Review the last movie you saw thread

Transformers: Rise of the fallen...

5 minutes in, and megan fox bent over the bike in the cut off jeans..........
from that moment on, I knew I was in for a great afternoon!
Two remakes:
Friday the 13th, don't bother with it unless you are bored.

Last House on the Left, get it, watch it, its worthy as far as remakes go. It has some great 70's throwbacks in style while bringing it up to date. Its been a long time since I've seen the original so I won't compare them now.
We picked up Stardust on DVD recently to check out since we missed it at the movies.

Surprisingly good! Very obviously a fairy tale movie and kind of a romantic film, but considering the tiny budget they had they did a great job and even had the original novel author's blessing for it too, which is always a good sign.

Recommended! :)
Oh yeah, Bruno was really funny. It's one I'll be watching again. That video he showed to the focus group was hilarious.
just watched Justice League: The New Frontier (animation) on Foxtel.

still brilliant.

it connects the golden age with the silver ages (the Golden Age of comics ending in the 50's and the Silver Age picking up in the late 50's) and brings in such characters of the Silver Age such as Hal Jordon/Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Wally west/Flash with the old Golden Age heroes such as Tom Strange, The Black Hawks (WW2 pilots) and the Challangers From Beyond as they battle a monstrous creature bent on destroying all of humanity, along side the Trinity of Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman.

if you like DC animations and just a good story, do recommend it.

it's on foxtel randomly, so check it out.
I never watch films on tv, but the other night Little Miss Sunshine was on, so I saw most of it. Good film - those beauty pageants for kiddies in the US make me sick.
I watched the following on the weekend:

The Reader - not as bad as I heard.
Milk - very good. A bit long, but the more I thought about it the more I realised what a great film it is. Sean Penn is awesome, and I've never been a fan.
Mad Max - never got around to seeing it before. Yes, I know. I thought it would be more post-apocalypty like the second one.
Not Quite Hollywood - documentary about the Australian exploitation cinema of the 70s and 80s. Lots of breasts and stuff. Excellent doco.
Mad Max 2 - never got around to seeing it before. Yes, I know.

And last night:

Into the Wild. Great film.
Just finished watching "The king of kong - A fistfull of quarters" on fox. The story of Steve Weibe and Billy Mitchell. 2 guys who are trying to prove that thier score is the highest on Donkey Kong.

Billy set the record back in 1985. Steve used donkey kong as a release from study and rejection from being layed off during the early part of the 2000's Steve played every day and discovered he was good.....damn good. So much so that he submitted a score to challange that of Billy's and tried to take the title. Lines were blurred, so a tournament was set up, winner take all!

I found myself cheering at every turn. the deception that people will go to when a world record is on the line.

One for those that spent there lunch money at the arcade on the way home.
Metal in Baghdad - fuck this is aweseome! If you havent seen it make sure you do. The band is now safe in the USA... as of Feb this year.... Hetfeild gave them a guitar on that fateful day....
GET THRASHED yeah great flick but now I'm feeling old and worried about having a stroke like Blitz!! Fuck it, I'll thrash til death!! Cross Me Fool!
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Saw a film called Eden is West this evening. It's about an illegal immigrant's journey through Greece and France. Pretty entertaining really. It had boobies too, which gets it bonus points. I went to a cinema in Elsternwick, which reminded me that I really should check out more of those lovely inner suburban cinemas that Melbourne has.