The Clairvoyant - Iron Maiden collaboration

Here's a mix with my vocals.
The files haven't been all in sync, so I cut off the hi-hat in the beginning etc. But you get the point.
It's not an easy song to sing. I would like to get your opinions on it.
Also I am curious how El Gato will sound :)

Man, I love your vibrato! I've to work on this. As you said, a little strained in some parts, yes, but Dickinson is an alien, we have no chance :erk::lol: A bit too clean for my taste but the tuning, vibrato and your voice are very nice.

The guit solo is great!

Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for Sunday to track drums for this but the intro is crazy. I couldn't make it. The click is spot on but the instruments are weird.

If you don't mind, I will mute the intro to track. We can try editing guitars afterwards to see if they fit. If not, are you willing to retrack the intro?

Anyway, here's a clip for you to hear my vox and I'll try drums again today.

Sure I can do better but it was a pain to track this. Fun but HARD. No autotune, the artifacts and saturation you hear is the FMR PBC 6a on the way in with up to 6dBs reduction. I tried to match the sound to the original record. It has like 15dBs@ 115Hz!!

Talk to you later.
damn both vocals are nice. why not put out both versions?

let's get to the bottom of the problem with the intro. I've checked various times now and it'S all fine.
can you try to exactly identify the problem?
Man, I love your vibrato! I've to work on this. As you said, a little strained in some parts, yes, but Dickinson is an alien, we have no chance :erk::lol: A bit too clean for my taste but the tuning, vibrato and your voice are very nice.

Thanks man!

Sure I can do better but it was a pain to track this. Fun but HARD. No autotune, the artifacts and saturation you hear is the FMR PBC 6a on the way in with up to 6dBs reduction. I tried to match the sound to the original record. It has like 15dBs@ 115Hz!!

Talk to you later.

That was really good dude! Now I feel like recording my version again :lol:
We can have 1 track for each one or one track with both. One sings a verse chorus the other the second verse and chorus.
yeah I think we can begin mixing the track. If you guys want the guitars edited for mixing, give me more time, I already have the rhythm guitars edited but I didnt touch the leads and the cleans yet.
Awesome performance man. It doesnt even needs autotune!lol

maybe it already got some :heh:
But thanks, I'm also happy with it except for some parts.
If you mix it I think you should add tons of bass. I was singing really loud, and the bass kinda dissappears when you scream the mic to death.
I had the gain on 3 with a Sm7b :D
I didn't even need to clean up the gaps between the singing, because you can't hear anything of the headphones bleeding in the mic haha
I can't wait to hear the end result. It's a really cool project!
Here it´s a mix for this song:
There is space for more improvements but I think it´s good how it is now. mix.mp3

Skaldir the link that you posted for the lead thing doesnt work. Still dont know what part is. Better you post here some youtube link with the seconds that the thing happens.

BTW Skaldir do you sing in a band? You are a quite good singer. :)
Mix sounds pretty good! Maybe a bit overcompressed and bass heavy. Already limited? I think we shouldn't aim to win the loudness war with the cover project. :D
The last vocal phrase "and be reborn again" is placed too early in timing for some reason, but other than that you treated my vocals good. :)

Hm, the link works for me. Its just an mp3.

Yeah, I sing in the band HEL
Feel free to like us on facebook

[riff 1]


Its this part. The last two sections there the 7th fret is on the D string and this is right. In our version I think its the 7th fret on the A string still.
Mix sounds pretty good! Maybe a bit overcompressed and bass heavy. Already limited? I think we shouldn't aim to win the loudness war with the cover project. :D
The last vocal phrase "and be reborn again" is placed too early in timing for some reason, but other than that you treated my vocals good. :)

Hm, the link works for me. Its just an mp3.

Yeah, I sing in the band HEL
Feel free to like us on facebook

I agree with you, it´s compressed and limited, I dont need to put the song so loud, it´s killing the dynamics and the snare!lol Well being bass heavy, it´s maiden you know ;) but I agree it´s a bit loud.

You band is awesome, reminds me a bit primordial. I would never guess by hearing your band that you could sing a maiden tune, because you dont push for your voice in your band. Well the music also doesnt demand it.

Ok I understand the lead thing, let hear what luismars have to say.
I agree with you, it´s compressed and limited, I dont need to put the song so loud, it´s killing the dynamics and the snare!lol Well being bass heavy, it´s maiden you know ;) but I agree it´s a bit loud.
Yeah, I kinda meant the bass in the bass guitar though, not the volume of the bass guitar in general.
But its all minor things. I think the mix itself is very good! A lot of VCC? :)

You band is awesome, reminds me a bit primordial. I would never guess by hearing your band that you could sing a maiden tune, because you dont push for your voice in your band. Well the music also doesnt demand it.

Thanks! Well there are some really high parts on the album, but not all the time gladly :D

Ok I understand the lead thing, let hear what luismars have to say.

Glad I'm not insane :)

Another thing is the beginning. I still have the feeling stuff is shifted there. When the rhythm guitar kicks in I have the feeling the bass is shifted, then the lead guitar kicks in on a strange counting time, but then all of a sudden when the snare is there everything fits.
Can't blame you though, because when I was setting up the tracks for recording it also didn't work out with the placement. But maybe there's a way to fix it?
Yeah, I kinda meant the bass in the bass guitar though, not the volume of the bass guitar in general.
But its all minor things. I think the mix itself is very good! A lot of VCC? :)

Thanks! Well there are some really high parts on the album, but not all the time gladly :D

Glad I'm not insane :)

Another thing is the beginning. I still have the feeling stuff is shifted there. When the rhythm guitar kicks in I have the feeling the bass is shifted, then the lead guitar kicks in on a strange counting time, but then all of a sudden when the snare is there everything fits.
Can't blame you though, because when I was setting up the tracks for recording it also didn't work out with the placement. But maybe there's a way to fix it?

Ah yes, the low end on the bass is quite heavy, yes I agree. It was more louder before but I turned down a bit, I guess I could turn down even more. Iron maiden mixes the bass is always loud but very thin, not a big fan. But they were 80 mixes.

I dont have VCC, SSl compressor, clipper and limiter on master bus. It does the work ;) I like the mix, but not quite happy with the snare and the toms, they need a bit more work.

I cut, stretched, edited to fuck the guitars in the intro to fit but they still sounds weird. You are right, the thing is, the bass intro is not played in a 4/4 it´s a fucking weird time and drum enters before the compass begins, so that´s why this sounds a mess. More weird it´s the fact that colonel_claypoo says that the drum track that I put here it´s right with the time in the intro.

colonel_claypoo did you used Reaper for recording?
I cut, stretched, edited to fuck the guitars in the intro to fit but they still sounds weird. You are right, the thing is, the bass intro is not played in a 4/4 it´s a fucking weird time and drum enters before the compass begins, so that´s why this sounds a mess. More weird it´s the fact that colonel_claypoo says that the drum track that I put here it´s right with the time in the intro.

colonel_claypoo did you used Reaper for recording?

I did use reaper.
the timing of the bass riff is indeed weird. you can't compare it with the guitars or it'll throw you off.

here's a quick bounce of the intro from my reaper project.
it sounds fine to me.