The "Ask KillerGon" thread:

It is a long story. He was a regular guy once, who used to be very ungay and was actually fun to talk to. Then one day he saw the Numa Numa video. And it changed his life forever. He was obsessed, from that moment on. He watched it 50 times a day... and the gayness of that song started to effect him, and altered his thinking patterns... He got the lyrics tattooed all over his body and then after a few weeks, he actually started jerking off to the Numa Numa dance... he cut off all ties with the outside world, lost interest in women and then finally, he became so obessed he took out a loan and got cosmetic surgery to look like the Numa Numa guy, Gary Brolsma. The surgeon did the best with what he had... they injected fat, damaged his retinas so he needed glasses, removed his dick because he would never need it again and the end result was this:



And that is the gay legend of Soy. And sometimes if you look into the horizon at the right time, on a bright Turkish morning, you can still see him doing the Numa Numa dance and hear him shrieking "MIYA HEE, MIYA HO" off into the sunset.

(P.S. I am really fucking bored :lol: and this is all a lame joke!)

that is fucking legend when did this turn into the Heartless question thread?


Since KillerGon has been banned, I will take it upon myself to try and keep this thread alive until he comes back since he likes it so much. That means from now until his return direct ALL your questions towards me, and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Or we can all just let this thread die, it's up to you guys. If you do have any questions though, just keep posting and I will answer.

Around page 55...
Why can't i be as smart as you in photoshop?

I suck very badly at photoshop!! I used to use paint, if you remember, when I first came here... and that was a VERY hard program to use... then I got photoshop and yeh... it just takes time to learn :p play around when you're bored... I really do suck though XD compared to people who actually know how to use it :p