The Depression (and mocking/support) thread

I'm worried I will get prescribed antidepressants as a handwave for addressing any actual underlying problems, and they will subsequently make me "not myself." One of my worst fears.
It's all in your head. No pill will you help you unless you help yourself. Pills of any kind are massively produced garbage, anyway. The key to curing many afflictions is to keep a positive attitude,first and foremost, not stuff yourself with chemicals.
It's all in your head. No pill will you help you unless you help yourself. Pills of any kind are massively produced garbage, anyway. The key to curing many afflictions is to keep a positive attitude,first and foremost, not stuff yourself with chemicals.

Sure would be nice if a positive attitude alone were an absolute cure for clinical depression. Not trying to be an asshole, but I'm a pretty positive person and I'm still very held back by my depression. My enjoyment of life in general is always fucked up by an omnipresent emotional pain that I can't get rid of. I'd be on an antidepressant right now if I had health insurance.
I have a form of clinical depression called dysthymia, so I deal with constant hopelessness, apathy, and anxiety. It got really out of control a few years back, so I went to see a few therapists to alleviate the problem. I found that using antidepressant drugs is definitely not worth the side effects, and that positive self-talk (cheesy as it is) is more effective. Also, St. John's Wort supplement pills are also quite effective. I'm not any less nihilistic in my worldview, but at least I'm not miserable anymore.
I don't know much about clinical depression. Is it caused by a chemical imbalance of some sort? Can it be cured? I can't help you but I'm sure there are people who can. Have you tried going to a social worker?
Try to think what it is that keeps you depressed, when did it start, what initially sparked it, and try working towards a solution.Break out of your current routine, try making some gradual changes in it.Find a job that forces you to communicate with others.
I fail to see the "stupid" unless they're all just pretending in which case this thread should be nominated for "silliest goose". I'm not really qualified to post authoritative advice on this subject but as someone who had gone through some semblance of what they had, I thought I should add my 50 cents.
I don't know much about clinical depression. Is it caused by a chemical imbalance of some sort? Can it be cured? I can't help you but I'm sure there are people who can. Have you tried going to a social worker?
Try to think what it is that keeps you depressed, when did it start, what initially sparked it, and try working towards a solution.Break out of your current routine, try making some gradual changes in it.Find a job that forces you to communicate with others.

Yeah, generally its some sort of imbalance when it happens out of nowhere, but certain things can also trigger it. And it also runs in genes too.

Without a therapist or some sort of antidepressants things probably won't change, you'll just feel like doing absolutely nothing, won't feel any sort of pleasure, and so on.
I have a form of clinical depression called dysthymia, so I deal with constant hopelessness, apathy, and anxiety. It got really out of control a few years back, so I went to see a few therapists to alleviate the problem. I found that using antidepressant drugs is definitely not worth the side effects, and that positive self-talk (cheesy as it is) is more effective. Also, St. John's Wort supplement pills are also quite effective. I'm not any less nihilistic in my worldview, but at least I'm not miserable anymore.

Nice to see someone bucking the usual trend of mood altering pill popping to combat depression.

When you have a chemical imbalance, like with other sicknesses and disease, it is not caused by a lack of (Insert **************). There is usually a nutrient deficiency, whether due to lifestyle or genetics.

Exactly, st johns worth!!! I also use Vitamin D and Ginko. Depression takes more work to get under control this way, but I think its must more worth it. Also yes, positive talk work oddly well. The first time i tried that, i simply laughed at myself, and all of a sudden I felt better. it was REALLY FUCKING WEIRD.
So what about in a situation like mine? There's no chemical imbalance. I'm just flat out crushed. I'm thinking about seeing a therapist, but I've gone that route before (though things weren't this bad) to no avail. Talking on this forum serves the same purpose, really.
No it doesn't. We're not licensed therapists. If anything, I'm sure your case will be a challenge for them :p Mildly joking, of course. Go for it, though. I would file your situation under "traumatic experience." Losing your child is traumatic enough, if you add in your ex girlfriend who you loved before taking him away well then yeah that's pretty much traumatic. Lots of people who go through traumatic experiences end up depressed at some point or another, whether it's from sexual assault, grief of losing someone (death/custody, for instance), etc. etc. I would honestly try a professional and come straight with them.
Positive self talk is pretty weird because it's basically this:

It does work well when you get over the "Holy shit I feel like a total fucking dumb ass!" feeling you get when counteracting the negative self-talk with the positive statements.
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So what about in a situation like mine? There's no chemical imbalance.

Injecting yourself with heroin to ease the pain most definitely counts as a chemical imbalance.

I'm just flat out crushed. I'm thinking about seeing a therapist, but I've gone that route before (though things weren't this bad) to no avail. Talking on this forum serves the same purpose, really.

Get the fuck off the forum and go and see someone.
It does work well when you get over the "Holy shit I feel like a total fucking dumb ass!" feeling you get when counteracting the negative self-talk with the positive statements.

Well positive self-talk=humanist viewpoint, and although it makes the person feel better, it generally doesn't solve the problem.

Imo, cognitive-behavioral is the most effective, but it depends on the case and diagnosis.

So what about in a situation like mine? There's no chemical imbalance. I'm just flat out crushed. I'm thinking about seeing a therapist, but I've gone that route before (though things weren't this bad) to no avail. Talking on this forum serves the same purpose, really.

In your situation you go out and see a therapist, simple as that.
Srontgorrth, you're exactly right about positive self-talk not being a remedy. It is a useful maintenance tool, though I would be loathe to dismiss it's value in controlling bouts of depression. I used cognitive -behavioral therapy with a professional to identify what triggers my depressive episodes and identify irrational thoughts and emotions. It took me a total of about 20 sessions over 2 years with three therapists, but I was finally able to bring my condition under control. Luckily, I paid next to nothing for all of this therapy, between government assistance and insurance through work.
@divine_torture: I was skeptical about seeing a "shrink" myself, but you really should, especially if your depression is disrupting your life anywhere close to the way it disrupted mine. Don't wait until you can't hold down a job, start loosing friends, start abusing drugs or alcohol, and can't keep up with your personal responsibilities to get therapy like I did. It just made it that much harder for me to recover from a relatively minor condition.
Yeah, out of what I've learned so far I plan on primarily going with CBT once I begin therapy, though that will be years upon years from now. Psychodynamic is also helpful in some cases, but maybe there would be a way to combine some positive self-talk with CBT.

And its pretty great that government assistance+insurance was able to nearly cover everything.
Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance, although I'm always apprehensive towards medication for depression because there are some serious hazards if taken recklessly or irresponsibly.

d_t: your depression isn't caused by a chemical imbalance (I mean, it is; but the imbalance has a cause). You're most likely developing some serious subconscious issues regarding relationships such as abandonment. You would probably benefit from seeing a psychologist. One avenue you might consider is taking her to court and trying to get partial custody in exchange for seeing a therapist. The government would pay for it and it would seriously be good for you.
Injecting alcohol into your brain is probably unhealthy.
Let alone lethal.

d_t: We aren't trained in psychology as much as a qualified therapist would be; I seriously urge you to get some medical help.

Don't turn to heroin again; that'll only make things worse in the long run.
Heroin is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself IMO. I know that is quite an eye-opening revelation, as Cookie Cutter would say.