Steven Slate Drums EX?

Being a 1.5 user, it doesn't really appeal. Personally, I would sooner pay for a cut-down product that just contained gogs, with all the kits, minus your standalone sampler program & the cymbals. I would imagine there are some folks out there like me who only want the samples for drum augmentation purposes, and not for flat-out sequencing.

man if only you did this a month back, i ordered the le, even though i really coudlnt afford it haha, my housemate told me it arrived today though, so should be playing around with it tomorrow

but on topic, think its a great idea as long as people can upgrade to le or platinum later...i would have deffinately done that
I honestly don't know if what I'm about to say makes viable business sense, you can tell me I'm an idiot if you want too....

I really have a difficult time with pre-packaged sets of any kind. More often than not, I need a specific sample for a specific project at any given time. Not a sample set with 12 kits that do not fit at all, and 1 that has a kick that fits, but the snare isn't 'quite there'.

My ideal situation would be creating a pick and choose account option on your site. Let me create an account, and listen to demos that include all the details.

Metal Demo 1 - Kick A, Snare B, Tom Set D, etc

And let me download that kick or snare, or tom set individually. I can afford to spent $10, $15, $30 a wack a hell of a lot more often and easily if I know I am getting exactly what I might need at the given time.

For what it's worth, I've been hoping to pick up a copy of the Platinum at some point, but like you said, times are tough and I don't have enough projects going on to justify so many kits all at once.
Totally agree with sysera too. Maybe you could sell entire kits too, but custom builted kits, you choose the snare, the kick, the toms etc.
to make it clear, these would not be NEW drums (maybe a few new cymbals that would also be available to Platinum and LE users).. they would be 10 top kits taken from the Platinum version...

So many of the guys in here are working on a lot of projects and the Platinum or LE was a good fit for them.. but some guys in here are just starting out, or just want to make a killer record for their band, or just don't have the $$ to shell out for Platinum and LE... So the EX (which would be easily upgradeable to the LE or Platinum), would be a little starter pack that would get the job done but won't kill your wallet.

Selling kit by kit isn't possible with our licensing deal at this point, plus its way more difficult on the back end since we have 45 drumkits! I think the EX is a good way to break into the lower priced market... we are considering it... We might to a testdrive for a month or so.
I'm interested in the idea. From a biz perspective I think it has the potential to get a lot of people into the Slate brand who wouldn't make the jump otherwise. I also think that at $10/kit it's still a bargain even if you don't have a need for the plugin.
Selling kit by kit isn't possible with our licensing deal at this point, plus its way more difficult on the back end since we have 45 drumkits! I think the EX is a good way to break into the lower priced market... we are considering it... We might to a testdrive for a month or so.

Totally understand.

Here is my and I'm guessing others perspective:

Punk band hires me to record their EP. = $1000
I can either A) Put $500 of that towards a set of 184s, a TLM, pay rent.
B) Put ~$500 towards a GREAT sample set.....of which I will use 4-5 individual drums for mix augmentation, but have paid for 40 kits that I may never use, or not any time soon.

I think that is probably the number one issue with anyone that hasn't purchased one of the current product options. It is for me.

Given your licensing situation, I totally agree an EX is probably the next best logical step. And if you need a beta tester for it, I am totally available! I'm all about honest opinions when asked for them. ;) :rock:
That sounds like something I'd be interested in... depending on how it sounds... I've always been a stickler for drum samples... I haven't been 100% happy with anything, EzDrummer, Superior 2.0, Addictive Drums... they all lack something... but using them in conjunction with each other tends to yield more usable results...

Would definitely check out a demo, so long as it doesn't require an iLok...
if we came out with the EX, what if we did away with LE? So EX is $129 and has 15 kits, and Platinum is $329 with all 45 kits? Easy upgrade path to Platinum, for an even $200. It seems that if we keep the LE and the EX, it would be a more stressful decision on which one to purchase.. The platinum edition sells WAAAY more then the LE, so it appears to be too close to the Platinum Market, where $129 for 15 kits is better for the entry market and has better demographic seperation from Platinum.

Thanks for putting your business hats ons with us and sharing your ideas and opinions!
if we came out with the EX, what if we did away with LE? So EX is $129 and has 15 kits, and Platinum is $329 with all 45 kits? Easy upgrade path to Platinum, for an even $200.

$129, for 15 kits, assuming the chosen ones appealed to me specifically, I'd be all over it. Especially knowing at some point I could toss another $200 in for Platinum.

Also, downloads downloads downloads downloads! :)