The Game Thread

Agreed. Modern Warfare totally pwns all the other CoD games. Even 2 which was my favourite. :kickass:

I think my biggest erk with COD in general is probably the whole Hollywood Railshooter thing. I dont get why games have to desperately try to look like a movie, cutting corners on gameplay in order to create a movie-like experience. Rarely do they bring up any form of proper story, and if they do it has plotholes the size of the moon. like russia invading USA, i mean come on, reminds me of "World in Conflict"(not fps) and its plot of Russia CLEVERLY sailing thousands of tanks into Seattle disguised like cargo ships and zerg rushing through the whole area.

That, and how they claim to be able to give a realistic portrayal of combat, yet soldiers seem to be able to jump around like theyve got the hind legs of kangaroos in full combat gear(ANYONE who's ever served should know that this is just a ridiculous idea). It's not that i cannot enjoy a game being a game regardless of the oh so typical hatred for weapon errors that i display a lot, i mean i can play serious sam 2 and have a right good time slaying countless waves of stupid monsters. And STALKER doesn't have a realistic portrayal of weapons, but it also never claimed to portray genuine weapon realism.

Like for example, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. A pile of shit of a game, it claimed throughout its whole development period to be the most realistic game to date when it came to weaponry, and i followed it semi-closely being ready to jump into the game and fire weapons with ballistic properties that werent all completely out of fucking whack. Instead, i get presented with a game where you can shoot 2 rounds of 5.56mm bullets into a chinese guys fucking skull and he not only lives to tell the tale, but he sprays me with bullets. Realism comes in where?
Of course there's a point where realism takes all the fun out of it, because 100% realistic firefights would be engagements at 300+ meters, sitting behind rocks and shooting at an enemy you most likely cant even see for aproximately 2-3 hours+, and when you get hit you(if you survive) spend the rest of the game lying in a hospital bed.

But this is not what i'm talking about, i'd still like to see a game where suppressive fire is EFFECTIVE, and it cannot EVER be if the enemy can take multiple hits and still run/jump around like theyre pumped full of PCP, all forms of machineguns have no purpose in games other than being big rifles that shoot fast, when in reality most use of squad based automatic weapons are for laying down a barrage of lead down towards the enemy with the purpose of getting them to keep their fucking heads down so the rest of the squad can move and find cover. More realistic firefights are more interesting, theyre harder to implement, but it seems noone even cares to try anymore. With the exception of a handful of games.

Developers claim to know so much about weapons and yet somehow completely fail at the subject, its like they didnt even bother looking at Wikipedia even. Like this one tool on a OPFDR Trailer was talking about how realistic the game was, and at the end he was showing us his two favorite weapons, the M4 rifle as he said, where he had completely fucked up the setup on, putting the handlebar aimsight as far to the front as possible, completely ruining the purpose of hte ironsights, he wouldnt be able to aim at anything with that setup. Next, he brings up some generic pistol i cant remember the name of, and when he cocks it, it clearly shows that the pistol DOESNT HAVE A FUCKING BARREL. and this guy is telling me about realism?

Next theres i think, Army of Two, prime example of how ludicrously retarded some devs are, in a competition to create new weapons for the game, some troll from /k/ - Weapons on 4chan made a NEW AMAZING SNIPER LAUNCHER in photoshop, uploaded it, and got /k/ to vote on it for lulz, and the devs not only accepted it, but they embraced the weapon thinking it was some form of new weaponry from USA that was like top of the line or something.


I mean look at that. LOOK AT IT. It's got TROLL written all over it :lol: it's a old rifle with a pistol grip, and hte pistol grip is the only thing thats faced the right way, even the silencer is on backwards, all the sights, the grip is backwards. and worst of all, theres a fucking paintball container on it, and it too is backwards :lol:


Consoles are destroying gaming, i shit you not :lol:

TL;DR I have a fever no sleep and care too much about gaming and weapons
1) Fucking ROFFLE @ the Sniper Launcher
2) I don't give a fuck about the Modern Warfare story. It was the multiplayer which was the best thing about it.
3) You guys do realise that when I saw MW I am talking about the first game which I have no problem with, as its only the lead up to MW2 where Infinity Ward have been acting like bellends.
Great post Frank :lol: I enjoyed reading all of it. And I lol'd at the SNIPER LAUNCHER decsription :lol:

And what games actually DO IT RIET?

