So...what have I missed?

Mort went to jail for rock spidering.

V5 got leg extension surgery.

Zeph married a black muslim girl and changed his opinions towards Byzantium/ Islamic civilization.

Krampus married a Korean guy and now lives there.

DG developed a liking for money and stopped listening to metal.

JFAD moved to America and became a skinny American.

Every single female other than Krampus and Alina left (that actually happened).
Awesome. How about mutantllama? And Ozzman? Crap, I'm sure there are a ton of people from here I'm forgetting about at the moment. This place doesn't seem as hoppin' as it was 3-4 years ago.
No it's not as hopping as it was, metal is going through a bit of a downturn atm I think, and/or so are message boards as a social media format.
You really think so? I was out of the loop for so long and have been trying to play catch up over the last few months. It's been exciting to hear a ton of good "new" music. Message boards like this may be a dying medium but will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't know very many people in the real world who share my musical tastes and have been exposed to so much god through message boards. :)
I thought it always had that element of sexual frustration. At least from what I remember, guys here were ALWAYS bitching about girls and/or harassing the female posters (I received some of that "harassment" but never took it as such FYI).
Yeah, Rick has to balance it out.

As far as music goes, yeah, still a bunch of great music coming out. October Tide back together FTW.
I was in a relationship for a while and then that ended. I got a new car about a week ago and got promoted at work about 9 months ago. I also lost 20+ pounds

What have you been doing, Tara? Didn't you get married or something?
I joined the forum, and I have added nothing for the most part. I'm on a journey to listen to every single album ever made within the next two weeks.