The Beliefs Of Amon Amarth

So many excellent and well thought out replys here without hostility in their words...

King Olaf converted his people through deception as well, in my humble opinion. Having exposed that food offerings to the gods were actually hoarded in a wooden statue by woodland creatures and by a sunray breaking through the clouds: these examples were how he led his village to be converted.

As for the Viking religion not lasting for long, I believe Tyr was said to be an ancient Germanic god for several centuries before Odin and Thor were introduced.
Mad Dog Ulfhednar said:
It doesn't, that's bullshit. That's like saying you can't be a Christian because you didn't come from the middle east. Asatru itself is a worldwide belief system and doesn't discriminate against what country a person was born in. We have kindreds all over the states as well as in Canada, Australia, England and the list goes on and on.

Actually that's the point with christianity - that you're not from the middle east.

And Tyr just had more importance before, not that he was there before Oden.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Actually that's the point with christianity - that you're not from the middle east.
I think the problem with Christianity is that it's more often than not religiously intolerant and prone to religious supremacy. Just remember those are bad qualities to have in any system of belief. When you start saying things like "Scandinavian Heathens are the only true Heathens or "If you're not from a Germanic country then you're not a true Heathen" well that's when you start committing the same mistakes as them and start dividing your own people making us vulnerable to our enemies. There are Germanic people all over the world and I don't see why they can't practice Heathenry just because they're not from Europe. It's the blood and the heart that counts the most.
With only two posts under your "belt" and that kind of attitude, you might consider this.........

The unwise man among others who come,
let him be sparing of speech;
for no one knows that naught is in him,
but he opens his mouth too much.

or maybe this.............

No mock make thou of any man,
though thou comest among kinsmen;
he knowing weens him whom no one has asked,
and dry-shod hies him home.
King Olaf the saint as he's called made the mistake of bitch slapping his wife who was ironically a Heathen when Olaf was a Christian just to show that not everyone was a Christian in that country at that time. His wife got two Pagan Danish kings (including Forkbeard) after him and soundly defeated him and his men in a brutal battle. Instead of dying like a man like many of his men he instead chose to leap off his ship into the waters below never to be seen again. Amen
Olof87 said:
That goes for Tyra too?, The viking religion didnt last for long, i mean here in Sweden today and all the other scandinavian countries there are churches everywhere, i f people could here the voices of gods, do u really think they would change religion. It aint like the christian forced the north to believe in christianity, instead people just changed because it was sort of a fashion.

its not just a viking religion. :rolleyes:
Mad Dog Ulfhednar said:
I think the problem with Christianity is that it's more often than not religiously intolerant and prone to religious supremacy. Just remember those are bad qualities to have in any system of belief. When you start saying things like "Scandinavian Heathens are the only true Heathens or "If you're not from a Germanic country then you're not a true Heathen" well that's when you start committing the same mistakes as them and start dividing your own people making us vulnerable to our enemies. There are Germanic people all over the world and I don't see why they can't practice Heathenry just because they're not from Europe. It's the blood and the heart that counts the most.

can't the word heathen be used for Jupiterian Pagans? or celtic pagans?
but yeah i believe that religion is associated to the blood. people should follow the religion of their own people, not that of others. but do what you want, it just doesnt seem right otherwise in my opinion.
As a general rule, People of Germanic/Celtic origins who are non christian are called Heathens, beacause they tended to live out in the countryside on the "heath"

Mediterranean non christians are Pagans because Paganni was the Roman word for their country folk, Pagan and Heathen both mean the same thing: