The excitement of listening to something for the very first time


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Hi everyone, sorry for the unexpected thread. I just want to speak to you about the excitement of when you listen to an album or a song for the very first time.

I'd say, I really like that moment, although it only lasts on the very first time. But I remember for example, when I listened to Metallica for the first time, or black sabbath, or Slayer, Dream theater, etc.... I was really amazed. Its truly a great and intriguing feeling when you listen to something you never listened to before. In fact, this is why I keep trying to discover new bands I never heard before, so I can get to have that feeling all the time. There were songs by a band I like for example, and I never heard them before, so when I heard them for the first time I was like "wow. that's new", you know?

Do you guys also have that excitement when you listen to songs or an album you never listened to before for the first time? Can share a little about how it felt for you, etc.

i got this weird feeling, like i was about to pee, except it felt good, and then all this gooey stuff came out and it was soooooo weird but i cant stop thinking about it and i kind of wanna do it again!
i got this weird feeling, like i was about to pee, except it felt good, and then all this gooey stuff came out and it was soooooo weird but i cant stop thinking about it and i kind of wanna do it again!

It's like, interesting right. I can't start peeing in front of people even though I really don't mind them watching. Like, if I start peeing and somebody comes then I don't give a shit. I'm not even a shy person. Fucking magnets, how do they work.
It's like, interesting right. I can't start peeing in front of people even though I really don't mind them watching. Like, if I start peeing and somebody comes then I don't give a shit. I'm not even a shy person. Fucking magnets, how do they work.

When I pee next to other people, I make sure to pee as loudly as possible to assert my dominance.
I feel such good things when listening to new stuff I've never heard before. It's like wow this is good and it's new so it's even gooder and I listen to it more. I hope the next thing I listen to is new and good
On a less sarcastic/cynical note...

I agree and have a shit ton of music backlogged, however I find it is very difficult to get into the right mindset to really digest a new album. I found it much easier prior to working full time, but now with the stress and busy-ness I barely listen to a new album a week, if that. When I really get into a groove though I may listen to 15 new albums a week to make the best of it while my head is in the right place.