sh!t non-metalheads say

Everytime I'm out somewhere, I always get dirty looks from almost everyone because of my metal shirts. I get looked at like I'm the fucking Antichrist or something. I actually heard someone say to someone else that I "must have problems" since I like "music like that." :bah:

I wanted to reply with this:
"Really? Shut the fuck up. Go listen to Lil Wayne and Mumford & Sons on iTunes you fucking unintelligent asshole."
In that situation, you're supposed to troll them. Start speaking in tongue, praise satan, talk down about christ, etc. Have fun with it!
Everytime I'm out somewhere, I always get dirty looks from almost everyone because of my metal shirts. I get looked at like I'm the fucking Antichrist or something. I actually heard someone say to someone else that I "must have problems" since I like "music like that." :bah:

I wanted to reply with this:
"Really? Shut the fuck up. Go listen to Lil Wayne and Mumford & Sons on iTunes you fucking unintelligent asshole."

What kinds of shirts?
I really don't understand how metal fans can build up this huge fucking persecution complex because people don't enjoy and/or get the music they like.
Everytime I'm out somewhere, I always get dirty looks from almost everyone because of my metal shirts. I get looked at like I'm the fucking Antichrist or something. I actually heard someone say to someone else that I "must have problems" since I like "music like that." :bah:

I wanted to reply with this:
"Really? Shut the fuck up. Go listen to Lil Wayne and Mumford & Sons on iTunes you fucking unintelligent asshole."

I think most people can't even read what any of my shirts say...I don't really have any that have offensive stuff on them. Just the basic skulls or creatures. I get some looks from my Dying Fetus shirt, but I think that's about it.
I really don't understand how metal fans can build up this huge fucking persecution complex because people don't enjoy and/or get the music they like.
seriously. it gets even worse when people take this so personally that they start bitching about how no one understands them, the filthy plebians.

people sometimes have strange reactions to a form of counter culture? fucking shocking.
It's probably because people that dont like/understand/whateverthefuck metal will sometimes flat out go out of their way to try and make you feel stupid and/or demean you for liking it. I dont talk about the music I like, period, to random people unless it seems like there's going to be some common ground there. And yet, I still get snide comments because of the shirts I wear.

I'm not big on fighting though... and just quite frankly dont give a shit... but it's easy to see why someone would be ready to fight over this shit. It goes for anything really, not just metal. If you're an asshole to someone, they either take it, or they're ready to fight. I'm not saying every one that listens to metal is a hot head, but plenty of 'em are.
Just remember, if anyone tells you you're fucked up because you're wearing a t-shirt with a pentagram on it or whatever, remember that the person calling you "fucked up" is probably somebody who worships the characters in an ancient storybook.

Also, another very important thing to remember, there's nothing less metal than giving a shit about what people think of you. Don't even care about what other metal heads think of you, unless of course it's Rob Halford. If Rob Halford tells you you're a fag, you're a fag.
I've made a ton of pentagram earrings (and most recently bought some) and wear them pretty much every day, just because I like them and I've had people come up to me and ask me stupid questions about being a devil worshipper or whatever. On the contrary, there are some people who come up to me and want to take a picture of whatever I'm wearing or whatever. So not everyone's a douche and incapable of understanding freedom of expression. Though, I really hate dealing with people who you have to explain everything to. Don't have the patience/time for it.

It doesn't necessarily make me "fighting mad" but it's annoying to deal with constantly trying to defend your sense of self. Someone attacking you on a subculture you're in (whether that be gay, extreme metal, witch etc) it's going to make you mad because whoever is doing the attacking doesn't know what they are talking about.