The "Ask KillerGon" thread:

No, he will leave office in next year and become an even bigger alcoholic. If the democrats win this election, he will become the most hated president in history 10 years faster than it would have normally happened. If the republicans win, he will still be hated, but given some kind of honour perhaps.

He will move back to Texas and no one will care about him anymore. Humanity and America will never fully recover from the damage he did... :lol: once it comes close though, one of his daughters will become the first female president and they will finish off the Bush family legacy by wiping out the Middle East.

:lol: So true. Why did Gonzo get banned?
If you're on a forum, the chances are no. But it depends what you do in the meantime. You could be like Profanity, (who i am certain had no life) or RiderOfJustice, who lives in california and gets stoned all the time, which is on the opposite side of the spectrum for some people.
I don't think so:erk:
I had something funny to say:) My friend, his name is robert used to date an emo girl named laura. Around a month ago they separated because he felt no connection with her, and in return she threatened to exploit information about him, also she would allegedly kill herself. She said alot of things, that she was pregnant (although she counteracted herself by saying she got raped as a youngster and her fallopian tube was destroyed) and one day robert's mother decided to call the school. This resulted in kicking laura out of the school, and later in the day her house was searched for possible lethal weapons, as the reason for her being kicked was that she posed a danger to all pupils, and herself, she had school-style suicide watch every 15 minutes :lol:
Pepsi or coke ? Which is the more sensible choice for the metal head of today ?
Pepsi has always been my favourite... but it is all a matter of taste and opinion. I personally don't really drink caffeine products anyways, unless I am getting fast food but other than that I rarely do, pretty much never. If you want a drink that will amp you up for a show, avoid the Pepsi and Coke all together and go for a gatorade, water or one of those energy drinks eventhough I've never had one.
Do i have a life?
Yes, you are alive and therefore you do have a life. If you meant to ask if you lead an eventful, meaningful life, then of that I am not certain because I do not know you very well.
Dear Gonjoe,
Do you like Mcdonalds?
Yes, but I never eat it. Or buy it. Only when it's bought for me, then I will eat it... Big Macs ftw. I actually only buy food like Sushi or other stuff like KFC. I am not a big fast food guy. Subs are good too.
Dear Joe

Why is Söy so gay ?

It is a long story. He was a regular guy once, who used to be very ungay and was actually fun to talk to. Then one day he saw the Numa Numa video. And it changed his life forever. He was obsessed, from that moment on. He watched it 50 times a day... and the gayness of that song started to effect him, and altered his thinking patterns... He got the lyrics tattooed all over his body and then after a few weeks, he actually started jerking off to the Numa Numa dance... he cut off all ties with the outside world, lost interest in women and then finally, he became so obessed he took out a loan and got cosmetic surgery to look like the Numa Numa guy, Gary Brolsma. The surgeon did the best with what he had... they injected fat, damaged his retinas so he needed glasses, removed his dick because he would never need it again and the end result was this:



And that is the gay legend of Soy. And sometimes if you look into the horizon at the right time, on a bright Turkish morning, you can still see him doing the Numa Numa dance and hear him shrieking "MIYA HEE, MIYA HO" off into the sunset.

(P.S. I am really fucking bored :lol: and this is all a lame joke!)
:lol: I remember that song... it's so bad !!! back then I wasn't even into metal but I hated that song anyway.

You're talking about this, right ?

It's stuck in my head now :erk:
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