SX and Paradise Lost = Satanic ??

The way I look at it is the 10 commandements are things that everyone should abid by, its moral values and mutual respect you should have for one and another, god? satan? kal? fuck'em!

Religion is the cause of most wars and many political desputes, hell back in the day religion was the politics, and this is why religion seems to be so phased out these days but cause such huge impacts, because there are some really pissed off radicals! Needless to say, 'the crusades' anyone? lol man I like to stir the shit.

But I stand on the terrain of, I am agnostic, I do not believe, nore do I disbelieve, and I don't judge people by what they believe just don't preech me or else I'll punch you in the throat :)

And even if you're not religious you should take a look at those 10 commandments and read'em well, good things to live by. Doesn't matter who you are, what colour, what race, what religion!
And the canadian wins it! Seriously, fuck it all. There are christians on this forum that are good people even thoguh i disagree with their theology. Does it matter? No. It means fuckall.

I agree. I don't have any hate towards christians or members of any other religion even though I myself don't believe in any god. End of discussion for me.

...But to return to the discussion about the last album my DT, yeah it's mostly not very good. One thing that really irritates me is that the the sounds and mixing etc. sound mostly HORRIBLE to me. Everything sounds like it's made by Guitar Pro.:erk:

That and the fact that there are tons of metal albums that are simply better.
So... even though I don't believe in Petrucci and Portnoy, and I don't quite follow the Systematic Chaos, I still respect those that do, and their core morality is basically the same as mine anyway.
no no no no no no no and no. There are some very huge key differences between Satanism and Objectivism.

#1 Satanists preach the sacrifice of the weak for the strong as the antithesis of Christianity preaching sacrifice of the strong for the weak. Objectivism says there should be no sacrifice, period.

#2 Satanists view man as no better or different than a wild animal, Objectivists view man as a heroic being, who's ability to reason places us on a higher level than a mere animal.

#3 Satanists use rituals as a way to experience reality "in different forms", Objectivism states that there is only one reality, the one that we can view objectively (hence the name of the philosophy).

#4 Satanism says "do as thou wilt"... indulge in life's pleasures whenever you see fit. Objectivism tells you to indulge in life's pleasures but to do it rationally, not at the whim of the moment based on irrational emotions.

#5 Satanism says its ok to act on emotions rather than reason, Objectivism views this as irrational.

I liked what a friend of mine said about agnostics... an agnostic is an atheist who doesn't have the balls to make up his mind :lol:

This is interesting, guess Im "objectivist"
1. yes, sacrifice no one
2. I'm a little mixed on this one, I believe we have all the instincts of a animal but not superior in all ways, nor heroic but still far more highly developed for the good and worst
3. yep big on reality
4. yep
5. either way on this one, its common human flaw or grace depending on point of view or end results

thats what I determined today, an agnostic is an atheist sitting on the fence
I was atheist in the past but now I have no answers but would rather life by the law of the land, Ma Earth that is.

the thing about morals and the ten commandments and whether everyone can live by them gets too twisted too.

Many people really have less ability to decifer right from wrong. Then there are those of us might not find them totally important.

False idols - thats like you cant hang a poster, shouldnt be on this forum because its worshipping something other than supreme being, be it the music, the band, a musician, whatever

not covet thy neighbors ass (donkey) nor his wife or however its written - this basically means not to want everything your neighbor has, yet theres a little "keep up with the Jones" in all of us. Someone has something you like "gee, I want one of them too"

adultry - well not fair to innocent parties for sure but I've found monogamy to have its overated times. As in periods when I felt "yea, for what ?"

murder - hell no, but I have slowly as years passed by, accumulated "a list" :lol: which I wouldnt carry out of course but "if it were 130 years ago" fuck yea, I would have drawn my ol six shooter a few times. I dont believe governments nor religions are the only ones who own the rights to define "war". I unfortunantly, in later years, have been is a few positions where if felt like I was in a war waged against me and mine. Defensive... not aggressive

theres probably other flaws in them(or me) as well but I really dont exactly remember them all

common decency and respect for others is primarly to me... then if that doesnt work, Im all for doing unto others as they have done unto me.... :heh:
Okay, don't take my comment out of proportion dude lol ;)
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
-This is obviously more a religious take, but your 'false idols' thought has a flaw in it, since as far as religion goes everyones idols are false according to the others :) and in a non religious manner, my idol would be symphony x, yours could be the backstreet boys so we're both false :)

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
-This is just general for anyone, few people have the money, and why would you want such an ugly thing sitting around anyway?

