the dynamite politics thread

I'd have to say, even though it'll offend a few of you here, that I completely agree. I have always been repulsed by the politics, hypocrisy, and actions of the U.S. throughout its history.
I'm someone with whom you can have a very lengthy and informative discussion about this.
I do have much to say about the matter, but I think it's best that I don't
Villain said:
Every American soldier killed is a small step towards a better world.
I would disagree with this. Not all of them are there because they want to fight for what we are currently doing. While they still are fighting for the US, many of them may be drawn in by the benefits, such as free post-secondary education.
There are also effects of this that just put more effort into war. When more American soldiers die, more are sent, more international media coverage, and more support from other countries. Whenever an American soldier dies, more is put onto the effort against the American enemies, and more people will enlist against the "terrorist regime" that we are supposedly fighting against on such a grand scale. When more effort is put into war, the US power simply expands, and when we need help, ignorant allies are always ready to help in whatever they are told to do. Every soldier killed is reported on a grand scale in every type of media, and that gains sympathy from people who enlist to fight against an enemy` they don't know, brings support from other countries, which then have their personnel die, and in turn corrupt their people's minds with their media, and bringing many more people to fight against an enemy they don't know. These soldiers are also bad, because they aren't enlisting for benefits, they solely want to fight their countries enemy, and they will follow their country until they die after beign taught mindless patriotism.
While it may seem every US soldier killed will help the world improve, the effects of their deaths will not have any significant negative impact on the war agenda of the Bush regime (yes, I'm using his cliche words against him).
I also don't think anyone who is not in the US understands how far mindless patriotism is forced on everyone here. It begins as school spirit, to the point of being punished for not wearing school colors on school spirit days. After an elementary level, students are told about their country, given plainly biased opinions as facts, and forced to participate in patriotic events (which is begun in forced learning of patriotic songs even in early childhood education). Every damn classroom in this country has an american flag hanging in it. Every student in public is forced to recite the pledge of allegiance every day, and often to witness the national anthem daily, in addition to it being played at any event. Students will be given anything from candy to extra credit in classes for wearing red, white, and blue.
This would be part of why so many people will fight and die "for America". This is just a marginal part of how far patriotism is forced upon young americans. This goes along with the values of our society, religion, culture, and any other bullshit that someone thinks should be taught. It really sickening to look at this when you realize what it is. What makes it worse is the hypocrisy of Americans killing muslims for memorizing their religions scripts. Their religious scripts are part of theri life and government. American students will be forced to memorize the constitution, the declaration of independence, the pledge of allegiance, the star spangled banner (national anthem), and many more of our brainwashing documents.
Although this may give you stronger feelings about Villain's statement, my first point about the support it generates makes this worse. On the massive national scale, for every soldier killed, another 1000 may enlist, and another 1000 may be volunteered by another government.
This is really sickening, and to not have had it forced up you during your youth, it would bepurely disgusting to witness it firsthand.

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The main problem I see with religions is:
-They see the world as peaceful only if everyone follows their laws exactly.
-Never will everyone follow all of their laws.
-There will never be anywhere near enough people following a certain religion for peace to occur.
-With many people following different religions with different teachings and laws, there will be conflicts, and by human nature, violence.
-Many people see the only way for peace to be religion, and the only way for peace through religion being everyone following their religion.
-Never will one religion be widespread enough to make peace, and even with almost all people following one religion, there will be conflict between religions, or some people's lack of religion.
-Many people see forcing people into their religion as an excellent way to make them happy and share their beliefs.
An example is Christian "rescue" groups in impoverished and ravaged countries who will only help people if they take up their religion. Guaranteed some people will hold to their previous beleifs strongly and not recieve help, and die. Letting people die because they will not take up your religion is violent and is against Christian beliefs in many ways. Many christians should go to hell in their mind if they realized what they were doing. Christians are pushing for a genocide against non-christians, and the same applies for many other religions.
Religions see the world as if the only way the world will work is if everyone follows their beliefs. With thousands of religions, this will not work. Forcing people into religions and using violence is against the point of nearly every religion, yet they still do it. They don't realize that they are not the only people who are happy, and that they are hurting people tryin to make them happy.
"The only way there will be peace is if they are all forced into a religion and anyone who won't join our religion is killed"
Gotta love religion.

*I noticed this is a double post, but It took me almost 3 hours to write both of them and they are seperate thoughts, etc.
I don't really disagree with what Villain said. One thing that sickens me about this country, is the amount of pride this country has. It makes Americans so damn irrational that it's just disgusting. And Bush claims to be very Christian, and yet he openly says things like "We do this with great pride..." which reeks with hypocracy. I've recently decided that I'm against this war on terror business, because it's a lost cause. Fighting fire with fire will only solve problems temporarily, jsut so that it can be revisited tenfold upon our asses in the US. It's a shame.

As for religion, I do read about various religious ideas a lot, and it has helped me a tremendous amount. I don't think there is anything wrong with people that do it for there own benefit, but you cannot push it on other people. And that's where organized religion goes wrong. It's awful how people have this desire to push there beliefs on others. There are many ways to achieve a rich spiritual life that can make anyone happy. There is no one way, and these organized religions need to see that they are completely deconstruscting everything they stand for.
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Pride is a big problem yes, they should have disembarked, shot all gov & military installations and leave the people to their own problem. Now they take advantage on the US presence to do their anti-US acts and claim to be victims. Saddam, dead or not, will not be found, and even if he's dead, the iraqi would hide the body in order to keep USA around so they can do their djihad. Face it, terrorism is better looking when it's all USA's fault; but it doesn't change from when they do it out of nowhere
Krigsbarn for president!
Steve said:
I would disagree with this. Not all of them are there because they want to fight for what we are currently doing. While they still are fighting for the US, many of them may be drawn in by the benefits, such as free post-secondary education. (...)
Excellent comments here, Steve, and I must agree somewhat. My original hasty statement was based on the assumption that the main effect of US soldiers dying would be the growing distrust for Bush & co. in the States and the increasing fear among the soldiers already in service (which could make them refuse to fight for future causes). I obviously didn't take all things into account and thus would like to rephrase my statement:

"5. The less American soldiers in service, the smaller the threat to the free world."

About the religions, I'm willing to defend the faith of every single human being, as long as that faith doesn't involve harming or abusing other people. However, the thing that sickens me the most in these organized religions is the inherent hypocrisy in all of them: they preach for the improvement and salvation of individual lives, yet prevent those same lives from enjoying many of the very basic things in human life. I'm all for moral and ethical guides, but those should not be forced upon people with the fear of an afterlife in hell - real morals should come from the individual, through study of the world and the self and with the knowledge that "these are my values and living by them makes me feel good in this life". That's the only way to make people "good", IMHO.

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I think it's too bad that americans are the most powerful and the less caucasian of the rich; considering the melting pot... I wish I didn't have to pay any taxes because I'm blonde. And that every non-white were servants, I hate doing houseworks and we shouldn't be afraid of killing arabians, I don't remember having read they had any soul or something.
krigsbarn said:
I think it's too bad that americans are the most powerful and the less caucasian of the rich; considering the melting pot... I wish I didn't have to pay any taxes because I'm blonde. And that every non-white were servants, I hate doing houseworks and we shouldn't be afraid of killing arabians, I don't remember having read they had any soul or something.
You can't be serious
krigsbarn said:
..I'm blonde.

: p
Did you mean this kind of patriotism?
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