Satanic Metal Bands

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I stopped reading this thread after about 3 posts because I'm so fucking sick of seeing Stormwatch and VadimVon flame each other in every thread. If you want, give me your home addresses, I'll send you money for Greyhound bus tickets to Mexico, and you two can fight to the death south of the border where its legal. Or y'all can save me the trouble and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
I didn't mean for it to become some "flame war" with Stormwatch. I simply wrote yesterday that Yngwie is a more accomplished guitarist than Satriani or Vai, and this dude started with the offensive shit. Hey, if he can't take a smartass in jest, thats his own problem - I just kept on having fun with him for a while, responding at his stupid rantings(I think the dude might have been drunk) My opinion of Yngwie's playing over "Snatch's" still stands strong, and I guess if "Stoolwatch" can't handle reading something he doesn't agree with without lashing out about it, he's just a very immature little boy. This dude even started writing shit that put down my playing without ever even hearing any of my stuff. (His opinion on anyone playing a 7string guitar is that they must be a Korn or LimpBizkit fan) That's some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard!
The 7string was originally invented in my home country(Russia) a long time ago, waaaaaaaaaaaaay before Vai came up with those first 7string Ibanez Universes, and it has a long history. They weren't even introduced to the west before Vai brought them out in the late 80s, and Korn jumped on them in the 90s and gave the instrument a bad name. So, while trying to "defend" Vai, "Stoolwatch" actually offends Vai by his own ignorance and an undying need to "have the last word" in an argument about something he simply is fucking clueless about. So yes, I am the fucking SevenStringSerpent and damn proud of it.
ProjectedBlack said:
Their old drummer Bard Eithan killed the homo like said above. Stabbed him something like 20-30 times and probably never would've gotten caught if Varg Vikerness had not killed Aerseth Oystein.

Apparently Bard was in Dissection for a very short time but he found the band too Satanic for him and said he was unable to live up to it.

BTW, since it's on topic, what were the circumstances to Jon Nodtveidt committing murder? I don't know much about it.

I believe it was a homosexual pakistani that Jon killed
VadimVon said:
I didn't mean for it to become some "flame war" with Stormwatch. I simply wrote yesterday that Yngwie is a more accomplished guitarist than Satriani or Vai, and this dude started with the offensive shit. Hey, if he can't take a smartass in jest, thats his own problem - I just kept on having fun with him for a while, responding at his stupid rantings(I think the dude might have been drunk) My opinion of Yngwie's playing over "Snatch's" still stands strong, and I guess if "Stoolwatch" can't handle reading something he doesn't agree with without lashing out about it, he's just a very immature little boy. This dude even started writing shit that put down my playing without ever even hearing any of my stuff. (His opinion on anyone playing a 7string guitar is that they must be a Korn or LimpBizkit fan) That's some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard!
The 7string was originally invented in my home country(Russia) a long time ago, waaaaaaaaaaaaay before Vai came up with those first 7string Ibanez Universes, and it has a long history. They weren't even introduced to the west before Vai brought them out in the late 80s, and Korn jumped on them in the 90s and gave the instrument a bad name. So, while trying to "defend" Vai, "Stoolwatch" actually offends Vai by his own ignorance and an undying need to "have the last word" in an argument about something he simply is fucking clueless about. So yes, I am the fucking SevenStringSerpent and damn proud of it.

Ha ha. :tickled:
Zero Dude said:
I am not sure if they do rituals or not but Deicide seems Satanic to me.

Everything from Deicide's lyrics,live shows & music is a joke. From what I remember the Hoffman brothers admitted they were a gimmick band last year or something. I could tell without anyone saying anything anyways.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I stopped reading this thread after about 3 posts because I'm so fucking sick of seeing Stormwatch and VadimVon flame each other in every thread. If you want, give me your home addresses, I'll send you money for Greyhound bus tickets to Mexico, and you two can fight to the death south of the border where its legal. Or y'all can save me the trouble and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

I personally think it's kind of funny.
Nice thread, even a lot of got posted. Kind Diamond is like Marilyn Manson, or myself involved in the church of Satan. The difference is that I am just a passive member...
Glenn Benton married his wife in a catholic church if someone is interested. Mayhem are not satanic, for example Maniacs likes country music much more than satanic rituals. hehe
D-KOM said:
Nice thread, even a lot of got posted. Kind Diamond is like Marilyn Manson, or myself involved in the church of Satan. The difference is that I am just a passive member...
Glenn Benton married his wife in a catholic church if someone is interested. Mayhem are not satanic, for example Maniacs likes country music much more than satanic rituals. hehe

What's the point in being a "passive member" of the CoS. And what's the point in telling everyone about it?

How can you be a "passive" member of the CoS? :err: Are you perhaps making it up? What a joke.
ProjectedBlack said:
He's said it in interviews before. In fact he was one of the few Black Metallers who was considered a "real" Satanist (as in The Church of Satan and Anton Levay's interpratations of Satanism). I read somewhere from some Satanic group awhile back that Ihsahn was the only one in a Black Metal band they'd consider for membership.

He probably doesn't drink blood and sacrifice virgins to Lucifer but that's not really what Levay Satanism is about.

I can't recall any recent interviews of this sort, at least not from more recently than 10 years ago from now. It doesn't seem to be reflected in any of the lyrics since ItNE, which he only wrote some of. If you remember offhand where you got these, please post it. Just wondering. Ihsahn always seemed the most intelligent one in the whole scene (Garm, too, if he was in it.) I remember the Lords of Chaos interviews with both of them, and they came off as the brightest.

BTW, the parts about LaVey in LoC mainly were to explain the earliest forms of Satanism in music, specifically Mercyful Fate/King Diamond. It was in the early/mid portion of the book iirc.
D-KOM said:
Nice thread, even a lot of got posted. Kind Diamond is like Marilyn Manson, or myself involved in the church of Satan. The difference is that I am just a passive member...
Glenn Benton married his wife in a catholic church if someone is interested. Mayhem are not satanic, for example Maniacs likes country music much more than satanic rituals. hehe

If Mayhem aren't satanists, they sure do a lot of shit to get people to think they are.
MasterOLightning said:
I can't recall any recent interviews of this sort, at least not from more recently than 10 years ago from now. It doesn't seem to be reflected in any of the lyrics since ItNE, which he only wrote some of. If you remember offhand where you got these, please post it. Just wondering. Ihsahn always seemed the most intelligent one in the whole scene (Garm, too, if he was in it.) I remember the Lords of Chaos interviews with both of them, and they came off as the brightest.

BTW, the parts about LaVey in LoC mainly were to explain the earliest forms of Satanism in music, specifically Mercyful Fate/King Diamond. It was in the early/mid portion of the book iirc.

You do bring up a good point, however I did catch some Satanic imagery in both Anthems and IX Equilibrium, not "Worship the dark Lord!" Satanism exactly but close. However after looking at a lot of Peccatums lyrics it seems he may have moved on from these beliefs. I have a scan of the interview they did for Kerrang in 2001 when they broke up. I don't remember exactly how in-depth the interview was or if it touched on beliefs or not but I could send it to you.