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
-The lords name in vain, for me i am the lord of my domain, much as you are the lord of yours, when in someone elses domain you respect it and there name!

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
- Ozzy will tell you all about this :D

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
-For sure, for most people they can say there parents where always there for them. For people like me who had an ass for a father, I still respect him because he taught me what I know today!

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
-Its a given, you shouldn't murder, you should not kill someone for the sake of killing someone, ever!

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
-Also self-explanatory

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
-You shouldn't, everything should either be paid for, traded for, or given to you as a gift, as for downloading music illegally, the question is are you downloading it or sharring it! Either or, don't fucking steal dude.

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
-nore should you bear against a false neighbor!

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
-I live in an appartment, this is like the best one for me lol


The 10 commandments are obviously there for religious values, but even someone who is not religious can seek common sense and proper edicate in the 10 commandments!
God punishes humanity because Adam ate an apple from the Tree OF KNOWLEDGE...

Wow, I had never even noticed that before. That's a pretty fatal flaw.

I've always thought that religion was used to explain the unexplainable. (from centuries ago obviously, before science) And to control the masses, Man created God in his image : intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent.
while not a particularly well written book, one of the most interesting ideas is one i read about Satan as the protagonist and Yahweh as the pompus self-indulgant egotist.. t'was grand. Basically why Satan got kicked out of 'heaven' is he refused to bow down to Yahweh, didn't see anything particularly worth bowing down to and that pissed Yahweh off.. Not that I believe in any of it when it comes to religion, but I think the point is who knows which one would be the right choice to follow?

As for SymX being Satanic because they dare write about theology? Bejeezus! People are screwed in the head..
I would say something here, but chances are everything's already been said in htis thread that's worth saying, including "OmgMetal Symphony X is satanic!!"
Wow, I had never even noticed that before. That's a pretty fatal flaw.

I've always thought that religion was used to explain the unexplainable. (from centuries ago obviously, before science) And to control the masses, Man created God in his image : intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent.
Dude, you never noticed that part? I thought that the Knowledge part was the entire point.
while not a particularly well written book, one of the most interesting ideas is one i read about Satan as the protagonist and Yahweh as the pompus self-indulgant egotist.. t'was grand. Basically why Satan got kicked out of 'heaven' is he refused to bow down to Yahweh, didn't see anything particularly worth bowing down to and that pissed Yahweh off.. Not that I believe in any of it when it comes to religion, but I think the point is who knows which one would be the right choice to follow?

As for SymX being Satanic because they dare write about theology? Bejeezus! People are screwed in the head..

Yahweh ? I didnt make it to far, only about half way through genesis, at which point I'd read enough. So Yahweh must have been some "angel".

The part about casting satan down to earth ( I have heard this one), really baffels me. Im trying to logic the thing out... Here we have God, the all powerful and he's got a rebelious, devious angle... so rather than dealing with him.... he sends him to us....... what a guy... like we didnt already have enough problems... so its like... well, does this almighty power have the ability to deal with anything or is he just a big spoiled selfish baby that has tantrums. For another example, the fire and brimstone at sodom and gamora, where is this almighty power today, I could easily have located many other, more worthy targets over the past several thousand years.

Seriously I think the bible or any faith books are books of symbolic tales meant to be guidelines. The moral of the story are lessons to be learned, then used by people in power to keep people living in fear of the after life so they walk a straighter line.

Now we have massive jails and a screwed up, unbalanced judicial system.

Still nothing works... must be that damned satan