The Game Thread

Diablo II
Starcraft (Can't help it, I'm Korean. It's our national sport.)
Warcraft III
Pokemon Gold & Silver
Half Life 2
Call of Duty 4
can't really think of anymore..........
All of the characters in 8 were bland as fuck.

The story was about futuristic college students ffs.

And the junctioning system was horrible.

The guys all looked like the cast off of a bad 90's teen soap opera thing.

And did I mention how horrible junctioning was?

The only thing that game had going for it was a decent intro video.

Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 7, and Final Fantasy 9 are the ones I actually enjoyed the most, and don't start the "fanboi" bullshit, because I was maybe 10 when Final Fantasy 7 came out...

Enjoyed 7 aswell and the Junctioning System in 8 was fucking superb.
If you couldn't understand it then thats your own fault for being a tardis.
Me and my cousin replayed 8 this year and I swear to god it was the best gaming escapade I've ever had. We totally fucking owned it.


What's the deal about the whole Final Fantasy series. Never touched anything about it, EVER >8(

Damn weeabos >8(

Enjoying the FF series has fuck all to do with being a weeabo. Tbf you're only missing out.

FF8 is easily my favourite game ever
Diablo II
Starcraft (Can't help it, I'm Korean. It's our national sport.)
Warcraft III
Pokemon Gold & Silver
Half Life 2
Call of Duty 4
can't really think of anymore..........

Nice list

.. except the fact that Starcraft is a 1998 game :p

C'mon people, if the games is pretty aging at least take the time to dig up the release date to be sure, It's not like its gonna cost you that many seconds :p
Enjoying the FF series has fuck all to do with being a weeabo. Tbf you're only missing out.



Young feminime boy with ridicoulously big hair, oversized sword, it's just like watching an anime ffs.
@ Ensi:


A game off your Top 10 :rolleyes: Not to mention it has an all-out anime-style 2D opening video; the game is more anime than FF is (not to mention that it basically copies a better half of its ideas directly from GiTS. If you think this makes you a "weaboo" (which means that you're misusing the term), then who are you to talk :p

Get over it, I'm not sure wtf is up with the trend that says its kewl to diss anything anime-styled. Sounds like sth angry 13 y.o. kids would come up with.
It's the only thing I have enjoyed that has been slightly anime'ish, and I don't like it because of that. I like it because of the awesome combat system.

Now shut up and get back to your Naruto and tentacle porn >8(
Fuck i have Oni, should install it again and have a go at it. I remember why i quit though, after a while it started, like every fucking game, to focus too much on guns. Same with stealth games, initial gameplay is gold, then for some reason they gotta turn it into a mediocre FPS because they cant think of a way to get some fucking momentum going without run and gun
Fuck i have Oni, should install it again and have a go at it. I remember why i quit though, after a while it started, like every fucking game, to focus too much on guns. Same with stealth games, initial gameplay is gold, then for some reason they gotta turn it into a mediocre FPS because they cant think of a way to get some fucking momentum going without run and gun

Yeah, I noticed that as well.

I often holstered my gun only to fight melee, because it was so awesome.
It's the only thing I have enjoyed that has been slightly anime'ish, and I don't like it because of that. I like it because of the awesome combat system.

Did anyone here say anything about liking the games because they're anime-styled? I think, you're the first, sir. Aand, by your definition you're now a "weaboo" because you played a game that has a strong anime vibe (not a slight one as you claim). Congrats :loco:

Or maybe you could stfu, get over yourself and stop being such a kid ;)

Fuck i have Oni, should install it again and have a go at it. I remember why i quit though, after a while it started, like every fucking game, to focus too much on guns. Same with stealth games, initial gameplay is gold, then for some reason they gotta turn it into a mediocre FPS because they cant think of a way to get some fucking momentum going without run and gun

Well, the most it can be is a TPS, not FPS :lol: Still, if you'd like more hth and less shooting, go for Capcom titles like DMC or Chaos Legion. That's not what Oni is, although you still CAN play through the game w/o much gunning (which I did), but it gets boring fast. The biggest problem w/ the game is that it's unfinished, with barren backgrounds, copy-paste rooms, and lots of unimplemented features (like MP).