the election, and stuff..

Goreripper said:
I'm getting Latham on the phone right now to read this post, Shannow.


Hi Mr Latham I'm Goreripper from the Maiden Downunder forum and there's a post...Goreripper...Gore...G O R E R I P P E R...that's it. From the Maiden Downunder foru...Maiden...Downunder...M A I...yes...yes...Iron Maiden. On the internet. Yes. They're a heavy metal band. Yes, heavy metal. What do you mean you don't know heavy metal? We saw you making the sign and everything! The sign! With Peter Garret!

Goreripper said:
Spawn is right on the infrastructure issue phloggy. Sydney has a fuckload more trains and lines than Melbourne does. But Melbourne also has trams, so they don't need as many trains. And it's true that railways aren't profitable. They haven't been for a hundred years, but government concerns don't need to be profitable because they're funded by taxes.

A company big enough to be interested in buying a railway in the first place would ideally have some kind of plan to turn it into a profitable investment, if not immediately, then within a manageable timeframe, and they would certainly put a lot more effort into making sure it runs properly than a government, who can always blame someone else for the problems.
Melbourne is flat, Sydney is hilly i think thats the main problem
OK, not wanting to buy into any side of things here (truth be known, politics bore me absolutely STUPID), I just wanted to address what Brian said earlier about Steve's views and Dungeon.

Now, anyone that knows me (and Dungeon) will know that we have the utmost respect for Steve and what he's doing both for us and for Austrlian metal. Steve is one of the few remaining honest people in the Australian music industry and one of the most honourable people I've ever met.

One thing I'll also give Steve is he's also very passionate about his beliefs, as I'm sure we've all discovered by now! That's a great thing, I think! But the problem is that when you're so passionate about stuff, there's always gonna be opposing points of view that may be equally vehement. That's also great - if we all thought alike, what a boring place the world would be, right?

Now we sorta got caught in the middle of this indirectly here, so I just want to make a statement on behalf of the band.

While we all absolutely respect Steve's stance and views for the issues he's raised, it's not necessarily the views held by Dungeon. We have a great friendship and a really successful business relationship, but each of us are really our own entities and really don't speak for each other unless it's in an official press release or something like that.

So yeah, I guess we're saying "we'll watch from over here ------> x " :p You kids all play nice now, y'hear? :D

Carry on! :rock:
phlogiston said:

Hi Mr Latham I'm Goreripper from the Maiden Downunder forum and there's a post...Goreripper...Gore...G O R E R I P P E R...that's it. From the Maiden Downunder foru...Maiden...Downunder...M A I...yes...yes...Iron Maiden. On the internet. Yes. They're a heavy metal band. Yes, heavy metal. What do you mean you don't know heavy metal? We saw you making the sign and everything! The sign! With Peter Garret!


But seriously, in relation to Shannow's suggestion, I think Latham is running a pretty clean campaign, because he's only focusing on the things Howard has done since he's been PM. He could go and dig up stuff that he did when he was Treasurer, and Opposition Leader, but he's concentrating on what he's done as leader. Liberal, on the other hand, is dumping on Latham for things he did when he was mayor of a local council over ten years ago. Let's not forget they were picking on both his current and ex- wives for things they did when they were teenagers, before the campaign even started.
Goreripper said:
Even if that was the original reason, we had no right to do it. Saddam isn't the only evil dictator in the world. No one cared that Pol Pot or Idi Amin were evil. No one is talking about sending in troops to remove Mugabe. Even when Gadaffi was Public Enemy Number One, the US didn't send in an army to get rid of him. You can't just go into a country and remove the government because they're "evil".

Hey, don't get me wrong.

It was and is an illegal invasion of a sovreign nation. The security council resolution was to "reconvene" in the event that they beleived significant breaches, NOT attack.

