The Beliefs Of Amon Amarth

TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
or hanging themselves in an ash tree or jumping off their "ättestup" (familycliff?)

Exactly. I grew up about ten minutes away from one of those ättestup things (I'm glad you reminded me of the word, cuz I was going to mention that in my post but couldn't think of the word...). It was surrounded by cliffs with stone age cupmarks and "trollkittlar" and all sorts of things like that. Very magical place - made the hair on your neck stand up for no apparent reason just to be there! Anyhow, that cliff had been used a few times, even quite late in time. I don't know how well supported that sort of thing is in the written sources, but in the spoken lore it certainly is.

I suppose everyone interprets lore in their own way, too, even in asatru. In the bible, Leviticus has rules for what is right and what is wrong. That's where the thing about homosexuality is mentioned, for example. It also says that one cannot wear natural fibre (cotton) together with animal fibre (wool), and it clearly states that one cannot marry someone that has been divorced previously. Most people apply the first rule, but disregard the latter two. I am guessing that even the ON people did such things on occasion.
I am the only Pagen where i live, and it fucken pisses me off when people laugh when i tell them, like im making a fucking joke. Their brainwashed christan minds think that just cause some child raping priest tells them something its true.

Just a quick question regaurding what you guys are talking about, only being able to die in battle.

I do not wish to do battle for where i live, America And i would glady fight any battles for scandinava which is my background.

If i never get the chance to, can i still gain my entrance to Valhalla?

Also, does anyone know where i can find a place where i could find the Viking Religous Books in English? has bunches.
I just ordered these.

War_Blade said:
I am the only Pagen where i live, and it fucken pisses me off when people laugh when i tell them, like im making a fucking joke. Their brainwashed christan minds think that just cause some child raping priest tells them something its true.

yeah very true. most people take it as a fucking joke when you tell them you're pagan. even atheist who wouldnt laugh if someone told them they were christian. i usually answer "how is believing in one God normal and believing in many ridiculous when technically its practically the same thing?"
it reminds of this TV show i watched on french TV. the TV "animator" invited a celtic druid to the show and was making fun of him saying he thought the druit would come with a long white beard and a long cloak with a big cane and shit like that. he was mockingly comparing him with the famous druid character in the comic books "Asterix and Obelix" which takes place in the Gallo-roman era. he even asked the druid if he lived in a hut and other dumb ass comments of that sort. then the druid totally broke the guy down by telling him that in Brittany (the celtic region of france) there are more druids than christian priests.

War_Blade said:
Just a quick question regaurding what you guys are talking about, only being able to die in battle.

I do not wish to do battle for where i live, America And i would glady fight any battles for scandinava which is my background.

If i never get the chance to, can i still gain my entrance to Valhalla?

well i guess not considering what was said before. warriors who fought wars but never died lamented the fact they were then too old to go to battle and hence won't be able to enter Valhalla.
so Quorthon probably isnt in Valhalla. :(
Celtik Militia said:
well i guess not considering what was said before. warriors who fought wars but never died lamented the fact they were then too old to go to battle and hence won't be able to enter Valhalla.
so Quorthon probably isnt in Valhalla. :(

Remember, we also noted that instances in the lore showed those dying also either cut themselves with spear or sword.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Yes, well the hippie politically correct viking answering lady may not be the best source of knowledge regarding that field...

Well, for now it beats me pouring through every saga I own trying to find instances.
Hi all,

I'm as always too lazy to read all replies but I just wanted to say that Pagan belief and Viking belief are two different things....The main thing that seperates Viking-belief from Christianity and most other beliefs is that it's a belief of more gods as one....*my thought for today*
War_Blade said:
Also, does anyone know where i can find a place where i could find the Viking Religous Books in English?

What books are you talking about? Th Eddas? The Sagas? What? If thats the case then go to amazon, they have tons of em.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What, sodomy? It was kind of frowned upon to my knowledge. Or do you mean rules of conduct in religion or...?

No, I meant it as an example of how some people take religious rules and choose to interpret the text so that some of the rules are applied to their lives (most christians in my town are horrified by homosexuality, using the Bible to explain their thinking) while other rules are not (they have no problem marrying women who are divorced and have no problem wearing their wool coats over their cotton shirts, which is also, as I pointed out in the post in question, written in the Bible). That's all. I did not mean to get into the whole issue of sodomy within ON circles... I just meant that I am sure that some people would interpret the issue of how one gets into Valhall differently than Sleipnir and I.

Sorry about the delay in response, Pagan. My serviceprovider has been having trouble, so I've been able to read, but not reply!:ill: /T
ok, this is off topic, its not about the beliefs of AA or anything, i just didnt know where to put this and i didnt want to start a whole thread about it either.

i just saw this documentary today, in which archeologists and scientists have a "new" theory about where the american indians might come from.. and thats from france and spain! haha. this is totally crazy shit, but the sort of proofs these scientists handed down are quite bluffing, weither its archeological proof or scientific proof through DNA samples. these peoples of europe called the Solutreans were in europe at about 15,000 BC and then disapeared from all knowledge, except for the theory of these archeologists who say that the american indians are actually the descendants of the Solutreans. to get more proof these archeologists studied the sinuit/eskimo societies and say that they are very comparable to the Solutreans in their way of living, cause at the time of the Solutreans, europe was like antarctica (sp?) with the ice age. this is the only good page i could find about it on internet (but i admit i didnt look hard for it). the documentary was much more complete and convincing.
perhaps Tyra knows some about it, or maybe other people. but i find this quite interresting, and it is something revolutionary for me.