
Most Slipknot fans are just pathetic. They like the band, but have never been exposed to reallllll EXTREME metal
Right, so according to you I'm pathetic for liking the band, because I have never been exposed to realllll extreme metal? LMAO. Not much I need to say.
Once they hear a band like Hate Eternal, or Pyaemia, they usually have a whole new outlook on Metal, and Death Metal especially. But, to each his own.
You're right for once, when a [real] Slipknot fan listens to heavier, more "metal" bands... they usually do like it, is there a problem with that, or are they just not allowed too?

No,once they hear a good band they say "What is this crap, this isn't metal, why don't they have clown masks?"
I've never said that in my life, since I dont like the clown mask myself.
"Slipknot and ICP are true kult metal"
Ha ha.

Anyway. As you can see I like slipknot, which shouldnt matter, but anyway back on the subject.

My favorite album by them is Iowa, its much better than the Self titled, which in its own way is great to me, but Iowa is just much better, heavier faster and things such as that.. although some songs can seem played out or just stupid (The Heretic anthem). Best songs on that album are "Iowa", "Disasterpiece" and "New Abortion". On the Self titled, not much compares to "Eeyore". Its probably the fastest song on that album, and its great :)

The whole mask thing is a gimmick, just like Black metal bands or whatever wear Corpse Paint or whatever the fuck it is... which actually looks even more stupid because they are trying to say something through it and just give Metal a bad name in general to onlookers who dont listen to the Genre. Slipknot cant be nu metal, because they arent metal to begin with, they have no Metal elements except perhaps their drumming speed, They are only called nu metal because they have an "image" and are popular and shown on a lot of "numetal" magazines, but then again who said the magazines are correct either?
Hey, that is my opinion. Who ever said you had to listen to me? haha, apparently you did, and a little to hard! haha lmfao. Now, more power to you if you can get away from the shat Slipknot produces, and like a band such as Pyaemia. Kudos to you buddy, I really couldn't care less to let you know, but I am not being mean.

Uh, and just to set something straight with you, Corpse paint and clown masks are 2 totally different things. BM bands wear corpse paint to represent something that is real-Death, inside and out. Clown masks are just to hide from the humiliation of becoming losers in the Music scene, and for the extremely gay. Sorry to offend you, you like them, I simply do NOT.

Stick with the real shit. But like whatever you want, and do not take others opinions so seriously!
I wasnt taking it serious, I took it serious enough to reply, but then again dont we all ? BM bands and corpse paint are just as gimmicky as masks, not a lot of difference. If you dont like the band thats your problem, but when you put down the fans through stereotyping thats just as bad as you accuse.
The only people who like Slip knot on this board are Soil work or In flames fans, and its basicly the same waterd down pop music. You never see some one who likes Spawn of Possesion into slipknot.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I'd rather listen to Slipknot than The Cars. o_O

Uhh...I will listen to 80s new wave/synth pop LONG before Slipknot.

The Cars wrote good songs that are fun to listen to,maybe they are not metal, but good stuff none the less.

Slipknot is 99% CRAP..that simple.
nice avatar nergal_s theif owns. slipknot however does not own.

sorry my short post i wasted my good stuff on another post tonight.

do people even still listen to slipknot i though that trend was long over:D
I love how ppl listen to slipknot cause they had a mate who saw them live and has been raving about it, then when they hit puberty realise that lispknot are a really awful band with boring mainstream 4/4 songs with 8/4 drumming, then begin listening to either dance and become druggo fuckwits or boy bands and then begin an obsession with joey fatone.