Fucktard Downer continues to state that we supported the U.N. resolutions, when the resolution was clear "reconvene".
Goreripper said:
Steve, are you aware that some of your comments regarding ethnicity might do you and your business some harm? Are you aware that every single regular poster on this board is a big fan of the band you manage, and here you are, calling them tools?

(Steve says) Excuse me Brian, the person I called a tool was the person that called me a tool first. If the band has an issue with me defending my honour, they will speak.

(Goreripper) I know if I was in a band managed by you, and I found my manager making disparaging remarks about Vietnamese and Indonesia and calling my fans tools, I'd be extremely disappointed if not downright pissed off. You are welcome to your thoughts and opinions as anyone is, but as someone with a responsibility for the well-being of a musical artist in an extremely tough industry, I'd be a little more careful where I say such things and how I say them. Are you aware that one of the guys who posts here in married to an Indonesian woman who had to wait nine months to come here, even though she was married to a citizen? And this happened under Howard. What do you think his reaction is going to be, seeing your comments about Asians?

Steve says: Brian, you are an asshole. DO NOT PUT WORDS in my mouth and mislead the people here!!! I did NOT say anything about Indonesian people and I did not say all Vietnamese were crims. I said that the ALP opened it's doors to all Asian Immigrants regardless of their skills and the intake was 80% asian and because the intake was that high and the percentage of unskilled people was high, it poised a danger and it's proven.

I don't hate Vietnamese. I respect those people that fled Vietnam to seek freedom after being overtaken by a communist dictatorship. They suffered similar pains to what my parents did. I'm pointing out the people that were permitted to enter because Labor was letting in the numbers regardless of who they were letting in.

I would not open the door to all Europeans or all Americans unless they have skills or can prove they are not a burdon on this country (unless they are legit refugees) and in those cases, through the appropriate channels (like the Croatian/Bosnian refugees in the 90's who entered by the book and now have established lives in Australia). I said Immigration should be balanced. The intake of immigrants should be equal. That is what I said. DO NOT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH AND MISLEAD THE PEOPLE.

(Goreripper) The wife of the ex-bass player of the band you manage has just been kicked out of the country by Howard, and she's from Scandinavia.

(Steve says) My wife is a neighbour of hers. She is from across the Baltic and the Labor government was trying to get her thrown out. What happened to that ex-bass player sux. I don't support that but the ALP wanted to do the same with me. There is a way around it if you can prove that you can't afford to bring the family back to Australia... My point is that there is no difference. Maybe the wait is now 9 months instead of 6 under Labor but either way, it's just as stupid and Labor offers nothing better.

(Goreripper) And your earlier comments about not touring bands under Labor? What a ridiculous excuse. Keating was PM between 1991 and 1996, and that didn't stop Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Kreator, Bolt Thrower, Sepultura, Fear Factory, Killdozer, Body Count, Carcass, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Pungent Stench, Cannibal Corpse, Alice in Chains, Suicidal Tendencies, The Cult or the hundreds of other bands that came out here during those years from touring, and I hardly think it's going to stop people bringing out bands if Labor gets in. Are you suggesting that you couldn't tour a band while Keating was PM? I hope you're not, because Howard's been in for eight years now, and you didn't start touring bands here until 2001 or something.

Steve says: Buddy, I have close connections with the promoter of Carcass and Morbid Angel (we are business partners) and there was no bigger pain in the arse for him then dealing with the unions and he would have brought out MANY more bands. He could not handle the red tape and being hounded by the union that had total support from the ALP government.

Labor policy ends up boosting the costs of a tour by about $5,000. This means bringing out a band like Edguy or Destruction would be impossible. That would create a loss for the promoter AND on top of that, the OZ bands were required to be members of a union. If they were not members of the Union, no support slot.

I'm for choice. Why should a band be forced to pay steep union fees to get supports for an International act. Why should International artists be forced to become members of the union. That's not fair. Read what I say properly before you jump! I can't affors to pay an extra $5,000 if a tour is currently ONLY profiting $1,000-$3,000. Secondly, I won't promote a tour if I am forced to give supports to Union based bands.

