the election, and stuff..

MetalWarriorSteve said:
My veiws are mine and anything I claim, I provide facts.

Not really, I asked you to provide credible evidence earlier and you skipped that part of my post

MetalWarriorSteve said:
MDid you not all see Dee Snider campaining with Arnie and the Republicans? That was cool!!!

Dee Snider is an absolute dolt, and has no part in politics, neither does arnie.
Mkay kiddies... I never post here but salty pointed me to this thread and I thought I'd chime in with my thoughts.

Let me preface this by saying that I am the epitome of the uninformed voter... I do no keep up with politics discussions nor do I know much about the political history of this country (let alone others). However, I am still a registered voter in this country and have formed an opinion of who I am going to vote for by my own means, and for my own reasons.
Now... it seems to me that the main people in this discussion are very hardcore in their beliefs. You've all obviously researched a lot and have formed your opinions based on how they effect you and the way you think this country should be run. But do you think that engaging in a heated discussion about it, trying to 'prove the other person wrong', is going to achieve anything? Think about this... is anything going to change your point of view on this? Is there anything in the world that could make you switch sides? Well, that's how the other person probably feels.

So I personally think it's pointless for everyone to be arguing about supposed 'facts' that should make everyone lean to one side or the other.

But that's not to say you should refrain from putting forward your point of view... I just reckon it's a bit of a waste of time.

Anyway, in spite of being relatively uninformed when it comes to politics, I have decided to vote for Labour in the upcoming election. For me personally, it seems like the better choice because they have policies that - if they don't benefit me personally - I agree with on the whole for their good to the community (their policy on helping the Australian music and film industries is one I like in particular). On the other hand, Liberal seems to know what they're doing on a lot of things, so it wouldn't be a tragedy if they won. I think John Howard's approach to the U.S. is the wrong way to do it, but people who think Latham is going to tell Bush to stick it up his arse are kidding themselves IMO. Australia needs the ANZUS alliance and the help of the U.S.

Anyway, I very much doubt that if Liberal wins the election, this country will descend into a pit of hardcore right-wing practices. Equally, I'm not fussed if Labour wins because I know the people will not allow this country to become full on socialist. Either way this country will still be strong and free for at least another 4 years until the next election... there's not much a government can do in that amount of time to really fuck with all of us.
MetalWarriorSteve said:
PS. Well, well... it's just been revealed that Mr. Lathams Medicare Gold can't work. Surprise, surprise... Not by the Libs but the AMA who said the ALP is trying to 'doop' the public. Not a positive sign from an organisation that can be critical of the Libs and here they are calling Labors policy a sham.

Well that's a suprise....the people who have the most to gain by a failure in Medicare (and therefore bulk billing) call Latham's plan a failure.
You know, I remember when I ran for Primeminister. I was thwarted when I forgot to register my party if you recall.
dreamwatch said:
I'd vote for you Spawny. If you gave free chocolate to all 30 year old women who promised not to breed. :)
Ill give you a dumptruck full of chocolate. One of those gigantic ones they use when mining, because Dreamy, you are allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllright.

Im 26 and I feel really old, it stinks :cry:
spawn said:
Ill give you a dumptruck full of chocolate. One of those gigantic ones they use when mining, because Dreamy, you are allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllright.

Shucks. Thanks. :D

26 is a good age I think. Everythings legal but you're still young enough to shirk a few responsibilities. I think 26 was a good age for me. *does quick mental scan* Yes, it was. Young free and single*, and enough money to be able to piss half of it up in the pub, and the other half in HMV and Tower Records. :)

*The author would like it to be known that this statement does not in any way infer regret towards her decision to get married two years later to the love of her life. Just in case he was wondering. :D
I think ill appreciate being 26 more when im 27 :dopey:

You have been married for 2 years? Thats like a lifetime these days, people get married as often as they change their car registration now. You two have staying power obviously.
MetalWarriorSteve said:
Steve says: I like your point of view but the bulk of these countries never had elections. That was their problem. They were under dictatorship but the idea you have is correct. We are lucky and we really have nothing to complain about. We are in a lucky country.

There is a lower taxes on beer and fuel party but I think their preferences are for the Libs.
Yeah I agree with you, as I said I understand how in other countries it's very different. All my point was really, is that I just feel lucky enough to live in Australia where an election outcome isn't gonna impact how much I can enjoy my life which is all that counts really coz we only live once, so I'm not gonna spend the time I do have here worrying about politics when it's really not that important to me and there are other things far far more enjoyable!
I'm just gonna chip in here again and state the basics of my politics again. I am not for a seconds proposing that we get rid of competition and remove choice and go for a fully communist state where people are silenced and shut away for speaking their mind. I'm pretty much a capitalist. I like stuff, and I always seem to want more stuff I don't need. But if your business collapses and you end up destitute with nowhere to go, then if I have to stop replacing my solid gold toilet seat every two days so you and your family can have food, education, housing and health, then hell, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

That's the core of my belief. It does extend out a bit into environmentalism and foreign policy and other stuff, but basically it all boils down to "be cool to each other".
plattopus said:
Mkay kiddies... I never post here but salty pointed me to this thread and I thought I'd chime in with my thoughts.

Let me preface this by saying that I am the epitome of the uninformed voter... I do no keep up with politics discussions nor do I know much about the political history of this country (let alone others). However, I am still a registered voter in this country and have formed an opinion of who I am going to vote for by my own means, and for my own reasons.
Now... it seems to me that the main people in this discussion are very hardcore in their beliefs. You've all obviously researched a lot and have formed your opinions based on how they effect you and the way you think this country should be run. But do you think that engaging in a heated discussion about it, trying to 'prove the other person wrong', is going to achieve anything? Think about this... is anything going to change your point of view on this? Is there anything in the world that could make you switch sides? Well, that's how the other person probably feels.

So I personally think it's pointless for everyone to be arguing about supposed 'facts' that should make everyone lean to one side or the other.

But that's not to say you should refrain from putting forward your point of view... I just reckon it's a bit of a waste of time.

Anyway, in spite of being relatively uninformed when it comes to politics, I have decided to vote for Labour in the upcoming election. For me personally, it seems like the better choice because they have policies that - if they don't benefit me personally - I agree with on the whole for their good to the community (their policy on helping the Australian music and film industries is one I like in particular). On the other hand, Liberal seems to know what they're doing on a lot of things, so it wouldn't be a tragedy if they won. I think John Howard's approach to the U.S. is the wrong way to do it, but people who think Latham is going to tell Bush to stick it up his arse are kidding themselves IMO. Australia needs the ANZUS alliance and the help of the U.S.

Anyway, I very much doubt that if Liberal wins the election, this country will descend into a pit of hardcore right-wing practices. Equally, I'm not fussed if Labour wins because I know the people will not allow this country to become full on socialist. Either way this country will still be strong and free for at least another 4 years until the next election... there's not much a government can do in that amount of time to really fuck with all of us.
What a great post. :worship: You should post here more often!
spawn said:
"Be excellent to each other"

That is the basis of my ideology. Seriously, how awesome would the world be if everyone just had that simple idea that's in Bill & Ted of having fun & being excellent to each other.

If everybody in the world lightened the fucked up a bit it would be a much cooler place.
Oh and also you know what I hate? Bands who sing about politics and all these protest concerts happening in the US and here. Music is meant to be entertainment and enjoyable, something politics isn't. I just read an article with Alice Cooper as well and he thinks the same, he is a champ. He said:

"To me, that's treason. I call it treason against rock 'n' roll because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics. When I was a kid and my parents started talking about politics, I'd run to my room and put on the Rolling Stones as loud as I could. So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick.

"If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal."
