The Books/Reading Thread

Apparently my Amazon Prime allows me one free book a month via Kindle so I got:

I buy my books at Barnes & Noble, both store and online. I also buy from Occasionally I pick up a mass market at the grocery store or magazine shop I go to. Some I get as gifts and then I have a publisher who sends me a book here and there to review. Once in while I'll go to a used book sale at a library.

Speaking of which, my latest book review is for the debut thriller called Overwatch by Matthew Betley. You can check out what I had to say via this link.

I was wondering what to choose for the start when it comes to Hamsun, I browsed some book sites and I opted for Growth instead of Hunger. Maybe it's because I prefer to read those less known releases prior to those critically acclaimed masterpieces. That's why, thanks to @unknown, I started with Light in August when reading Faulkner and not with The Sound and the Fury or earlier mentioned Absalom, Absalom!
I'm reading some bits and sections of Spengler's Decline of the West for my senior thesis. His influence on Heidegger is apparent, to say the least. He makes quite a few remarks, as well, on the evolution of categorization that resemble arguments in Foucault's The Order of Things, including comments on Marx and Darwin and their coinciding epochal-making understanding of economics and biology. There's also quite a lot of off-the wall conclusions--on this point, it works well for my purposes.
I finished reading two Julie Hyzy mystery novels, Buffalo West Wing and Affairs of Steak recently.