(Goreripper) If the Liberal government made it easier to tour international acts, why did it take you so long to start doing it?

(Steve says) I'm only 30 now buddy (25 when I started International touring) and I only started touring bands here because All Access wanted me to represent them in OZ and they outlayed the money for the first Edguy 50/50 with me. I had no intention of doing this until they they encouraged me to. Under the Labor law, I would not have been able to do this. I would have to be Union endorsed and the bands would have to pay membership. That's dumb.

(Goreripper) I can't believe that a guy who manages a band who just wrote a song about the event that caused the birth of the Australian Labor movement is spouting off such near-sighted conservative drivel. That's your opinion of course, and I'm sure you keep your personal politics out of your business dealings, but you should really think about what you say and how you say it before you air them on a forum like this.

(Steve says) I say things the way I wish. Your issues with me cause you to intentionally misunderstand what I am saying. To me, you are drivel. To me, you talk garbage. I don't sit here saying that you should be censored. I don't think you really know what you are on about. There is a big difference between the movement back then and the Labor party that got formed many, many years later. It's not one in the same thing and there was only LEFTist which is now an ex-member of that band.

I very much DOUBT that you'll get members of that band endorsing the ALP here or anywhere and I am aware of their political views. I live in a country where I am free to express my political views and I shall do so and no Commie admirers are going to stop me whilst this country is free.

I respect any froups that are there to better the govt. or put pressure on the govt. Someone to watch over the leadership but NOT live in a society where you are a second class citizen if you are not in the Union because that's what you become.

To get govt. support for my film under Labor or bring bands, I would HAVE to hire Union member artists. That's bullshit. Why should I be forced to. I want my team to do casting and get the BEST people regardless of whether they are Union or not.

For the record, I suggest that you refrain from misleading people to think I am a rascist or something. I am a wog and I stand by all of my comments. You may like to twist them to mislead people but it won't change what I stand for.

I always liked how the US said it was all about WMDs, because Bush and Co knew that the majority of people in western countries didn't care about what's happening to other people, only what could happen to themselves.

Say what you like about Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice and Powell and Pressburger, they sure do know how to play the public. Well, the public that actually believed what they were saying. I still giggle to myself when I think about Powell's presentation to the UN about their photos of Saddam's weapons factories. "And see this thing here that looks like my fingerprint? That's trauma."
spiff, it's great on one of the other BBs that I frequent (very right wing Yanks in general).

They keep tlaking about how the WMD could have been hidden, moved out etc.

Response "Well Colon Powell showed me where they were, he had photos. Why not just go to where the photo was taken, and drive the truck back into the cameras ?"
Hail all,

Tim says it well. We all lead individual lives. I respect that everyone has a right to an opinion and I expect to be given the right to express my opinion.

YOU Brian are expressing how I should be censored for having my opinion and censored from notifying the people of some facts and leave you to go on endorsing the Labor Party. On top of that you want to mislead people and have them think I am saying things that I am not.

On top of that you are trying to get people I represent in business to think I am saying what I am not. They know better then that. There are views I share with some people, there were views I disagreed with with ex-members (don't go making up stories that I got him out because of it) and there are people that don't get into politics. Everyone has a choice and has a right to it.

You go on saying that you are should Dungeon would not appreciate what I am saying and they'd be getting pissed... well, you got your answer. On the other hand, you are the one that is going out trying to interpret Dungeon songs as being what you would like them to be about.

Fact is, even if they were endorsing what I oppose, I would respect them unlike your type of people that would boycott/ban something even if it was moderately right.
MetalWarriorSteve said:
It's not one in the same thing and there was only LEFTist which is now an ex-member of that band.

I very much DOUBT that you'll get members of that band endorsing the ALP here or anywhere and I am aware of their political views.

