The Big > topic

I thought AndreasS was seriously suggesting to close the thread . . . . at which I suggested possibly deleting it . . . . it does seem to have lived its rather short and questionably benefic life.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Oh, we have such a small number of active threads anyway, I was thinking maybe this one should stay open. I do agree it's not an extremely constructive thread, but the other ones in the OT section aren't particularly useful either.
So, if anyone decides to close it anyway, please do. Till then, a little bit of further posting wouldn't harm, I suppose. :)

Being a bandmember > being an admin on a band forum.

Please forgive my dirty mind, but I am not going to post what I thought after reading SW's comment would be too easy =P

telling me now what a Kaun is > having a BIG secret with StoneWoman