Review the last movie you saw thread

I saw Daybreakers at the cinema last night. I really enjoyed it, although it seemed to be conveying its substance with style rather than content, which I guess is ok. I thought some of the metaphors were a little transparent and clumsy.
Coraline is an awesome movie!

yet to watch it in 3D but don't go in for that kinda thing.

a highly recommended flick though, especially if you loved James & The Giant Peach, the Nightmare Before Christmas & The Corpse Bride :rock:
Actually, the more I think about it the less I like it. I still think Renner was great, but it reminded me of Saving Private Ryan in that when the guys aren't in danger of getting killed the film really loses momentum. Luckily that's only a small part of the film. I'd still give it a solid 4 stars. Some of the set pieces (the bombs in the car, the ambush) are awesome.
Some that I have seen lately:

This Is It - Quite good. The man was still in charge.
Choke - Was recommened to me and the guy said it was his film of the year last year... I struggled to get through it
The Reader - I liked this one. Was a bit..... weird and I have a major problem with one of the most important parts of the story but it will spoil it if I mention it.
Zodiac - Good movie. Really good. A bit frustrating but I liked it.... About the Zodiac Killer and the manhunt to find out who it was etc.
finally got around to my blu-ray of The Boat That Rocked after catching parts of it on Foxtel

fucking funny movie
the sound track is really good too
plus nice classic boobs (homage to the Electric Lady Land inlay I think)

would go into more but am too mind fucked too
but watch the deleted scenes, they have some very funny bits. especially how they deal with the rival pirate station and dealings with the unfortunately named minister's aid (as well as finding our Miss C's real name).
Last film viewed - THE ROAD - every bit as good as the book, read it first if you can. Hillcoat did an ace job staying true to the story and casting & performances also top notch. Didnt bother me he didnt include the baby roasting scene. The cannibal basement scene was enough to show the abhorent degeneration of some survivors.
last film I saw was the 2008 British film Franklyn

hard to describe so will just post the official blurb:
Split between the parallel realities of contemporary London and the otherworldly metropolis of Meanwhile City, Franklyn follows the tales of four characters. Jonathan Preest (Ryan Phillippe) is a masked vigilante who will not rest until he finds his nemesis, the Individual. Emilia (Eva Green) is a troubled young art student whose rebellion may turn out to be deadly.[1] Milo (Sam Riley) is a heartbroken twenty something yearning for the purity of first love. Peter (Bernard Hill) is a man steeped in religion, searching desperately for his missing son amongst London's homeless.

it's a film that has some incredible ideas and visuals but doesn't seem to be able to develop them (as well as the characters) but still it is very interesting and worth the time if you want to see something done differently and done for the most part pretty well.