Well, it's a good thing that LT has already pointed out that you guys don't speak for each other, otherwise I'd think that you were speaking for them. :)

MetalWarriorSteve said:
I live in a country where I am free to express my political views and I shall do so and no Commie admirers are going to stop me whilst this country is free.

Yep, you do. And I'm glad you do. I hope I continue to do so as well. I'm assuming that I'm one of the commie admirers that you're talking about, but rest assured I would never seek to silence you or your point of view. For all the heat that this thread has generated, I've genuinely enjoyed it. I've learnt something, if nothing else. And just so you know Steve, and Sydo, and anyone else for that matter, I do respect your opinions, and I appreciate the time that you take to explain them. They've generally been insightful and from the heart. We're starting to get a bit personal now, which is a shame, but it's always beneficial to hear from a viewpoint that's different to your own. It holds your beliefs up to scrutiny, which can only be a good thing.
Check now playing below: The words from a bloke that has similar values to me. A bloke that battled against the PMRC left wing movement back in the 80's!
Don't forget to ban the song now!
phlogiston said:
Well, it's a good thing that LT has already pointed out that you guys don't speak for each other, otherwise I'd think that you were speaking for them. :)

Yep, you do. And I'm glad you do. I hope I continue to do so as well. I'm assuming that I'm one of the commie admirers that you're talking about, but rest assured I would never seek to silence you or your point of view. For all the heat that this thread has generated, I've genuinely enjoyed it. I've learnt something, if nothing else. And just so you know Steve, and Sydo, and anyone else for that matter, I do respect your opinions, and I appreciate the time that you take to explain them. They've generally been insightful and from the heart. We're starting to get a bit personal now, which is a shame, but it's always beneficial to hear from a viewpoint that's different to your own. It holds your beliefs up to scrutiny, which can only be a good thing.

Steve says: Cheers! That's what it's about. I respect that you have your opinion and the right to express it regardless of what mine is.

Unfortunately, I have to bite back if someone abuses me or tries to twist things I say and try make me look like a villian and think he's getting in the heads of people I work with... Fortunately, they are smart enough to know better.

You are smart enough to respect that I have a right to an opinion even if it differs from yours. Others think I should be cut off unless I agree with their position. If they want to abuse me, let it be known that I'll bite back.

I never knew that the PMRC were left wing. I know that Tipper Gore is a Democrat and therefore on the left (or at least her husband is) but I always figured censorship was a right wing thing, unless it's LOGICAL censorship like banning child pornography, defamation against minorities and the like in which case every sensible person would be trying to get rid of it. Hmm.

In other news, how about that Family First party? They're not giving their preferences to former AMA president, former Seven News personality and Liberal candidate for the seat of Brisbane, Ingrid Tall because she's a lesbian. One of their workers was also disciplined for answering "yes" to a question about whether Family First supported lesbians being burned to death.,4057,10976892%5E36277,00.html,4057,10967999%5E36277,00.html

Unfortunately I can't find a link to the article about the Family First member who said that we should be praying against the evils of, amongst other things, brothels, freemasons and mosques. That one was a doozy.
I don't believe the PMRC was affiliated with the Democrats - it was just a bunch of bored Washington wives who decided to speak up; their very ideals point to them being right wing, even if Tipper was married to a (moderate) Democrat.
Actually Winmar, I think both sides have little clue.

The conservatives should be taxing us fuck all, and letting (making) us pay for what we want. Not taxing us to hell, and then trying to buy an election.

Labor shouldn't be pushing privatisation, tollways, private health insurance etc.

They are both basically the same, with a marginally different slant on things.

When Costello wheeled in the 18 volumes of Tax Law that needed to be simplified, why did he end up with more than 18 ?

Why doesn't Latham remove the Private Health Insurance Rebate, take the $1400 that we spend in health insurance, and bank the whole lot into Medicare, giving the whole country (and not just shareholders in health insurance companies) a true Gold System ?

I'm all for voting Howard out, and that's as far as it goes.