Skinny Viking
¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
You're probably too young to remember the good 'ole days of Entombed 
and I've been a fan of In Flames since I 1st heard them back in like 95 ... I even kinda like "Reroute" but they lost me after that
I still was more of an Edge of Sanity guy myself ... In Flames could never touch the awesome that EOS was on "Spectral Sorrows", "Purgatory Afterglow" & "Crimson"

and I've been a fan of In Flames since I 1st heard them back in like 95 ... I even kinda like "Reroute" but they lost me after that
I still was more of an Edge of Sanity guy myself ... In Flames could never touch the awesome that EOS was on "Spectral Sorrows", "Purgatory Afterglow" & "Crimson"