The Dimmu Borgir Thread

Best Album

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The first two albums are like a lesser Dark Medieval Times mixed with some other contemporary bands attempting to do similar things. They're by no means great or perfect recordings though, but there are a lot of great moments on each. They overtly changed directions after Stormblast though, so nobody should be surprised if somebody likes For All Tid but not Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, or Spiritual Plaque Dimensions.
I too think that Spiritual Black Dimensions is fantastic from start to finish. I've always thought that it features Dimmu's best line-up, counting Vortex since he joined afterwards anyways.

However, it's been such a long time since I listened to them. Partially because I've lost interest in them due their last couple releases. The re-recording of Stormblast was just unnecessary and In Sorte Diaboli didn't really offer anything worthwhile that the band hadn't already done better in previous albums.