The Depression (and mocking/support) thread

I know. It's a vicious cycle. One of the most dreaded things for me, and this has to be the worst invention ever by man, are job interviews. Who needs them? Let me work for free and see how I fare.
I have an extremely hard time marketing myself, and unfortunately, it seems only luck and good connections can get you out of this rut. By chance one of my friends got into a senior position at the insurance agency where I now work, so he convinced the manager to give me a trial run without an interview, and I don't want to brag unnecessarily, but I was unofficially elected new employee of the month. So eventually, what it really amounts to is how well you perform your job, and not the extravagant lies you are forced to make up to create an initial good impression.
yeah thats what makes it so hard to overcome I guess, the fact that what scares you and makes you depressed is also the solution to your problems.

It's a touchy line to explain, as well. I'm not sad because I am a dad. I'd never change that for a fucking thing. But being a dad has caused me pain I had not forseen and have yet to learn to handle properly (if there's such a thing as handling this pain "properly"). Her leaving is a normal pain, albeit slightly more than usual due to us having a child. Ugh, I miss them. Dearly. I'd give ANYTHING to have them with me right now.
My life since middle school has been a gradual ascent from depression. I'd say that as of a year ago I'm totally clear of it.
I won't participate in this discussion, as I'll rather go to a big party tonight to get wasted and embarrass myself touching some girl I hardly even know. Because that's metal and still a lot better use of a time than complaining about uselessness in this thread. But I'll have a beer for you d_t as I can't even imagine having a kid, let alone losing it.

And I'm glad for Zeph that his chubby girlfriend and juggling makes him happy, it wouldn't propably work for me (but that's a compliment, Jeremy :) ).
I always found that physical activities were a great help when feeling down. Usually sports helps to increase the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin helps the brain a stabilized mood and helps sleep patterns.

Sport also helps you get your mind off things that you tend to obsess on when you're feeling down. So when you exercise it distracts your body and mind from pain.

I always found that physical activities helped me greatly in my life and I always try to go out and do something at least 3 to 5 times per week.

Try to join organised might meet new and interesting people while having a fun activity to do. If you hate people and social aspects or sports well start running by yourself, you'll see how good you feel after you exercice.
I wish you all good health people. I don't know your situations or anything, but I had been through this three years back and I found my way out, my first love left me by then and i had a bunch of family problems, and I was thinking a lot, i couldn't even sleep well.. But it happened to me that someday I woke up and I was like :" hey, I'm so fucking stupid, look at this fucking awesome weather, i have good grades, i'm in a good physical health, I have some great friends out there, why am I acting like that? I won't let this shit consume me anymore" and stuff like these. Of course, it wasn't an instant change, but I worked on it and I gradually found my way out (especially after my successful graduation in high school). The point I'm trying to make is, ask yourself do you actually deserve having a bad life (your life, YOU possess and control)? I'm sure it's not. try to cross the boundries that scare you, like socilizing, pick up good friends and hang out with them... and imo, if you have a healthy body you are good, i mean, stop drugs,drinking and so on, coz it just ruins you.
I wish you best guys.. really.
Since everyone knows I'm in hell, .

I'm in hell. whatever

I'll just :)

maybe hell is on earth and it's just a matter of realising it and saying fuck it. I refuse to beat myself up and think life could or should be different. accept your life for what it is

At the end of the day no one gives a shit.
Last half a year has been bad for me, mentally, for really no reason (compared to what a lot of people are going through). Planning on fixing this soon.
I always found that physical activities were a great help when feeling down. Usually sports helps to increase the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin helps the brain a stabilized mood and helps sleep patterns.

Sport also helps you get your mind off things that you tend to obsess on when you're feeling down. So when you exercise it distracts your body and mind from pain.

I always found that physical activities helped me greatly in my life and I always try to go out and do something at least 3 to 5 times per week.

Try to join organised might meet new and interesting people while having a fun activity to do. If you hate people and social aspects or sports well start running by yourself, you'll see how good you feel after you exercice.

I agree. Jogging is really great once you've learned to resist the fatigue. Eventually you come to enjoy feeling the taste of blood in your mouth, and your mind goes blank as you can't think about anything else than taking the next step, it's really meditative. A tip for anyone, if your body is healthy your mind will feel healtier.
Depression? Yeah, I got it, I suppose, but I've been worse. It's mostly caused by my social anxiety, alienation and loneliness. I used to whine about it sometimes, but not on this forum. But I try to stay productive, write every day, keep the apartment in order, exercise regularly (though I can't during the winter).
I've been on an antidepressant for almost a year now. I started taking a new one in addition with it and it might be having weird effects. Earlier today I felt fucking euphoric but I'm drained now, and have hardly any will to speak to my friends.

running makes me want to shit myself

I ran about three miles in the Hong Kong sun while holding in a bulky and vile eruption of diarrhea. Needless to say, I released it in the bathroom as soon as I got to the beach. Too bad the toilets were those holes in the ground, that don't flush. Most uncomfortable time of my life. Horrible smell, awkward position, sweaty hair in my face. I got to the beach first though, and that made me happy.
AT F&F: I dont trust antidepressants.If you are ever in the situation to try something else, go for St johnsworth Vitamin d and Ginko, thats what I take. It actually does wonders( but maybe just in a Placebo way????)

anyways, those holes in the floor are sick. FUCK THOSE FUCKING TOILETS FUCK
Antidepressants I only like when I don't miss doses. Fucked up stuff happens when I miss them. There was one week where I missed doses, and took a different dose of a similar medicine, and used drugs. Horrible time.
I'm worried I will get prescribed antidepressants as a handwave for addressing any actual underlying problems, and they will subsequently make me "not myself." One of my worst fears.