Soo...a genre question


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
<puts on flame retardant>

I actually bought the new Disturbed album. It's quite awesome too. I don't categorize these guys into the "core" genre, but they aren't full on classic metal sounding, but at times they are on the other hand. I'm curious for those that have heard them what category you dump them into, if it couldn't be simply "metal". I want to say some sort of New Generation Metal but that's out of necessity because they don't quite fit into any existing genre I am aware of.

Flame away gang!

EDIT: By the way I mainly bought this because it was the only iTunes album I have seen to include a video and the booklet in PDF format. I wanted to see how they are delivering albums like that.
No I wouldn't say mallcore... seriously, have you guys checked out some of the new album? The tunes are quite good, no mally crud. Great riffs and solos, good songwriting, great sound. It actually surprised me.
MetalAges said:
No I wouldn't say mallcore... seriously, have you guys checked out some of the new album? The tunes are quite good, no mally crud. Great riffs and solos, good songwriting, great sound. It actually surprised me.
Totally. I was sceptic too, but then i listened to them. They should be counted among M-E-T-A-L bands.
I think pretty highly of the new album too, but I'm afriad the best category for them is still Nu-metal (the only band in this category i can even tolerate). WHile this is what they typically accepted as, i just like to call them metal (it makes me feel better about myself).
Heard the new album aswell its not to bad, the solo in stricken is quite catchy, but as far as genres go I would call them Metal.
After hearing "get down with the sickness" moaning out of my speakers 23712890752375237327059723532857234070237589023477 times in ONE, SHORT, SONG, I simply will not listen to them again.
Thanks, but I really couldn't name what genre they are because he is asking what genre the new album is and thats the closest genre I could think of, but the old material is Nu-Metal.
Thraxz said:
After hearing "get down with the sickness" moaning out of my speakers 23712890752375237327059723532857234070237589023477 times in ONE, SHORT, SONG, I simply will not listen to them again.

:OMG: You actually gave a reason! WOW!! This isn't the Thraxz I'm used to!
