Review the last movie you saw thread

The Good Shepherd. If you ever want to know how to make a three-hour film in which absolutely nothing exciting happens, watch this. DeNiro, Damon, Jolie, William Hurt, Alec Baldwin, Joe Pesci... God this movie could have been amazing. But instead, it's long, boring, tedious and dull. Everyone except Pesci whispers their dialogue, Baldwin mumbles incomprehensibly and nothing happens. Nothing! Except a guy gets waterboarded and a chick gets thrown out of a plane. That's it.
watched Labyrinth yesterday at work (was allowed to brign my own copy in) and it's a still a fucking awesome film after all these years.
the visuals, puppetry and special effects still hold up against modern CGI and films.

Same with the Dark Crystal, which I watched on Saturday.
also found out that they are planning to make a sequel to the Dark Crystal, so hope it won't be awful.
but if it's been in pre-production for so long, it will either be awesome or shit (like how Hancock was shopped around for over 20 years and was a really shitty film).
Is this said film?


Decent cast - might have to check it out. If Eva Mendez is in the feather scene I certainly will.

I went to see Knowing the other night. It wasn't bad, but the supernatural stuff towards the end shit me a bit. I'm not a big fan of supernatural shit. I liked it up until it got that way though, and Rose Byrne goes well. It was interesting seeing bits of Melbourne in there, such as the museum and Southbank (it's set in the Boston).

Last night I watched The Texas Chain Saw Massacre again. Good film, but hell that hot blonde chick screams a lot!
Well she is being terrorised by cannibals. A lot of people complain about that, but it's what someone would do!

Watched Cloverfield the other night. Apart from all the "spot-the-influence" parts, I quite liked it. Also revisited Suspiria too. 'Nuff said. Natalie Portman is apparently doing the remake.
Well she is being terrorised by cannibals. A lot of people complain about that, but it's what someone would do!

Haha yeah true. It didn't make sense to scream constantly while running though. Screaming takes valuable oxygen; if she'd called me I could have told her that it's easier to run away from cannibals when you're not using your vocals cords.
When I'm being chased by homicidal maniacs I tend to laugh nervously - it's just a natural reaction that I have. Maybe it wouldn't have worked as well in a horror film.
just watched Arnie's 1987 film The Running Man and it still actually holds up very well (a part from a few things).

which makes me ask what we lost since the 80's for a good cheesy action film?
sure that they weren't all that great in terms of plot and acting but they kept you entertained and dragged you into their silliness, which they seem very aware of.

Running Man especially self-aware of this self & social satires -packing the most Arnie one liners into a single film- and having lots of references to TV (Killian is played by the guy who hosted Family Feud), music artists (Mick Fleetwood & Dweezel Zapper made appearances as members of the resistance) and even steriods in bodybuilding and previous Arnie films (Killian's bodyguard Sven is played by Sven-Ole Thorsen who appeared in 15 films with Arnie in minor or moderate roles).
All in all, it is a great piece of 80's action entertainment, up there with Predator, Bloodsport, Robocop and Conan. :rock: