Review the last movie you saw thread

I'm going to try and watch at least 365 films in 2010. I don't know how successful I'll be, but I have 700 odd films in my DVD collection so it's not like I'll run out of things to watch. We shall see.
I've got one of those. Gives me ideas for using up my download allowance. :)

Are there any Kubrick box sets around?
Drag me to hell
I Sell the Dead
both oldschool from start to finish, credits included, a pleasure to watch!
Thanks Spiffo, I'll have to get hold of that when I'm back home.

There's a few of his films I still haven't seen, including Paths of Glory and Dr Strangelove. Must rectify that. What's Paths of Glory about again?
Last film I saw was Nine. Wish I'd known it was a musical, for I think musicals suck balls.

Before that I saw a film from China or somewhere called Forbidden Party. Not the nicest film. It was about a party where people ended up watching people be killed. I can't find anything about it online though.

And before that I saw Avatar 3D. I thought the visuals were excellent, but the story predictably predictable. As if he wasn't going to end up boning that chick.
I saw The Box the other night. I liked it for a while, but it got a bit silly later. I was thinking it looked like a Kubrick film, and even copied his liking for corridor shots, so I did a web search later and found that heaps of people called it a Kubrick knock off. Maybe I'm more perceptive than I thought. ;)

I was in the room while Twilight was on last week. What a pile of arse.
Avatar was somewhat subversive for such a mainstream film. Great visuals, not only were the effects cool, but the colours were pretty too.
I managed to watch 31 films in the first 31 days of the year, as I was planning. It's not all films I haven't seen before - I'd say two or three are repeat viewings. I don't get much time to watch films during the week so everything is on the weekends.

I like movies.