TheLastWithPaganBlood said:or hanging themselves in an ash tree or jumping off their "ättestup" (familycliff?)
Exactly. I grew up about ten minutes away from one of those ättestup things (I'm glad you reminded me of the word, cuz I was going to mention that in my post but couldn't think of the word...). It was surrounded by cliffs with stone age cupmarks and "trollkittlar" and all sorts of things like that. Very magical place - made the hair on your neck stand up for no apparent reason just to be there! Anyhow, that cliff had been used a few times, even quite late in time. I don't know how well supported that sort of thing is in the written sources, but in the spoken lore it certainly is.
I suppose everyone interprets lore in their own way, too, even in asatru. In the bible, Leviticus has rules for what is right and what is wrong. That's where the thing about homosexuality is mentioned, for example. It also says that one cannot wear natural fibre (cotton) together with animal fibre (wool), and it clearly states that one cannot marry someone that has been divorced previously. Most people apply the first rule, but disregard the latter two. I am guessing that even the ON people did such things on occasion.