The Game Thread

Well, the most it can be is a TPS, not FPS :lol: Still, if you'd like more hth and less shooting, go for Capcom titles like DMC or Chaos Legion. That's not what Oni is, although you still CAN play through the game w/o much gunning (which I did), but it gets boring fast. The biggest problem w/ the game is that it's unfinished, with barren backgrounds, copy-paste rooms, and lots of unimplemented features (like MP).

:erk: Do you have social issues or something?
More Dragonage, really digging it now.
Mainly because I can't find a DnD group, so I feel like I'm doing the same : /
L4D2 versus/scavenge modes are really good. I hated versus in the 1st one but with all the new special infected there's more strategies that can be done.
ITT: Hey look at me im so old-school playing games released when I wasnt even born!
Because this guy takes every chance he gets to say something condescending about a new game and go on about the merits of older games. As I've said before, it's ridiculously obvious that he's just trying to seem "oh so alternative/old school". He needs to realize that none of us give the slightest little bit of shit.
As I've said before, it's ridiculously obvious that he's just trying to seem "oh so alternative/weeabo/fat".

Fixed. If I was really feinding for Pen and Paper games I'd play one of many better ones than DnD which my friends and roommates play anyway... I'm making a zombie survival game :D. DA:O is fun, the encounter to encounter thing is a bit boring so far, but boss fights and story have been keeping me interested. Damn Bioware and their ability to make addicting characters!

Now, I'll bite for the troll. What would you say is better as a DnD substitute, seeing as I picked "the worst". I would have assumed the Need for Speed serious was a bit worse than a fantasy RPG using a D20 rule set with a four person party where you assign a tank, healer and damage roles....or anything like that.
Oh and anyone here remember Populous: The Beginning? It was one of my favorite games when i was younger :D
This is the game thread, why even bother calling someone a geek. And many people here are incapable of accepting different taste/perspective, why does this guy even bother you.

You don't have to be a geek to play games. I called him a geek because it seems like every time someone mentions a game this guy has something to say about it.

On topic: Anyone here played Max Payne and Max Payne 2? I loved both, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna like Max Payne 3, it looks too different.
Also, does anyone know what's happening with Diablo III?