Sweden vs SF Bay Area, who wins?




San Francisco.

Yeah +1 vote for Sweden.
Yeah, one side just hates the fucking shit out of bears and insists on wearing them for some reason. Also, San Francisco has colors beyond the original Quake palette.


The whole death metal scene that grew there is so fascinating (excluding the supercheesy melodeath crap)
It's nice to see that nowadays there are more and more bands trying to recreate the stuff of the 90s, successfully
Definitely Sweden, and I'm sorry Carlos, but if there's one thing that drives me crazy, it's the "you should love Band A because all your favorite bands were influenced by them and wouldn't be around without them" argument; surely you realize that could be traced back to cavemen banging mammoth bones together with some semblance of rhythm :D Testament is pretty much the only band out of that list I like these days! (haven't heard much Exodus though, admittedly, but I'm just really not much of a thrash fan)

No no thats cool bro, thats also why I was quick to give more reasons after the initial "these guys started it all" part ;) That was actually the smallest part of my argument for SF. The biggest being that I think a lot of the SF bands are putting out higher quality music even now more so than some of the bigger names in the swedish scene

and yeah, you REALLY need to start doing some Exodus homework :rock:
SF wins in my opinion

Machine Head
Death Angel

I mean c'mon ... I love the swedish scene and they have some notable bands as well but none of those bands would be around without THESE bands 1st. Also, just to add to it all ... a lot of the swedish bands that really killed are either broken up (At The Gates, Edge Of Sanity) or just suck now (In Flames, Entombed) ... as much as I love them even Dark Tranquillity has kinda been hitting a rough patch last couple albums.

Have you fucking heard the new Heathen? It fucking KILLS ... new Testament we're familiar with ... fuck man, the demo versions of the new Forbidden are better than the last 2 cds from In Flames and lets face it, Machine Head changed the face of heavy music with "Burn My Eyes"

Honestly, who the f*ck cares about In Flames anyways? :lol:
I think thrash metal was largely ruined by me because of these scene girls I know that one day decided to stop listening to emo and goth music and started to worship Dave Mustaine and constantly put on thrash metal around me even when I was in the mood for different music:erk:
I couldn't listen to Megadeth for ages because of them:mad:
I can't understand this bitterness against In Flames - sure, I think of them as a completely different band ever since "Reroute" (though that particular album I do quite like), but man, the albums prior to it are still some of the greatest metal I've ever heard in my life, a true milestone IMO, and worthy of endless worship and recognition as far as I'm concerned, regardless of how shitty they may be now! :rock::notworthy
The Bay Area has obviously been the most influential. The birthplace of Thrash metal, c'mon. All those beforementioned bands are some of the biggest and best in the world.
Sweden has however come up with a fuckton of excellent bands, but just please don't limit it to those pussy farts who go by the name of In Flames.
Talk old school Entombed, Grave, Meshuggah, Vintersorg, Unleashed, Vomitory, Bloodbath!

The Bay Area is unfortunately however living off it's fame thanks to the old days, because there aren't that many notable 'newer' bands making name the past few years, where as Sweden seems to poop out a new one every year or so.

But then again scaling a region to an entire country isn't that fair to begin with.

Bay area for the win..!
Man, all I can say is I pity you people who think In Flames is "pussy" (even though Vintersorg, much as I love his music, has got to be the biggest weenie in the Swedish scene as far as I'm concerned :lol: ) - listening to Jotun right now, and basking in the awesome :rock::rock: Seriously, is it just that they got so popular and now suck, and thus you feel obligated to dislike them? Or do you really feel you can only listen to Swedish stuff if it was made with a certain black Boss pedal? :goggly: Personally, I find Entombed and Dismember too raw and just kinda boring, almost punk-y, no thanks!