I just came to post that same thing. Really disappointed. Though, to be fair, this could be pretty much anything. They didn't give any sort of description of what "Multi-part series" means. It could mean a XIII-like trilogy, a full blown Crisis Core - Advent Children series (I can dream...) or it could me a Resident Evil : Revelations/anything made by Telltale sort of episodic season bullshit. They also pulled a "the game is so big that..." excuse which I call bullshit on. Either way, my hype has gone down quite a bit from when I saw that gameplay a few days ago. Shrewd business tactics...
Welp, they've made a statement - tl;dr, they want to keep the game as it was while adding i a huge amount of stuff, and if every single area in the game were to be like what we saw in the trailer, it'd literally be impossible to fit on a PS4 disc. So nothing's getting cut, which is good.

But this begs the question... FFXIII was released on like, three discs. Why not just do the fucking same?
I am beyond excited. Was super skeptical of the episode thing, but they said each one will be really large and if it means nothing gets cut, i'm all for it. Plus, it means that it'll start coming out a bit earlier than if they dropped it all at once so, hell yeah
I'm still betting for a 2017 release date, though. Doubt will see it next year because of FFXV and KH3 development. 2017 being the twenty year anniversary seems like too good a release window. Still, really excited. Imagine Midgar being the size of like... Los Santos from GTA. :rolleyes:
In the mean time, I might pick up the PS4 version of the original. I have it on Steam but I use my PS4 more than anything else.
In the mean time, I might pick up the PS4 version of the original. I have it on Steam but I use my PS4 more than anything else.

I downloaded it yesterday. It plays pretty much the same. Having SharePlay is cool, though. I'd recommend getting it before it goes off sale and back up to it's ABSOLUTELY ABSURD retail price of $16.99.



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The Leviathan looks pretty badass though.
Although with FFXV I'm not keen on the whole DIS A PRINCE U HELP HIM KK
Combat looks complex which is nice, reminds me of lightning returns a bit

Also didn't praystation get really mad at xbox for saying they were gonna release a new console and are now trying to get an even more powerful console out? I'd play on PC but I like the feel of having a console/massive TV. May get new praystation, depends when they even release it though
Sony had a new PS4 lined up and basically forced Microsoft to reveal specs for their new Xbox before they were ready, so now Sony knows what it is and how to top it. Allegedly. In my opinion, this is just the first step in consoles becoming like iPhones. Minimal upgrades every year to con you out of a few hundred dollars/pounds etc.

Total garbage.
Yeah that's a bit annoying, cause it's not a whole new console it's just an upgraded one of the one they already have out...
And yeah iphone is a rip off anyways. Aren't they only expensive because of the hipster trend? *lives in a cave under a rock* xD
I think I'll just buy a regular PS4 at CeX here, love that place cause they give you 2 years warranty as opposed to the 1 year they normally give you.