Satanism and Metal

Benzine said:
The likes of me? Oh yeah of course we went to school together, grew up on the same street and did everything together. Hey you know me so well!

'The stand up you're voice is muffled' bit was a joke. You laughed, i bet you sat there laughing at it for a couple of minutes and emailed it off to all your friends because you loved it so much. We all know thats what REALLY happened.

Actually I was quite dissappointed that you didn't reply to anything I said. And I give you shit for it, no big deal, I seem to be giving shit to a lot of people recently, most of it is said in jest.
No problem Aj, if anything you made me think a little more about what I actually said.

Does anyone think that the rest of the world would believe we are having such deep conversations on a metal board? Most people avoid the deep subjects in conversation- as they might actually have to think. Hell, we're on a metal board, and having intelligent conversation on the origins of life, christianity, and God.
I don't think most of you know what the Christian faith is.
Eternal life is a FREE GIFT of God through Jesus Christ who was sinless.
We are in a constant state of sin so there is NOTHING we can do to save ourselves.

The stories of Jesus in the Gospels show us that not even the Pharisees who the people thought were the most holy can live a perfect life. Without God's gift of salvation we would have to live 100% sinless lives from beginning to end. No redoes, No tryovers. We are born into sin, babies sin, game over.

When people want you to live a moral life it is so you can live a life that is pleasing to God, You of course will not be able to, but you should want to try even though you will not lose eternal life from your failure.Murderers, Prostitutes and Thieves all have God's gift of salvation because a sin is a sin.

Rejecting God's free gift is the only way to be damned and this is what you are doing by playing with satanism and anti-Jesus beliefs.
unfortunately MANY tv evangelist and church sermons focus on telling people "How to be good little boys and girls" instead of preaching the Gospel which is in this post.

You can disagree with the social and political things that christian organizations have done, but I hope you don't confuse them with the Gospel. Power Corrupts. No matter who it is given to.
speed said:
No problem Aj, if anything you made me think a little more about what I actually said.

Does anyone think that the rest of the world would believe we are having such deep conversations on a metal board? Most people avoid the deep subjects in conversation- as they might actually have to think. Hell, we're on a metal board, and having intelligent conversation on the origins of life, christianity, and God.
HA ha, The world is too uptight to admit to anything that makes them uncomfortable. Why, most people do not even know there is music out there that is "Underground". They see what they see and that is it, that is a pretty shoddy way to live if you ask me. And people do not see me as intelligent because of my image and what infuriates me is that when I say something intelligent they always say,"why do you say you are so smart, you aren't" when in actuality I have never said anything about my own intelligence, in facy I tend to believe that I am not very intelligent at all, compared to the knowledge out there, I am pretty damn stupid. Most people go through life thinking they do not need to learn anything anymore once they finish High School/College. These are the people who call me an idiot when they can not grasp something I say, me a man forced to drop out of high school to make ends meet.
Septura said:
I don't think most of you know what the Christian faith is.
Eternal life is a FREE GIFT of God through Jesus Christ who was sinless.
We are in a constant state of sin so there is NOTHING we can do to save ourselves.
ok... where are you going with this because we are not in a constant state of sin. Original sin is taken away at Baptism when we are welcomed into the Church. From there on it's YOUR choice to sin or not.

The stories of Jesus in the Gospels show us that not even the Pharisees who the people thought were the most holy can live a perfect life. Without God's gift of salvation we would have to live 100% sinless lives from beginning to end. No redoes, No tryovers. We are born into sin, babies sin, game over.

When people want you to live a moral life it is so you can live a life that is pleasing to God, You of course will not be able to, but you should want to try even though you will not lose eternal life from your failure. Murderers, Prostitutes and Thieves all have God's gift of salvation because a sin is a sin.
will not be able to? dude I just explained how your sin is GONE once u are baptized. you ARE able to live a life pleasing to God. It's your choice.

