SX and Paradise Lost = Satanic ??

Well of course there were satanists since the idea of satan came to be known. But they were a different kind. The kind who believed in and worshipped the christian devil, not these new wave atheists.
see the whole things screwed up, the human race is fucked UP!

so according to Christianity:
if I want to have sex - Im dancing with the Devil, forget if I ever got the idea to go jerk off - which I have NEVER done.......
but if Im a greedy bastard and work hard "all the world will be mine" "just remember to give God full credit" "and forget those you ran over in your path to the promised land"

so now if I want to improve myself .... either way... Im a Satanist
unless I give full credit to God

how in the HELL am I going to live with myself now.... here I thought I had the whole thing figured out and now I find some idjut came along in '66 and further stacked the cards against my ackin soul to have no excape from being a Satanist, great, just friggin great. Wonder if George Bush realizes how HUGE the evil empire really is............

Im goin to Church Sunday
Are you saying Atheists worship Satan?

I've always been too lazy to be an athiest. religion requires an active belief in God etc. Atheism requires and active DISbelief in all that. Agnosticism implies that you don't know but are open to ideas. Where's Zach-ism... don't believe, don't care to hear alternatives, hates any who preach to me (be it in favor of god or against), just wants to rock and drink my 40 of Mickeys.
Are you saying Atheists worship Satan?

I'm saying "Satanists" according to those who follow what Satanism means these days, are a group of atheists. They believe in the divinity of humanity, and thus reject any and all religion.

Also more notes: Ayn Rand was in favor of atheism. Objectivism is a more socialized, practical version of satanism that developed seperately. Power of the individual, freedom of the individual.
I've always been too lazy to be an athiest. religion requires an active belief in God etc. Atheism requires and active DISbelief in all that. Agnosticism implies that you don't know but are open to ideas. Where's Zach-ism... don't believe, don't care to hear alternatives, hates any who preach to me (be it in favor of god or against), just wants to rock and drink my 40 of Mickeys.

Well, I am completely open to the idea of a higher intelligence, but the gods that people worship I am not open to because I think it's highly improbable they exist. They seem entirely rooted in human psychology, not in real life. Most all cultures worship gods with the assumption that these gods help them in their daily lives. Belief allows you to assume that there is some supernatural entity and that it gives a shit about you. I think it's easier to assume it doesn't exist. That which can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Until this supernatural creator parts a mountain and commands me to believe in it, instead of writing books that any pre-modern man could have written, I will continue to be an Atheist.:)
who knows, but Ill tell ya, if both God and Satan existed and presented themselves in human form to me.... I'm ready and willing to throw down with both of them.... "bring it on you bozos.... what were you thinking ?"
To me, religion is a guide for living a good life. I'm a Muslim and Islam helps me out in a lot of things I don't know about and it keeps me from doing things that could effect my life in a negative way.
To me, religion is a guide for living a good life. I'm a Muslim and Islam helps me out in a lot of things I don't know about and it keeps me from doing things that could effect my life in a negative way.

This is where I have been thrown a hook I've come to realize in latter life. I noticed firm believers (not posers) have made fewer mistakes that had the long term negative effects, as well as are better adapting to loss or excepting their place in life.
I think common sense and human intuition is a guide for living a good life. I don't need some imaginary friend to force morals upon me, I can live by societys and my own morals just fine by myself.
This actually makes you an agnostic.

In some sense yes. I'm agnostic towards the god of a deistic perspective. But the gods presented by the religions of Earth (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc etc.) I am an atheist towards. I don't feel there is a supernatural presence guiding the people on Earth. I think those are best explained by human psychology. Like I said in my previous post I will change my mind if said events preformed by said supernatural creator do occur. My favorite Carl Sagan quote:

The idea that God is an over sized white male with a flowing beard, who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous.
So basically you're an agnostic like we said. Disbelief in certain presented possibilities doesn't make you an atheist. It just means those possibilities aren't satisfying your requirements and so needing more evidence to accept any such possibility, you remain an agnostic.

Swabs: Society's morals are largely based on religious morals. It is good to think for yourself. I would not want anyone not to.
I think common sense and human intuition is a guide for living a good life. I don't need some imaginary friend to force morals upon me, I can live by societys and my own morals just fine by myself.

Yes exactly!! The problem is most people, at least here in America, feel exactly the opposite and try to force religion down everyones throat because they are "Sinners". I'm a firm believer in Humanism.
So basically you're an agnostic like we said. Disbelief in certain presented possibilities doesn't make you an atheist. It just means those possibilities aren't satisfying your requirements and so needing more evidence to accept any such possibility, you remain an agnostic.

Ok, fair enough.:lol:
But that is not somethign exclusive to religion. Lack of religion has served me better in these cases just as it may have served you well. Doing stupid shit is not a product of no religion, nor is it something that being religious makes you impervious to.

The bible (and most other religious teachings i would presume) have great moral guidelines, and i won't ever dispute that. But morals are a personal thing. Some people think gays are immoral, some don't. I don't need a book or a guy in a funny suit telling me what my morals are, hence my problem with religion.

I've not done anything in my life that has fucked it up greatly, i'm fine with loss (it sucks and it's upsetting/depressing at times, but the world will never stop and wait for you to get back on your feet), and i accept that i'm not going to ammount to greatness. I'll make it through life just fine, i'll have a great time doing it, and anyone who looks at my bank account / academics / job history will think i'm a loser and failure and total general fuck-up. That's fine, because most of those people who judge others based on those factors are not any happier. I'm great.

edit: this was for razoredge's post... i just dicked around for the last half hour before submitting it :lol:
So basically you're an agnostic like we said. Disbelief in certain presented possibilities doesn't make you an atheist. It just means those possibilities aren't satisfying your requirements and so needing more evidence to accept any such possibility, you remain an agnostic.

Swabs: Society's morals are largely based on religious morals. It is good to think for yourself. I would not want anyone not to.

Just to add, being agnostic, and being an atheist isn't mutually exclusive.

Atheist - No belief in god
Agnostic - No knowledge of god.

"I have no knowledge for or against, but I still don't believe in a god"

It's quite possible to be both, or the opposite, a theist and agnostic.
"I have no knowledge for or against, but I still believe in a god"

There are other variations of course, but being agnostic is just acknowledging that you don't have any prior knowledge and has nothing to do with your belief system.

It's a little subtle, but easy enough to understand once you get your head around it.

So to add to what Ken has said, I'd call you an agnostic atheist.

Doomsday Zach said:
The bible (and most other religious teachings i would presume) have great moral guidelines, and i won't ever dispute that. But morals are a personal thing. Some people think gays are immoral, some don't. I don't need a book or a guy in a funny suit telling me what my morals are, hence my problem with religion.

There's a variation on agnosticism, which paraphrased basically says - "What does the existence or non-existence of a god got to do with the price of eggs in Japan?" Why does the existence or non-existence have anything to do with how I lead a moral life? If it was proven tomorrow that god didn't exist (or did), why would that change anything?

And I agree that the bible (and other religious texts) are often good sources for moral guidelines (as long as your willing to take them in context). People are too quick to write them off, simply because they're an "atheist". The more knowledge you have, the better choices you can make :)