Review the last movie you saw thread

just watched Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland & have to say off the bat that it is a very conventional film.

Not bad but lacks an adventurous, mischivious spirit that I wanted.
the voice acting is spot on -especially my ever faves Christopher Lee & Stephen Fry.
Worth the getting but still wanted a little more
I thought it was well done, much more mischeif and I think it would of totally negated the fact it is ment to be a kids movie, I think they took it as far as possible without over doing it
I thought it was well done, much more mischeif and I think it would of totally negated the fact it is ment to be a kids movie, I think they took it as far as possible without over doing it

meant more in that Mars Attacks vein or just to be a little different
also wanted much more back ground as to the current strife in Wonderland, what happened that made Alice forget and just more about the characters in general
I thought it was well done, much more mischeif and I think it would of totally negated the fact it is ment to be a kids movie, I think they took it as far as possible without over doing it
I totally agree and think most people that 'wanted more' would never be pleased because they set the bar too high in their mind when hearing that Burton was doing an Alice movie. It was good, move on.
Speaking of Johnny Depp... I saw him in Public Enemies the other night.
Him and Christian Bale. Story about John Dillinger (US bank robberer) and trying to catch him etc.

Not bad. Have seen many better 'gangster' films but this was pretty good.
Speaking of Johnny Depp... I saw him in Public Enemies the other night.
Him and Christian Bale. Story about John Dillinger (US bank robberer) and trying to catch him etc.

Not bad. Have seen many better 'gangster' films but this was pretty good.

interesting idea but the Dogma style (shakey free hand camera and such) was grating
chance to be excellent but fell short
I think calling a big-budget Michael Mann film "Dogma style" is a very big stretch.

I thought it was a solid film but I was waiting for it to finish. Could have been a lot better.
I think calling a big-budget Michael Mann film "Dogma style" is a very big stretch.

I thought it was a solid film but I was waiting for it to finish. Could have been a lot better.

meant dogma style filming
hand cam stuff shits me -especially if it is meant to be a big budget film from one of the most competent directors out there
I don't hate shakey camera, but I don't get it either. Is it supposed to make us feel like we are 'there'? I know my head doesn't generally shake about like that.
just watched the Japanese anime The Sky Crawlers by the guy who made Ghost In the Shell
so basically the plot is hard to really explain but it all comes down to the human condition and the notion of what is the price of peace
the film centres on a young pilot who comes to a small base in a European country (possibly England, never really stated) as part of the Rostock airforce fighting against another corporation
it's a film that slowly builds, leaves lots of space and silence and makes you think about what is going on, who the characters are and what the war is they are fighting and why

found it exceptionally interesting and well done
highly recommended to anime and art house film fans
flicking between Terminator: Salvation and Cadillac Records (the story of Muddy Waters and Chess Records, who helped bring Blues & Chuck Berry to the masses)

from what I've seen of T:S, it's pretty bland
made more so by the fact Christian Bale (when not screaming at people) got the director and writers to shoehorn in the whole John Conner part when the film originally was just about Marcus and Marcus learning about John before he eventually becomes him at the end in order to continue the Resistance

Cadillac Records is a more than basic bio-pic about Chess Records, Muddy Waters and how they helped shape popular music by bringing the Blues out of the South and onto mainstream radio (though played mainly in the "coloured" play periods)
they also helped launch the careers of Howlin' Wolf, Etta James and Chuck Berry
if you like the blues and music history, is a good watch