The Books/Reading Thread

I really enjoy Edgar Allan Poe's works I've read in my High School and College English classes, what book collection/chronology would you recommend to me written by Poe? The Case of M. Valdemar is just brutal, so is The Black Cat.

just get a collection of his complete tales and poems... hell it's only like 1,000 pages or so.

I agree with this. I have a collection of his complete works. You should be able to find a similar collection in your local bookstore (or online, if all else fails) for less than twenty dollars. His poetry is truly tantalizing and haunting; some of the most beautiful works I've ever read.
I'm taking a couple of weeks off from school, so I'm ordering a bunch of books tomorrow. Ordering some on writing and psychology... I'd need a good starting point for philosophy. Suggestions?
I agree with this. I have a collection of his complete works. You should be able to find a similar collection in your local bookstore (or online, if all else fails) for less than twenty dollars. His poetry is truly tantalizing and haunting; some of the most beautiful works I've ever read.

hell just go to a library. FREE!
Maybe not the perfect place but, gonna be on a train for about 4/5 hours next saturday to get back to uni
Can anyone recommend any good audiobooks?
Thinking more in the comedy or fantasy genre (or both), maybe a good HP Lovecraft (I listened to Call of Cthulu on the way here, first time I looked into it, bloody good book)
And yes I get I SHOULD be reading them myself but I get nausea when reading and travelling for some reason.

I used this the whole year for my Intro to Philosophy class. I'd say it's excellent as a starting text, because it has a good mix of classic and contemporary philosophers, and it covers pretty much all the main disciplines in philosophy.,M1

It's far too expensive at the local book store, will have to pass up on this. Thanks anyway.

These look interesting, I shall look into them further. Thanks a lot.
I'm finishing up first year right now, so I'm about to choose. Most likely sociology and english, but I'm not sure.
The whole POSt process is really confusing, tbh. I'm probably gonna talk to a registrar before continuing. Are you at St. George UofT?
Yeah I'm at St. George but I'm living off campus right now. I'm finishing up second year. I'm a history specialist, but I will probably have enough credits by the end of my time here to also get a sociology minor. The POSt system is actually easier than it seems. There are three choices Specialist, two Majors, or one Major and two Minors. All of those have different requirements which I think are in the course catalog. After a certain date you can request to join a specific POSt on ROSI and then eventually they let you in and you get first dibs on required courses and stuff like that. You can also change POSts if you don't end up liking it. It's probably a good idea to talk to your registrar about it to get all the details.

Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. I hope your exams go well. That's pretty much what I'm going to be doing the next two weeks.
Yeah I'm at St. George but I'm living off campus right now. I'm finishing up second year. I'm a history specialist, but I will probably have enough credits by the end of my time here to also get a sociology minor. The POSt system is actually easier than it seems. There are three choices Specialist, two Majors, or one Major and two Minors. All of those have different requirements which I think are in the course catalog. After a certain date you can request to join a specific POSt on ROSI and then eventually they let you in and you get first dibs on required courses and stuff like that. You can also change POSts if you don't end up liking it. It's probably a good idea to talk to your registrar about it to get all the details.

Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. I hope your exams go well. That's pretty much what I'm going to be doing the next two weeks.

Damn, thanks a lot, that actually cleared up quite a bit.
I'm off campus too, I'm not that crazy about the on-campus lifestyle, so until I'm able to rent an apartment for myself, I'm just gonna stay home.
Good luck on your exams too dude, I have 5 in the next 2 weeks or so, so I know it's gonna be pretty brutal.