It's not just that they're doing more simplistic stuff, the stress was on the fact that AYDY? is heavier and harder to get into than the previous albums. But like I said, people obviously don't seem to like the more straightforward style as much as they like the previous style. And no, they're not doing this to attract less fans because when writing songs they try not to think what the fans will think about this and this. But I really think that you're deaf if AYDY? sounds like a more listener friendly album than the previous ones.
Yes, I really do.
I don't defend their every move. I'm actually pretty critical when it comes to COB. Like I pointed out, you can hate AYDY, fine. I really don't care. But calling AYDY a sellout album is just fucking stupid and isn't based on any facts.
Correct. Now who said it does? Ok, I admit that using the word fanny in my previous post was pretty damn stupid in the first place. Just needed something to call the whiners.
Ah.. so you also think it's cool to bash people who don't speak English as their mother language for every small mistake they make? Come on, you're not that stupid.
..but I guess you're just pissed off at everything (you're giving me an English lesson, saying I defend everything they do..) because you didn't like how AYDY turned out. Well what can I say? Boo-fucking-hoo man. I guess the new more thrashy COB just isn't for you. I'd tell probably tell you to go back to listen to Stratovarius if I didn't know you well enough to know that you're gonna do it anyway.