:lol: thanks, the sniper launcher(its seriously called that) apparently shoots explosives really far

Well not many games do, of the top of my head i can only think of OFP1 and the Arma series, but they too are just really close, but still no cigar. However there are mods for them, Arma 1 especially, called "ACE"(advanced combat environment) where more realistic aspects are introduced, everything from wind deflection on bullets, sniper rifles that actually work(i.e adjustable scope, if you actually did what people do in games nowadays, i.e lifting the scope up to shoot farther away, in the army or muhreens or whatever, the sergeant is gonna rape your asshole with a rifle and make you puke bullets), a medic system that incorporates morphine, bandages, epinephrine(adrenaline) and shit like that, where if you get hit by a bullet and survive, you're most likely gonna pass out and yeah, lie there bleeding out for like 5 minutes, or untill a medic hauls his ass over and gives you proper medical treatment hopefully while hte rest of the squad provides covering fire in a proper way.

When done right, playing a squad like that in a huge Player vs player match (think like 100 people on a server), where your squad has a proper team leader, a medic, a machinegunner, an anti tank soldier, and some grunts, maybe a designated sniper, and everyone is on teamspeak communicating properly and using proper tactics. its an experience that is pretty darn cool, and since the battleground in Arma is VAST, even if you die and respawn after a short period of time(less than 1 minute), you still have to catch a player run transportation system, if chopper, you can be back at the battle within 3-4 minutes, if by car/truck, maybe 10-15 depending.
Makes you value cover and tactics much much more, and when shit hits the fan and you hear the cracking sound of bullets around you(the cracking of them passing by you at supersonic speed), you actually bother to find proper cover before even trying to look where it came from.

Other games that had cool systems has got to be the Firearms mod for HL, it was leet. Probably the only game i can ever remember that had a logical system for ammunition, where unlike feks Far cry 2, where you reload and clearly throw a half full magazine out into the jungle and magically still keep those bullet in your inventory, you actually keep the magazines(arma does this too), but you also are able to sit down and merge magazines, taking bullets from 2 half full ones and making 1 full magazine. I miss that from a lot of games, minor details but it adds to the immersion.

Arma isn't all amazing though, it has some massive flaws on the AI side, with that the feks enemy tank crew, which have AK-74SU's which are very shortened crew based AK's in a small caliber, and when guns are very short, the propellant(smokeless gunpowder) doesnt get to burn its full potential behind the bullet before it has exited the barrel, and thus not being able to push it to its full potential velocity, and in turn making the bullet drop really fast and be inaccurate. Those tank crews are still able to shoot with accuracy out to 800 meters where you're laying with a fucking sniper rifle and you cant hit shit but they manage to score you in the head with those TINY fucking ak's :lol: usually fixed in ACE though, cant wait for ACE 2 for Arma 2 :lol:

And a side note; Game devs need to learn that Russia haven't used AK-47's since like forever, and no terrorists have ever used AK-47's. Now you might be asking "why Frank, why is that, you belligerent elitist gun nut?". And oh i shall answer. You see, AK-47's are REALLY rare, they were the original steel milled AK's, made way back in the 40's and possibly very early 50's. Only a handful were made.
Untill they realized that handmilling assault rifles like this was really inefficient and not profitable. So they discovered that stamping the recievers/bodies of the AK out of steel was vastly more efficient. And these models are "AKM's", not AK-47. less than 1% of AK models today are AK-47, the rest are AKM and its variations, AK-74(a newer version featuring a smaller caliber to compete with USA's M16 rifles), AK-101/103/107 and 108.

... I'm gonna get flamed :lol:
Well why don't you just go play army IRL if you don't like any games :lol:

I like games, i already said that :loco:

Its just their crap about realism when it's fantasy land :p

And i actually did, but i got temporarily discharged when i got a massive attack of pneumonia :( shitsux
I like games, i already said that :loco:

Its just their crap about realism when it's fantasy land :p

I'd like to play on a massive game with teamspeak and all that. Would be awesome.

And i actually did, but i got temporarily discharged when i got a massive attack of pneumonia :( shitsux



Oh :( Shame to hear that.

Unlucky brah, I tell you what game is awesome. Postal 2. What other fps game can you hit a gimp with a shovel and urinate on Gary Coleman?


Shoving cats on shotguns is also awesome.