Rejecting God's free gift is the only way to be damned and this is what you are doing by playing with satanism and anti-Jesus beliefs.
unfortunately MANY tv evangelist and church sermons focus on telling people "How to be good little boys and girls" instead of preaching the Gospel which is in this post.
no, this is not the only way to be damned. you have to sin with no remorse or forgiveness for them in order to be damned (or you can just not believe in God, yea that works too). Anyone can sin, and everyone does. That's what Reconciliation is for.... if we're forgiven, our sins are abolished. and yes... tv evangelists are bad i think

You can disagree with the social and political things that christian organizations have done, but I hope you don't confuse them with the Gospel. Power Corrupts. No matter who it is given to.
Thank you. This ending is more like it and it couldn't be put better. :) I hope this gives our non-believer friends some insight to Christianity. I'm assuming you are a Christian, Septura. (???) also, welcome to the board. I can see you're new by ur posts. :p
Baptism gives us the Holy Spirit and forgiveness of sin. It doesn't enable us to stop sinning completely. It is always our choice to sin or not because we have free will.
I'm a Lutheran whose theology comes ONLY from the Bible.
NocturnalSun said:
ok... where are you going with this because we are not in a constant state of sin. Original sin is taken away at Baptism when we are welcomed into the Church. From there on it's YOUR choice to sin or not.

What about all the people who get baptised soon after birth and aren't aware of whats going on? They don't exactly have a choice to sin or not as they wouldn't know who they are/where they are/what a sin is. Is it not more the responsibility of those who got you baptised to teach you until you are old enough to know that it is your choice?
Let's try and get back to the initial reason for this thread - the ssociation of satanism with metal.

Granted, you have different religious views which is understandable but it's obviously getting no one anywhere by arguing endlessly.

I was reading the Metal Hammer special issue on Iron Maiden, and I was enraged to turn to the Maiden article and see the massive heading "satan's little helpers". What the FUCK???? I couldn't believe their ignorance - just because Maiden have one album called the number of the beast! It's laughable.

There's also a photo of bruce reaching out to the crowd, and a caption saying "reaching out to the devil".

I was reading the Metal Hammer special issue on Iron Maiden, and I was enraged to turn to the Maiden article and see the massive heading "satan's little helpers". What the FUCK???? I couldn't believe their ignorance - just because Maiden have one album called the number of the beast! It's laughable.
A very funny coincidence... because 666 doesn't mean devil, satan, hell, or beast. Back in the old times, the apostles and followers of Jesus had to write letters in code. They used numbers to represent people or things. Nero, the king that burned down a whole city back then, just happened to be number 666. so 666=Nero. it's so gay how bands like Slipknot use it all the time and not even think to find out where the hell it came from.

Anyway, Iron Maiden is still a bitchin band and just cuz they messed up one time doesn't make me not like em. KICK ASS

and also, when you are baptized, you do NOT receive the Holy Spirit, as said up there. You are only seen as a member of the church and freed from Original Sin. CONFIRMATION is where you are sealed with the Holy Spirit and sent out to preach God's word.
Also, not everyone even in the Catholic faith gets baptized when they are babies. My friend was 7 when he got baptized, my brother was 22 when he got baptized. It doesn't matter what age you are, but most people prefer to do it when they are little.
theres this kid in my class who always says "oh i can feel the demons coming out of that shirt" or "you need some jesus", shit like that when im wearing Iced Earth or Nevermore. I think anybody who assumes religious beliefs based on music is ignorant and should be killed. Telling me that Nevermore is fucking satanic is incredibly stupid. Remember, assuming makes and ass out of you and I.
lol nice one. haha pplz at my school even joke about A Perfect Circle being satanic. "ya hear that? on Judith he said FUCK YOUR GOD"

maynard and the band are still Christians, but that was what Maynard was feeling at the time. confused... but he still is a practicing Christian
really? whoah haha that reminds me, me and my friends Tom and Jeff were drivin by this bus stop thing and we pulled up by this little kid (he's probably 10) and we were like 'heeeey kid!' and he said "uh.... h-hey..." He was shakin n stuff and then Tom (big guy, deep voice) says all jokingly 'you wanna riiide?' :) :p o man this kid nearly crapped himself! he was like 'noooooo!' and he like started speedwalkin away.

haha u can always tell when Tom's jokin, so it wuz funny as hell!!!!

whoo anyway...... wow very off topic. man someone needs 2 knock some sense in kids like that in mightydrynwhyl's post. it sux bein associated w/ satanic stuff