Steven Slate Drums: Chris Lord-Alge Expansion

Steven, will there be single instrument packs at all or just big producer bundles? I think the weak point of the core SSD4 sounds is the cymbals especially chinas and rides having just the 2 Soultone options. It would be nice to have the opportunity to expand just in that area as obviously producer packs will concentrate on shells (CLA not even having a china).
A bonus china/ride as a christmas present maybe? ;)
Sounds like the same snare with different eq and more or less room in all soundclips.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be sceptic here since Slate is amazing but in that video there were no other kicks or snares in that room in they recorded in. I love the soundclips.. especially #8!! Holy shizniz!!
If anyone pulled the trigger on this yet (pun intended) i'd love to hear some in mix examples!
considering what I'd read on here, the snares sounded fairly different to me. they all sound like CLA snares though which tend to have similar characteristics. theres enough variations in pitch and different ring to make it adaptable. CLA drums tend to give me a headache after a while, and i got that same feeling after I'd listened through all those examples.

nice job.
Yeah they're pretty insane sounding. Wait till you guys see all the layers that make up those sounds. CLA is all about the BLENDS....

Going live in about an hour.

Just got the email.

Actually... at $200 for Trigger AND SSD4, this might not be too bad... Though I still won't be purchasing anytime soon (already spent a good $700 on plugins this past weekend...)

No plans for discounts for Platinum owners, I presume? :P
Not super impressed by the toms, either, but the kick, snares and OHs sound great IMO. I'm sure the toms can be tweaked a good bit, though.
Ok. So far I really like it. I have to agree the toms are a bit tame compared to the rest but still very usable with a some processing or some crazy blending with SSD stock sounds.
Hi shelf at 8khz +4db on toms and they are rippin.. for metal I'd cut the tails off a bit too. Also, route all the kick channels to one stereo fader in your DAW and crank some top shelf and attenuate under 80Hz for some crazy good metal kicks with a ton of attack.

Since everything else got addressed but this got missed somehow...

Steven: Question about pricing. The SSD4 expansion is $149 and comes with the shells and cymbals, TRIGGER is also $149 but is shells only. Shouldn't the TRIGGER expansion be cheaper because of that?