SX and Paradise Lost = Satanic ??

That too. I always thought of Satanism as a religion that suffered from some slightly fascist tendancies.

Well yeah, hence the Neitszche influence. Its like, people talk about how great it is that it promotes the self and the individual (which it is), but they often fail to see that it gets taken to a highly irrational extreme and power hunger.

Not to mention the rituals are just stupid and silly. :)
It depends on what you mean by Satanism. Theres different kinds of demonology and demon worship, but thats not the "religion" of The Church of Satan. Satanism was created in 1966 by Anton LaVey. There is no demon or devil worship, you basically worship yourself as a god. He chose the name Satanism and used traditional satanic images to show that it was the antithesis of Christianity in every way shape and form (Satanists are essentially atheists and don't believe in "the devil" or "god"). Philosophically, without going into a shit ton of detail, its essentially Neitzscheism, and then they do rituals. There are many admirable tenants of its philosophy, and I was considering becoming a Satanist for a time, but the bad outweigh the good IMO (theres a big emphasis on domination of the weak by the strong, those who can be used and manipulated should be, and deserve to be). Basically like a twisted and corrupted version of the Randian Objectivism I currently study. Still, I feel more in tune with Satanic morals than Christian ones.

That doesn't sound as bad as everyone made it out to be. I was actually under the impression (Like most I'm sure.) that it actually did involve sacrifices.:lol:

Also, I have never heard of Objectivism (I have heard of Ayn Rand, but I always just thought she was an Atheist.)

I am fascinated by religion, but I have never read much beyond the "main" ones. Sounds like an interesting topic! I'm going to read more about them.
In all seriousness though, one thing I hate the most is when some nutjob Christian goes all "omgz! You listen to metal! You must be a satanist and worship the devil!"

1: The devil doesn't exist.

2: Satanists don't worship the devil.

3: Die.
In all seriousness though, one thing I hate the most is when some nutjob Christian goes all "omgz! You listen to metal! You must be a satanist and worship the devil!"

1: The devil doesn't exist.

2: Satanists don't worship the devil.

3: Die.

Just play along with it! Or throw out the flying spaghetti monster argument (Which I did myself once.) It's really fun seeing the reactions people make. Especially those incapable of understanding sarcasm.:)
more importantly, Christianity wouldn't exist or work without the belief/existence of the devil!

No symphony x has never been one to be satanic in the least, and just because he weares a cross means nothing.

Slayer made a song/album entitled 'God Hates Us All', they war crosses, and the song 'God Hates Us All' isn't really a clean song, they've said in interviews its just a show, its just an act. They're just singing. Same with Allen, and even than I don't see any satanic feeling/meaning behind the lyrics.

On a final note, I could give two shits lol!:headbang:
It depends on what you mean by Satanism. Theres different kinds of demonology and demon worship, but thats not the "religion" of The Church of Satan. Satanism was created in 1966 by Anton LaVey. There is no demon or devil worship, you basically worship yourself as a god. He chose the name Satanism and used traditional satanic images to show that it was the antithesis of Christianity in every way shape and form (Satanists are essentially atheists and don't believe in "the devil" or "god"). Philosophically, without going into a shit ton of detail, its essentially Neitzscheism, and then they do rituals. There are many admirable tenants of its philosophy, and I was considering becoming a Satanist for a time, but the bad outweigh the good IMO (theres a big emphasis on domination of the weak by the strong, those who can be used and manipulated should be, and deserve to be). Basically like a twisted and corrupted version of the Randian Objectivism I currently study. Still, I feel more in tune with Satanic morals than Christian ones.

you lost me here, I dont know much about these things. But there are groups of people that "worship satan" correct ? you know, cast spells, wish people harm, possibly inflict harm intentionally, that kind of thing ? Then Im looking at this and see the date 1966 and wonder "satanism must have existed as a word prior to 1966 and what was this guys point in picking such a nasty ass word if it was that innocent".

Real close lifelong friend of mine had a girlfriend way back, whose mother was always involved in one of those ritual groups, I forget what they called themselves, seems the "book" was called wika or something. She had some serious issues, apparently as children they were put in the middle of some kind of circle while the adults had their weekly nightime rituals around the children....... weird:zombie:.... sweet girl but had hidden emotional problems, not sure if this helped.

"Wicca" is a Pagan thing (I think, im pretty sure it is), far from worshipping the devil for fucks sake.

And for the record I belive that anyone who worships any god has severe mental issues.
Razor, you're thinking of Wiccans which are very different from satanists. It'd take time to get into it, but what is generally accepted as "satanism" is the LaVey satanism and it has literally nothing to do with the red, horned, winged "Satan" who is the star of many comic books. As Matt said, it's about the self and making ones-self stronger.

But to answer your question, YES there are people who are into rituals, sacrifices, praying to the actual devil and who do NOT denounce God and Jesus, but are just trying to be badass so they worship evil. I honestly don't know much about Wiccans, but from my understanding it's basically witchcraft? Of course, this precedes Christianity so has nothing to do with Satan either really... it's a pagan religion.
I think early paganism was a huge influence on Christianity. In fact, they share many things in common.

Swabs, I think you took your last comment a little too far. Belief in a higher intelligence is as much a part of human nature as sex and laughter. Granted I don't understand why people do, but that doesn't make them any less intelligent or sane. Stephen J Gould coined the term Non-Overlapping Magisteria to describe the compartmentalization people exhibit towards facts contradicting religion and belief in religion.
yep, I even got involved with that girls mother(after the fact), I was going to rent and live in a second floor apartment put in their old farmhouse. It was a pig sty, looled like they threw food around.... cleaned it all out, bought and installed a new hot water heater, just got done moving my stuff there and she "decided" she didnt want me there... and wasnt going to give me my money for the hot water heater, got a lawyer (only one ever), one phone call and I got my money..... then she must have done a ritual...... because I had seven years bad luck.........

with that late coming satanism thing.... striving to improve ones self is typically a natural (mentally healthy) human instinct so who needs a group to do that with ? join a friggin fitness program... But seriously why that name ? Makes no sense to me.
with that late coming satanism thing.... striving to improve ones self is typically a natural (mentally healthy) human instinct so who needs a group to do that with ? join a friggin fitness program... But seriously why that name ? Makes no sense to me.
why the name? Cause they hate Christianity. They hate it because they see selflessness as the enemy of self improvement (as their view of self improvement often includes as a requirement self interest.) They aren't completely asocial, but they have certain guidelines about interactivity and what is tolerable, what is not. Most people behave like satanists whether they know it or not.
well thats bullshit and the name has to GO

I still say there was alternative motivations to choosing that word... and 1966, I mean come on, the word had to have existed with farther reaching implications for centuries prior.

ya know... like gay. My parents and grandparents generation thought nothing of talking about having a gay ol time..... try that today.
Ahh my post got deleted... sorry management, bad judgement call! I meant no harm

Moving on though, razor of course it's to stir the pot a bit. That's the point... draw attention and get people talking about it. Look how many people have become interested in it on a purely academic level... i would bet they gained a few followers from their studies. It's not as negative as the name woudl imply to most people, but there are still downsides as ther are to any organized religion.

Noble, i think Swabs didn't go too far. IT's his perogative to view people how he wants, but i'm mroe inclined to take your view. I'm not religious, and if i'm going to be honest, i view the belief in a higher power as somewhat of a crutch to explain life and things that are difficult to explain. Of course, within those who DO believe in God or a god, their intelligence and rationale ranges from a reasonable everyday person to a crazy religious nut. Can't judge all based on the actions of the few.

Unless we're talking about PETA or ELF... fuck those guys :lol: