the election, and stuff..

One post I missed in regards to the Stolen Generation. I don't know why it was brought up because it had nothing to do with The ALP trying to end the recognition of the Croatian Nationality.

If it has anything to do with Labor wanting to say 'sorry' and the Liberals 'being sorrry that it happened' was not an apology... It should also be noted that taking Aboriginal children away from families was Australia Federal policy from 1919 introduced by Labour man Hughes. It was abolished during a Liberal Government.
Regardless, it happened during both sides of the political spectrum and it was WRONG!

Koich, the only thing I recall you asking about is evidence of why bringing International bands will not be possible for me under Labor and I explained this and on top of it I added how under Labor, if you were non union local band, then you have NO chance at a support because it was policy that all support bands MUST be Union members. Paying several thousand to bring a band that profits a few thousand only, will cause losses and therefore unviable. I think it's ridiculous to impose laws on International bands to be forced into being Union members to be aloud to tour in Australia. It's like being forced to pay protection money when you don't want to and can't afford to.

I just live in my own world where I shut out the stuff I'm not interested in and just enjoy the things I am interested in, and mind my own business. Makes for a good way to live and I reckon if everybody else in the world was the same it'd be a much happier place coz nobody would get in everyone else's way and try to push their way of life onto others. Unfortunately the existence of fucked up things like greed & religion mess that up though in some places.

But as I said, we live in Australia so I can ignore all that, rock & roll all nite and party every day and not give a fuck who wins the election.

To me, the election sucks because it just means I have to get up early to vote before I go to work. How shit is that. I'd much rather not.
MetalWarriorSteve said:
One post I missed in regards to the Stolen Generation. I don't know why it was brought up because it had nothing to do with The ALP trying to end the recognition of the Croatian Nationality.
I brought it up because your brought up how rough you were treated as a kid with the government pesecuting you.

And just to be perfectly clear, I think that's abhorrent and you're perfectly justified feeling the way you do. It disgusts me that you and your entire country was labelled terrorists, and especially that you were treated the way you were.

MetalWarriorSteve said:
Regardless, it happened during both sides of the political spectrum and it was WRONG!
And this was basically my point. If you're going to blame someone for doing something, you've got to blame everyone who does it. Persectution of Croatians is not *more* wrong than persecution of others just because it happened to you.

And we're also doing something similar at the moment regarding China with Taiwan and Tibet, although it's obviously not quite as violent and underhanded.
phlogiston said:
I brought it up because your brought up how rough you were treated as a kid with the government pesecuting you.

Steve says: OK, fair call... but this action was taking place under both governments back then but it was abolished when Libs were in office.

(phlogiston) And just to be perfectly clear, I think that's abhorrent and you're perfectly justified feeling the way you do. It disgusts me that you and your entire country was labelled terrorists, and especially that you were treated the way you were.
And this was basically my point. If you're going to blame someone for doing something, you've got to blame everyone who does it. Persectution of Croatians is not *more* wrong than persecution of others just because it happened to you.
And we're also doing something similar at the moment regarding China with Taiwan and Tibet, although it's obviously not quite as violent and underhanded

Yes, but The Liberals recognised The Croatian Nationality and Lingo. The Labor Party accused them of harbouring terrorists. The Labor Party went out of their way to support the Yugoslav Communist Government and go as far as allowing their secret police to operate in Australia. That goes beyond racism. It's co-operating with Communist Governments and allowing them to operate in Australia. It only stopped when a young boy was shot by a Yugoslav ambassador to Australia in front of the media.

Taiwanese and Tibetenese are recognised people. I belive their fight for Independence should be recognised. Nontheless, they are not FORCED to be Chinese in Australia. They are Taiwanese and Tibetenese.

The ALP wanted to abolish our lingo and abolish the very existence of our Nationality. They branded 'Croatian' as a Nazi terrorist movement formed after WWII. Ummm... Croatia has existed in Europe as a recognised Kingdom/Nation since 625 and the Croatian race has been traced back to being one of the first five races that ever existed.

Napolean also made the famous statement that IF he had 10,000 Croatian Soldiers, he would rule the World. Croatians invented Cricket, the tie and ELECTRICITY. So how is it that an Australian Political Party can just disregard history and our very existence calling our people 'Terrorists' wanting to destroy 'Australia's friends' Yugoslavia (Communist government).
That was the Labor Party.

The Liberal Party NEVER called us terrorists. They recognised our Croatian langauge and Nationality AND never forced us to declare ourselves as Yugoslav. Yugoslavia is a dirty word to me. The dirtiest.

How would Australian's feel being called Greater Nipponese as a Nationality if Japan won the war. If you fled Australia and seeked freedom elsewhere...
You settled and declared yourself as Australian and the Government said, no we don't recognise terrorist organisations like Australians. You are Greater Nipponese and your language is Greater Nipponese. How stupid would that sound? On top of that, the government would allow Greater Nipponese secret police to operate in their country and kill off everything Australian. Sure it sounds stupid!

As stupid as what it has been for me. I am thankful that most Australians and atleast one major political party recognised us during the period we were under foreign dictatorship.

There you go... I hope you all atleast now know a little bit more on Croatian history and why Croatians can get a bit passionate.
MetalWarriorSteve said:
Koich, the only thing I recall you asking about is evidence of why bringing International bands will not be possible for me under Labor and I explained this and on top of it I added how under Labor, if you were non union local band, then you have NO chance at a support because it was policy that all support bands MUST be Union members. Paying several thousand to bring a band that profits a few thousand only, will cause losses and therefore unviable. I think it's ridiculous to impose laws on International bands to be forced into being Union members to be aloud to tour in Australia. It's like being forced to pay protection money when you don't want to and can't afford to.


No offence steve, but I don't exactly see what you type as "credible evidence"
MetalWarriorSteve said:
Napolean also made the famous statement that IF he had 10,000 Croatian Soldiers, he would rule the World. Croatians invented Cricket, the tie and ELECTRICITY. So how is it that an Australian Political Party can just disregard history and our very existence calling our people 'Terrorists' wanting to destroy 'Australia's friends' Yugoslavia (Communist government).
That was the Labor Party.
Yes, that WAS the labour party

1. 30 years ago
2. During one stage in Australia's history
3. Because of a small group of people who happened to be in power.

You can't keep making generalisations decades later about a political party because of one leader in years gone by. Using your logic I could sit here and accuse all Australian politicians these days as being racist, because in the past the Australian government implemented the White Australia Policy.

That's just not the way it is.

If you were a refugee and you or you fellow coutrymen/women were locked up in a detention centre because the Coalition government made it so, you would be sitting here telling us how evil the Coalition is and how we should all vote for the ALP.
Again, I'm not saying that Labor was right. In fact, if that happened now then I'd be voting for someone else in a heartbeat. The way I see it is that if you want to accuse a government for being nasty to an entire race of people then you need to include most Australian governments in that accustation. *INCLUDING* the Howard Government.

Read this bit carefully before answering my question:

I've already acknowledged that it's not as bad as is was with Croatia before you answer. I know they're not trying to ignore an entire country this time around.

Granted there aren't foreign secret police running around, but the way this government has treated asylum seekers, as well as the way middle eastern and Islamic people are currently portrayed has to sound at least a *little* familiar to you, doesn't it?
Hahaha, good one Koichi.

Though to be fair I'm not a purebred Croat so I guess I won't be fighting alongside Napolean, wearing ties, or winning cricket and soccer anytime soon.
1) I do not know of any of these refugees that were returned and killed by their country of origin.
2) They all are recognised as being who they are whether it be Kurdish, Iranian or Afghani.
3) These refugees are from suspect countries that are pataking in regular anti-Western terrorist activity and therefore need to be properly investigated. This does however not mean that I justify the way in which it is done.

My points are that the ALP wanted to abolish the very recognition of Croatians. They could call me what they like (like terrorist) as long as they don't take away my right to be a 'Croatian'.
1. In comparrison to 1 above... Not only did they send Croatian's back to get persecuted and killed but they allowed for these murders to take place on Australian soil by the Yugoslav secret police.

2. In comparrison to 2 above... They withdrew recognition of our very existence and changed the term Croatian to 'A Nazi terrorist organisation'. Not 30 years ago by ONE man but it was ALP policy up until Croatia was once again recognised by the rest of the World as a country in 1991. Until then, Labor always had an anti-Croatian policy.

3. in comparrison to 3 above... Most importantly, The Croatian Independence movement was never anti-Western. On the contrary, the movement was to reconsile Croatia with Western Europe, escape the communist dictatorship and become a free and Democratic country.

Now again, I repeat that I do not condone the way these refugees may be treated but the situations are quite different and I want to push the fact that it was not something that happened 30 years ago by one man but it was a party policy that was around and supported at a time when a large number of CURRENT ALP figure heads were around and supported the anti-Croatian stance.
Yes. We know that the Croatians were treated badly. Worse than the current refugees. We know that. We accept everything that you say on this issues. Even that the Labor party is a pack of disease ridden dogs for it.

But you're seriously telling us that there's not even a little bit of similarity in the treatment of the people here? That fact that the Government recognises their country makes it all OK?
Koich, don't get insulting mate. I don't care if the Government 'ignores' us... I have an issue when the Government of my adopted homeland gives the green light to foreign dictators to kill my people and destroy our identity in Australia.

Kem, Napolean never ruled the World because he did not have 10,000 soldiers. They don't play cricket in Croatia (just invented there)... we are winning the soccer. We beat Sweden and Hungary in the World Cup qualifiers... and we all have Heavy Metal coz a Croatian invented electricity. Hail Nikola Tesla!
So you arent condoning the way the refugees are treated, but you will vote for the people who are doing what you dont condone? :confused:
phlogiston said:
Yes. We know that the Croatians were treated badly. Worse than the current refugees. We know that. We accept everything that you say on this issues. Even that the Labor party is a pack of disease ridden dogs for it.
But you're seriously telling us that there's not even a little bit of similarity in the treatment of the people here? That fact that the Government recognises their country makes it all OK?

PLEASE read my comments carefully. I do not condone the treatment. I do believe that the investigation is important but this should be done asap so that these people don't have to sit around and wait for months/years.

AND with Croatia, it's not about recognition of our country but the very existence of there being such a people. It's having no identity at all. All we were, were wanted criminals and the ALP was happy to collaborate with the Commie Yugo govt. to get rid of us AND they were always happy to mention their affiliation with their likeminded Socialist friend in Yugoslavia. What does that mean?
Maybe it explains why I push the moderate lefty factor and Socialism and Communism in the same basket. Maybe the ALP has evolved in the past ten years but the same old chronies are there... on top of that, they are accepting preferences from the small Socialist parties. So the connections are there as little as they may be. If the connections are there, I'm not.

Cheers and thanks for being considerate. Koich's comment is insulting considering it's a touchy subject. You would all eat me alive or anyone else if the word 'Croatian' was replaced by 'Muslims' in his comment or something like that... even if he was being sarcastic.
