything, but when people start talking about how Euro power metal is limp-wristed faggot stuff and I start defending it and they bring up Angra I kind of have to concede.
When they had Bon Scott, they were a better quality band than they are when they replaced him. But other stuff Bon Scott was apart of seems more worthwhile.
I'd see 'em just to see 'em but i'm not the biggest fan either
But Back in Black was in constant play when i was like 9/10 and they were one of those stepping stone bands into heavier stuff so i gotta give 'em some props

But as for power metal...

Fairyland's latest cd is fucking amazing
Sure Angra may be cheesy but lets say at the very least they are... decent? Thats a good conclusion I think. I can't find them to be sub-par, not at all. We can all say they can be enjoyable every now and then. And I'll admit I'm not much of a fan anymore but I still enjoy going back to them here and there.
You didnt have anything to say either. Just trying to seem cool on a metal forum by bashing one of the most popular bands on this earth....

Enough of that.

Hibria's first album is fucking MANLY. Is their second album anywhere near that plateau of awesome?